"Sorry, it was Steward Tunomaru who caused you trouble just now."

When Ryuto walked out of the guest room with Eldest Miss, many servants were stunned. When he came down to the corridor, Ruri said to him with a wry smile.

When he left, Ruri deliberately rejected the attendant, and even Mai did not let her follow, just to have a good chat with Ryuto.

Although I don't know what happened inside, Ruri is not stupid. I can think about it and think it must be Tunomaru's first hand.

After all, Kamiya's family has been the most aware of the restrictions on Ruri's interpersonal communication for so many years.

From when he was conscious, Ruri hardly even had a male friend.

It's not that there is no boyfriend, but that there is no male friend, which is very outrageous.

In school, almost all men who try to approach her will receive serious warnings and even threats.

Of course, Kiryu Ryuto himself was warned by the Kamiya family more than one or two times.

It’s just that they are Yakuza Young Master after all. Being warned of threats is just commonplace, so naturally you won’t be scared.

But judging from the gunshots just now, it seems that the Kamiya family is no longer satisfied with using simple warnings and intimidation to deal with Ryuto. Instead, they have chosen the real style.

However, Ryuto hearing this smiled and replied: "Actually, the old steward only warned me a little bit, telling me not to have any close contact with you, and other bad luck."

As someone who actually took advantage, Ryuto didn't intend to stabbing Nekoyashiki Tunomaru in the back, after all, he had to ask others to do things.

So Ruri asked curiously: "Really, how did you answer?"

"My answer...Do you really want to hear it? "

Speaking of this, Ryuto showed a slightly ridiculous smile, although it still seemed to be laughing more wickedly.

"Go ahead, we are partners now, there is nothing we can't say."

"I like you, I will marry you in the future."

Ryuto Before he could say anything, Ruri slipped his feet and performed an astonished fall in the hallway on the spot.

This! This this this this this this this!

I asked you to talk about your answer, but did not let you confess, and I will definitely marry me what the hell is that!

As soon as he fell forward, Ruri only felt that his blood pressure rose rapidly, and a puff of blood rushed to the top of the head, causing him to be top-heavy and pounce on the street on the spot.

But before Ruri fell to the ground, a powerful arm had already picked him up from in midair.

With Ryuto's physical ability now, it is not a big problem to hug the lady who fell down next to him, and Ruri is really light.

Although the figure of this woman is not particularly petite, she is supple as if boneless, and her arms are soft.

"This seems to be the second time you fell on me, but this time it should not be caused by low blood sugar."

After putting that slender body into his arms , Ryuto lightly said with a smile in his ear.

When being held by someone, Ruri only felt that his breathing immediately stopped for a few seconds.

Warm and masculine masculine, solid shoulders and chest.

If I said that the last time I fell into Ryuto's arms in the warehouse, it was caused by dizziness, and I didn't feel that clear.

Then this time is different, after all, Ruri is completely sane.

For the first time in so many years, she is so close to men of the same age.

So that when standing still, Ruri's face has become red, like a cute big apple.

Of course, this panic only lasted for a few seconds.

After taking a deep breath, Ruri turned his head and angrily said: "Let you talk about what happened, who gave you the opportunity to confess, shameless."

"Not here Take the opportunity to confess, that was my answer to Steward Tunomaru just now."

"You told Tunomaru...you really said that to him?"

"Of course It’s all from the bottom of my heart."

Whether it is facing Nekoyashiki Tunomaru or Kamiya Ruri himself, Ryuto does not intend to conceal his desires at all.

Yes, I just like Young Lady Ruri, what's so shame about this?

A real man dare to be a real man, not to mention that he has tried cutting his head with a machete, bullets piercing his chest, acupuncture with long needles, and bursting his head. Ryuto really doesn't think he has anything to fear.

However, after hearing Ryuto's statement this time, Ruri did not blush, but could not help being sighed.

What a fool like he has never seen before...It's not that he doesn't know the consequences of doing this.

After a while, she reluctantly said: "Come with me. There are some things that need to be clarified to you."

Is there something to be clear? No way, do you even find a place to refuse me?

Looking at Ruri's fast-departing back, Ryuto had to follow along silently.

Although he expressed his feelings just now, he never thought that Ruri would give any positive feedback.

After all, although their relationship has improved a bit, it is obviously not enough to confess success.

As the two walked through corridors and came to a courtyard enclosed by columnar fences, what appeared to Ryuto was a small shrine.

A pure white torii is built in front of the shrine to remind visitors that there is a sacred area in front of them and they should maintain a humble attitude.

The zigzag "Zhuliansheng" made of straw represents the sacred boundary and is tied to the surrounding trees.

In the not-so-large main hall, there is a Divine Idol made of white jade. The Divine Idol is similar in size to a daoist and is doing dance-like movements.

When I came to the head of that female Divine Idol, Ruri lifts the head to look at the face that was already vomiting, and said without emotion: "This is the god that our Kamiya family has always worshipped. , "Ame No Uzume Maiden"."

"Ame No Uzume Maiden... seems to be the god of witches? Is it said to be the earliest maiden?"

"Yes, the female direct blood relatives of the Kamiya family will come here to pray for an hour, regardless of weather conditions, to pray for spiritual power from the gods."

"Cut." When Ryuto heard this explanation, Ryuto disdain Snorted.

"It's so stupid. Instead of spending so much time praying for the dead, it's better to spend time on yourself...ah, sorry."

Ryuto Being an atheist, he naturally has no good feelings for this ancient and primordial ceremony, but he hastily stopped and didn't go on.

After all, Ruri is the Eldest Miss of "Kamiya's". She grew up with these things, and said these things in front of her didn't seem very good.

However, Ruri was nodded when he heard Ryuto's words that clearly contained contempt.

Then she said in an obviously angry tone: "It is true. Praying to this kind of garbage is just a waste of time, a waste of life, and even a chronic murder."

What? Ryuto couldn't help being frightened when she heard Ruri's cursing harsher than her own.

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