However, Su Miao had never seen the "Time and Space Thief" before, and had only heard of his name for the first time, so where should he find this guy...

Su Miao stroked the crystal fragment, put it in his pocket, and said to Lucy: "Lucy, can you still find this thing?"

"Woof woof!"

Lucy wanted to speak, but found that she could only bark. She looked at Su Miao with her big black eyes for a while, nodded and shook her head.

"You mean, I can find it, but there is nothing nearby?"

Lucy nodded excitedly, circled around Su Miao twice, and seemed very happy.

Su Miao nodded. Since the subspace is a one-way channel, he doesn't need to worry so much, just go in one direction.

At present, because of the subspace law, even "Star Color" cannot be used, let alone killing the "contaminated".

Su Miao thought for a while and tried to take out a piece of iron ore from the backpack, but this time he succeeded in taking out the item.

That is to say, only weapons and armor are restricted by the laws of space, while some items are not included in the laws.

That is to say, the equipment dropped by the system has the system's mark, which may conflict with the laws of the subspace, while ordinary items do not have such restrictions.

"Lucy, here."

After throwing the iron ore to Lucy, Su Miao prepared to take Lucy to continue exploring.

Lucy's ability to smell the space crystals should be related to the treasure-hunting attribute of the "Fissure Interventionist". After all, the "Fissure Interventionist" liked to collect collections before he was alive.


Inferior subspace, maze throne.

This is a starry hall. The whole building is a semicircular space. The top is like an open coconut, revealing a strange starry sky. There are two or three not-so-big stars shining, making the hall bright.

In the hall, there are crystal cabinets, and in the cabinets, there are all kinds of wet mummies.

They were made into various shapes, some with mushrooms growing on their skeletons, many places were covered with terrible mycelium, and strange light flowed in the bone gaps.

There was also a creature, a beautiful woman, but her internal organs were hollowed out, revealing the hideous wound on her empty belly. She had no obvious female characteristics, and the only proof that she was once a woman was her fair skin.

In addition, many parts of her body were cut off, and most of her body was carved with strange triangles or circles by a carving knife.

"What a pity..."

In the center of the hall, a mysterious creature wearing a black cloak was sighing.

He was wearing a cloak and his appearance was not clear, but judging from his height, he was estimated to be about 3 meters tall. The most terrifying thing was that he actually carried a long knife covered with blood.

"My greatest work in the subway, I can't feel her existence, what a pity..."

He sighed and looked at the woman on the shelf in front of him with a sadness that was difficult to conceal.

"Graceful girl, the transformation product that dances forever in the starry sky, I dug up the bellies of dozens of players before I successfully transformed one..."

He cried and muttered to himself, holding a knife in one hand and covering his face with the other, as if he was really crying for the death of Graceful Girl.

Then, he suddenly stopped crying and looked at the silent woman on the shelf.

On a crystal-carved shelf, a woman was hanging by her hands, her whole body like a peeled sugarcane.

Her face was really beautiful, just like the perfect beauty that can only be depicted by AI, but her eyes lost focus at this moment, and her whole face turned pale, without any blood color, as if she had been played.

She was slender, with fair, smooth and elastic skin. The proportion of her upper body and lower body was in an amazing golden ratio. Her height was estimated to be about 1.8 meters. For the creature in the black robe, she was like a pillow.

It is worth noting that her entire body is covered by only a frosted black curtain covering the key parts, and many of her joints are penetrated by a thin crystal, making her unable to move at all.

"Haha, the player "Star Dancer", what a graceful body..."

He suddenly turned from sadness to joy, and looked at her again and again with greedy eyes in the hood.

"I have decided that you are the real graceful girl. I will transform you into a perfect creature that dances forever in the void."

"People who know you will die of old age, people you know will be forgotten by you, and the planets around you will be wiped out, but you will still dance, and you will become a solo dance before the destruction of the universe."

"Haha, I am really a genius. The main city really restricts our spirit and thoughts. Without the infusion of knowledge, we will never understand true art.With eternity..."

He suddenly stopped talking, shaking like a sieve, tears seemed to be rolling from his eyes, he said sadly: "Star Dancer, why don't you speak, is it because you don't want to be my last work, wuwuwu..."

"Ah ah!"

He stopped crying, roared angrily, and stabbed the long knife into the belly of the Star Dancer. Instantly a stream of bright red blood flowed from her abdomen, and the expressionless Star Dancer showed a painful look.

"Why don't you speak!"

He yelled and yelled like a madman, but suddenly took a breath, as if he couldn't believe that he had stabbed the Star Dancer..

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I forgot you can't speak..."

"I'm sorry, I deserve to die, I deserve to die! "

He suddenly drew out his long knife and chopped his head several times, and a few drops of blood flowed out of his black cloak.

"Please don't kill me, I didn't mean to destroy the exhibits..."

"You really, damn it!"

He roared again and stabbed his abdomen fiercely.

Angry abuse, crazy roars, sad crying, sincere apologies, crazy gestures.

Various completely different emotions and personalities appear in the same creature, what a terrifying scene...


"How is it, Lucy?"

"Woof woof!"

Lucy scratched with her claws, and a small piece of "low-grade subspace crystal" (fragment) was picked up by it, and then put into Su Miao's hand.

Including the space crystal fragments obtained before, Su Miao currently has a total of 5 pieces. He walked about 500 meters forward. According to this calculation, it is estimated that there is a space crystal fragment every 100 meters or so.

"Well done!"

Su Miao stuffed another piece of ore into Lucy's hand as a reward for finding so many space crystal fragments.

Just as Su Miao continued to explore forward, the space in front of him actually extended a 90-degree bend to the left. The passage ahead was still there, but there was an extra passage to the left.

Su Miao walked forward and touched the wall, then looked at the passage to the left. It was still endless, with no end in sight.

"Could this be a maze?"

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