For Kamiya Ruri, today should have been a rather leisurely day.

The "Metropolitan No. 1 High School" she studied in "Tokyo Metropolitan. Minato" is a six-day school every week, and it is closed on Sundays.

So after getting up early in the morning, Ruri first went to look at the situation on Ryuto's side and found that he hadn't woke up before returning to the study to read a book.

Ruri reads almost a hundred books every year, many of which are still obscure ancient and foreign books.

If it's not a glance, ten lines, a strong memorization, and a strong comprehension ability, it is definitely impossible to put so much knowledge into the mind.

Puff! However, just as Ruri was sitting in the study room, a gunshot faintly came from the guest room.

This is...gunfire? And it's coming from the room where Ryuto lives?

Ruri's five senses are also very keen, and she immediately stood up and walked outside.

"Eldest Miss, there may be danger over there, you should wait here."

But before reaching the door, Izayoi Mai blocked Ruri's way.

Although I don’t know what happened, since gunfire came, it means that something must have happened in the guest room.

The only people over there are steward Nekoyashiki Tunomaru, and Kiryu Ryuto lying on the bed.

No matter what happens, it is not suitable for Eldest Miss's past environment.

"Get out of the way." But Ruri doesn't eat this set at all.

She rightly said: "This is my home. No matter what happens, I have the qualifications and necessity that I know immediately."

"This... ..."

Before Mai can react, Ruri has pushed her away at the pace of not recognizing one's family.

Eldest Miss...Hey.

In desperation, Mai had to follow behind and walked towards the guest room together.

When he came outside the guest room, Ruri realized that there were already a lot of waiters and guards there, but no one dared to go in.

After all, everyone knows that Nekoyashiki's boss is inside. They can't get in and intervene if there is anything, so they can only wait outside.

But Ruri had no such concerns. She walked towards the door and asked loudly: "Tunomaru? What's the matter, why are there gunshots inside?"

Out, Tunomaru's face is really blue.

Opportunity! Ryuto over there also put the long needle on his hand into his neck, just planning to give Tunomaru the ultimate touch.

Seeing that Eldest Miss was about to push the door and break in, Tunomaru finally couldn't bear the suffering and chose to surrender.

"Okay, I promise you."

Although it is only five words, it seems to be the five most uncomfortable words that Tunomaru has said in his life.

Men's promise, and the patron saint ninja is even more so.

In desperation, Tunomaru can only agree to Ryuto's request and do one thing for him.

With the strength of this old steward, what he can do is really a very wide range, and it is almost the same as Allah Deng Ding.

From this point of view, this touch of porcelain incident is simply a gift to Ryuto.

Very good. Seeing Tunomaru finally confessed, Ryuto also put away the long needle in his hand like lightning.

oh la la! As soon as Ryuto closed the needle, Ruri rushed in with Mai pushing the door.

"You two, what's the matter...?"

When I heard the gunshots, Ruri thought it was Tunomaru and Ryuto. After the conflict, it even reached the point of using a knife and a gun.

Who knew that when he first walked in, Ruri was startled by the strange scene in front of him.

Because these two men, who might have been desperate for their lives, are standing side by side in front of the painting "Ame No Uzume", having a friendly to weird conversation.

"Master Ryuto, what do you think of this painting?"

Tunomaru stretched out his white gloved hand to the picture scroll on the wall, the portrait of Divine Idol of the witch It is shining on this old steward.

"Very good." Ryuto is hands behind ones back, posing like a connoisseur.

"What is a good way?"

"This Goddess painting does not focus on the lines in a conventional way, but focuses on showing the changes in light and shadow, showing the " "Impressionism School" painter’s unique beauty is a good painting with at least one hundred years of history."

"Your comment is really accurate, although this picture scroll was drawn by a painter of the "Dahe School" , And the actual drawing time was yesterday, and the ink above hasn’t dried up yet."

"Is that right, hahahaha, Steward Tunomaru are also knowledgeable people, not bad, not bad."


Suddenly, Ryuto smiled happily, without the shame that he had just been talking nonsense and was exposed on the spot.

What are these two people doing...mental disorder?

Originally, Ruri thought about seeing the two in the dragon wars, the tiger battles after coming in, but they were touting each other instead? And it's too ridiculous, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed.

At this time, the two also turned around and turned their eyes to Young Lady Ruri.

"Eldest Miss, this old steward of yours is really interesting, I appreciate it."

"Yes...Is it? The gunfire just now was What's the matter?"

Ruri's brow twitched a little, and looked towards the paper bag on the ground.

There is a pistol in the paper bag that was put back by Tunomaru sometime, and the muzzle of the pistol still has a slight smell of gunpowder.

"I have some experience in using guns, so I was instructing Master Ryuto to use the gun, but he accidentally went off for a while. It was because I neglected his duty and disturbed Eldest Miss."


Tunomaru is also a liar, and he bowed to Ruri quickly, showing a look of sincerity and fear.

However, this is nonsense.

Ruri can think of the facts with his ass. It is definitely not what Tunomaru said. After all, no one would teach people how to use a gun in the guest room.

The two of them must have had a dispute just now, and then they used some means to reconcile...No, just reconcile in front of me?

Although I don’t know what the hell is happening at this one old and one young, but Ruri can’t hold on to it for the time being.

After all, looking at the expressions of the two guys, they would definitely not tell the truth to Ruri.

So she immediately beckoned to Ryuto, said with a smile: "Ryuto classmate, you are hungry, let's go to eat first."

It's time now It was noon, Ruri didn't eat lunch, and Ryuto was already too hungry.

So he replied without the slightest hesitation: "Okay, then let's find a quiet place and eat and talk slowly."

Speaking of which, Ryuto I also glanced at Tunomaru clearly, and the eyebrows all looked like a small man intoxicated by success.

Messy Old Man, I am going to eat with your Eldest Miss now, any comments?

Just hold back, don’t forget that you still owe me something to do, hehehe.

When seeing Ryuto's tugging appearance, Tunomaru felt the feeling of being broken inside for the first time.


When Ruri took Ryuto out of the guest room and walked towards the corner of "Kamiya House", Tunomaru had to shake his head and walked out, looking like a defeated rooster.

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