Uchiha Jing walked into the familiar laboratory with firm steps and walked straight to Tobirama.

After so many days of high-intensity fighting, his vision had become blurred. Even if Tobirama stood in front of him, he could not see Tobirama’s face clearly. The overlapping light and shadow became a blurred outline in his eyes.

At the same time, his face was very pale. The long war made him exhausted, and he had to pretend to be invincible in front of his companions on the front line.

His body was getting weaker day by day. In the past two days, he had symptoms of hemoptysis.

If it weren’t for the spirit in his chest, he would have been unable to hold on.

Tobirama first injected the prepared Ghost Bud Luo solution into Jing’s body through intravenous infusion. This process lasted for more than 3 hours.

At first, Jing didn’t feel anything special, but as time went on, he felt that his whole body was filled with a very soft breath, flowing all over his body. Under the influence of this force, he seemed to be unable to feel his own existence, as if he had merged with nature.

After the infusion was completed, he stood up dizzy, his chakra seemed to have turned into a quagmire, he could not muster any strength, and his whole body was as soft as candy.

“The experiment is complete, accept your fate and power.”

Tobirama handed over the injection in his hand, his deep and deep voice was full of solemnity, and in the syringe, a pool of pure golden solution was crystal clear, and under the light, it was shining with a sacred glimmer.

Jing took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, and the moment he took the injection, the scenes of fighting on the battlefield in the past, the faces of his companions, and the brutal expressions of the enemy flashed in his mind like a revolving lantern.

At this moment, except for the belief of fighting to the death, he had no other thoughts!

He turned the needle without hesitation, pierced the artery at the neck, and pushed it in!


The injection fell to the ground and shattered into glass shards all over the ground.

The mirror image lost control of his body. His knees softened and he knelt on the ground with a plop. His hands were weakly supporting the floor. Even though the glass pierced his palm deeply and the blood flowed on the floor, he was completely unconscious.

In his body, the golden gene fluid was turning into golden threads. As the blood flowed through his body, it penetrated into his cells bit by bit and inch by inch, devouring each other and merging with each other…

The mirror opened his eyes wide, and the Mangekyō Sharingan opened automatically, emitting an incomparable scarlet light.

He panted violently, as if he wanted to inhale all the air in the world into his lungs. His skin quickly turned red, like a shrimp placed on a steamer.

With blue veins exposed and ravines crisscrossed, he felt that the blood in his body was boiling and burning!

Under the neutralization of the Ghost Bud Luo solution, the gene fluid of the pillar began to combine with his cells. The genes were reorganized over and over again, activating the mysterious unknown sequence, and an amazing transformation was taking place from the inside out!

Tobirama stayed where he was, observing the changes in Jing in a daze. On his usually calm face, a rare expression of surprise appeared, and his heart was beating wildly.

He knew very well that the success or failure at this moment would determine the fate of Konoha.

Gradually, Jing’s breathing eased, and the flushed skin faded. Hot air came out of his pores, and the air was visibly distorted.

At a certain moment, he underwent a transformation like a reborn.

The blood rushed through his blood vessels, like a river after the ice thawed, and every cell breathed wildly and with all its strength like a spring bud. This was a completely different feeling from before.

On the smooth floor, the originally bright red blood turned into red gold, and the wound on his palm slowly healed, emitting a faint heat.

Endless vitality flowed in his body, high-pressure blood flow washed his whole body, incredible subtle changes penetrated into every cell, his weak heart beat like a war drum, squeezing out hot blood, he couldn’t help but let out a hoarse roar.

In the surprised eyes of Tobirama, Uchiha Jing slowly stood up, his black hair moved without wind, and the rich chakra like wine even overflowed from his body!

Jing opened his eyes, his vision regained clarity, and his bright red eyes turned into a deep dark red.

“I, did it.”

“Now you, with the yin and yang power gathered in your body, are no longer the same as before.” Tobirama breathed a sigh of relief, and his nerves, which had been tense for almost a winter, finally relaxed.

After walking out of the research institute, Jing looked at his fist, slowly clenched it, and couldn’t help but punch it out!

A strong air wave suddenly burst out, and a dark red beast flew out and smashed into the mountain fiercely.

Uchiha Jing slowly closed his fist, feeling the vigorous energy in his body, and couldn’t help but smile.

On the Kikyo Mountain front, on the battlefield filled with smoke, there were flashes of swords and shadows.Blood was gushing out.

The ninjas who were performing ninjutsu against each other were shocked by this scene and could not help but stop.

“Damn brat!!!!”

The rocks exploded, and Jinjiao, who had already completed the half-tailed beast transformation, roared to the sky. The violent nine-tailed chakra was like a raging sea, shaking the air.

He dug the ground with his four claws, and rushed over again in disbelief, and a red shadow instantly killed him!

Jing easily saw through his attack route, and while avoiding his claws sideways, his fist hit Jinjiao’s chest like a cannonball, and the surging energy spread again!

Jinjiao shot back at a faster speed.

“Brat! I don’t believe you can protect everyone!”

Jinjiao was furious, and began to accumulate power regardless of anything. As the six long tails closed together, the air suddenly became heavy, and a dark purple ball quickly took shape.

“Tailed Beast Balls·Continuous Shooting!”

He opened his mouth wide, and watermelon-sized Tailed Beast Balls turned into deadly red light, shooting in all directions, and the trajectory landed in the direction of the various families and teams of Konoha!

However, Jing did not rush to him to stop him as usual, nor did he hurriedly use Flying Thunder God to escape with his companions.

He still stood there, clasping his hands.

Now, he not only inherited Hashirama’s will of fire, but also inherited his power!

“Wood Release·Flower Tree World Birth!”

The ground was suddenly torn apart in the violent earthquake, and countless huge vines emerged like bamboo shoots after rain, turning into a rolling sea of ​​trees and spreading rapidly, with a fresh green color in a radius of thousands of feet.

The Tailed Beast Balls released by the half-tailed beast body were immediately not good enough.

Red lights smashed into the forest, like a drop in the ocean. With the sound of trees breaking, they advanced only a few dozen meters before being wiped out by the power of Wood Release.

This was not over yet. As several huge flowers emerged from the deep forest, the thick yellow pollen was scattered by the wind, filling the battlefield in an instant.

Under Jing’s deliberate control, the pollen did not float into the Konoha camp, but instead filled the Cloud Hidden Ninja camp.

Now, whether it was the jonin or the chuunin, they all fell backwards like wheat being cut, unconscious.

“Wood Release: Tree Binding and Eternal Burial!”

Jing’s hand seals changed, and waves emerged from the sea of ​​trees. Countless giant vines rushed over, completely devouring and burying all the unconscious Cloud Ninjas!

“Damn it! Let’s retreat!”

Seeing that his methods were useless, Jinjiao retreated immediately, covering the Cloud Ninjas who were not in danger to retreat from their positions.

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