"Yesterday morning, a community in Yanjiang City was transformed into "Instance: Colored Dust" because a vicious sacrificial ceremony took place in the community. Doomsday believers constructed a ritual to summon the outer god "Star Ring". "

"In a fishing village along the coast of Jinghai City, monsters with fish heads and human bodies suddenly appeared. They cut open their stomachs and drank their intestines, crushed their skulls and sucked their marrow, and killed 35 innocent citizens. Eventually, this place changed and formed "Instance: Youhe". "

"If you are unfortunately involved, please do not panic, check the rules carefully, the authorities will do their best to rescue you..."

In the dark night, the drizzle was falling, and in the luxurious villa area, a young man with blood on his body was sitting.


Su Miao wiped the blood on his hands, picked up the remote control expressionlessly, and turned off the TV.

He killed someone, and two bodies were lying in a pool of blood, a man and a woman, aged between 30 and 40.

I finally avenged my parents with my own hands, not by finishing college and using legal means.

As a freshman, as a student, he succeeded in revenge in such a barbaric way It seems like an irony at this moment.

These two people were once competitors of his parents. In the end, they hired a killer to kill someone, which led to the destruction of Su Miao's family. Su Miao, who once had parents, now ended up as an orphan.

The law did not punish these two bastards. They have assets of over 100 million yuan and are extremely powerful. The authorities did not find any substantial evidence and could only release them on bail without any pain.

He did not regret killing his enemies.

Now Su Miao has called the police and is sitting quietly on the sofa, waiting for the official organization to arrive.

The moonlight outside the house is quiet and the stars are speechless.

A vicious stream of light from the starry sky suddenly rushed towards the earth, covering this villa area, At this moment, the entire villa area was shattered...

At this moment, Su Miao stared at the clock strangely with a puzzled expression.

The second hand slowed down, from the previous accurate one-second jump to the current two-second jump...

Time and space seemed to condense, the air was sticky, and the hands on the clock slowed down and finally stopped.

What happened?

Su Miao wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't move at all!

Suddenly, the floor collapsed, and part of the floor broke like building blocks. After a short flip, it returned to its original state.

At the same time, the ceiling, chandelier, and TV all experienced such changes, all began to break, and then reassembled.

The reassembled place was already covered with A faint trace of light blue.


Su Miao did not expect that after he killed his parents and enemies, he would encounter a copy!

The collapse was still spreading, and soon it spread to Su Miao. He did not resist, but allowed himself to be torn into pieces by some force, and then reassembled.

Perhaps, he could become a "player". Rumor has it that players have supernatural powers and abilities.

That is a power that overrides rules and order.

Similar to the end of the data-based reorganization, the whole world seemed to fall into darkness. Su Miao did not panic, but waited quietly in place.

[Dear players, welcome to the copy "Heavenly Egg", please survive. ]

In the darkness, several rows of light blue text floated in the air, and below the blue font, Su Miao was standing below.

[It is detected that the player is entering the copy for the first time. Do you want to extract your profession? 】

Su Miao took a deep breath and uttered two words: "Extract."

Originally, Su Miao thought that with the corrupt officials and the hidden power of the enemy, his revenge would end here, but now that he has become a player, it seems that he can carry out his revenge to the end.

He has too many things to do. The mastermind is dead, and there are accomplices to eliminate. What he also needs to face is the revenge of the enemy family. Things have developed to the point where they are out of control.

Even if there are terrible weird and terrifying monsters in the copy, he has to kill them. The arrow is on the string and has to be shot!

The blue font changes again, and the latest two lines of words appear.

[Extraction completed, your profession is——]

["God Killer"]

God Killer? The name sounds different from the "player so-and-so" in the news...

Just when Su Miao was thinking about the name of the profession, these lines of fonts suddenly turned into a blue stream of light and slid into his body.

This was very sudden, and Su Miao had no time to prepare. As the light entered his body, he knelt on one knee in pain with severe pain all over his body.

Su Miao said nothing, half-knelt on the ground and trembled all over. The pain in his body was far less than the pain in his heart.

[The profession has been inherited, the exclusive skills have been automatically activated, and the "God Slayer" exclusive weapon has been placed in your personal backpack. ]

[Welcome to the copy "Heavenly Egg"]

The blue font disappearsLost, the darkened world around suddenly lit up. Although it was still dark, it was much better than the pitch-black darkness before.

The surrounding scene did not change much. It was still dark. It was drizzling outside. The warm-toned table lamp in the villa illuminated the gorgeous furniture in the villa.

At this time, several lines of white fonts appeared in Su Miao's sight, as if they were tattooed on the eyeballs. Whether the perspective was shaking or closing his eyes, Su Miao could see these lines of white fonts.

The text content is as follows:

Copy: "Heavenly Egg"

Difficulty: 2 stars

Copy introduction: Human babies are not only premature babies, but also bring great pain to the birthers. All the wisdom of the newborn must be relearned. This is the price of eating the forbidden fruit. When the desire of human reproduction begins to prevail, it will bring more deformities and pain, and this is the prosperous branches bred by the twisted curse.

Main task: Please survive.


Su Miao took a deep breath, and he began to sort out information and make plans, which has always been his principle.

First of all, according to the copy introduction, the copy is likely to be related to reproduction and fertility. Although he doesn't know why the "system" chooses people to participate in the copy, Su Miao's own purpose is very clear, to complete the copy and gain power.

Only by gaining power can one revenge and protect what he wants to protect. In the past, it can be called money and power, but now it is more specific, that is, power, a powerful force that transcends rules and overrides rules.

After a brief thought, Su Miao set his sights on the main task, which is to survive, and the difficulty coefficient is only 2 stars.

This explains a lot of problems. Although there are only 2 stars, it is extremely dangerous for newcomers. Otherwise, the task could not be to survive, but to pass the copy or complete a certain task.

"Information bar."

Su Miao tried to speak, and as his thoughts flashed, a few lines of white words appeared in his retina, which could be awakened or closed at will.

Of course, you don't need to shout it out, you just need to think of "information bar" in your mind to wake up the system.

1: Personal information

2: Backpack

3: Skills

4: Equipment

5: Tasks

6: Dungeon channel

Dungeon channel, does it mean that players in the dungeon can communicate freely in the channel? This is very friendly to some weaker players, who can team up with each other.

Su Miao thought about it for a while, and finally tapped his finger in the air and entered the dungeon channel.

Player (Liu Tao): Damn, someone is dead. We were hiding in the house, and one of our friends wanted to go out. He took a step and half of his body was gone...

Player (Zhang Mei): Help, a black shadow suddenly ran over. My best friend's head was smashed. I dare not come out of the bathroom. Is there anyone to save me...

Player (He Zilong): Everyone should stay in the house as a group. Don't stay in the dark or alone. If you get separated from the main group, stay in a bright place...

Just when the urgency of the dungeon channel was full, an extremely discordant system prompt sounded in the dungeon channel.

[System warning: "God Slayer" has joined the dungeon channel. 】

Su Miao

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