This seems to be a huge maze, and these huge passages are the passages of the maze.

Su Miao hesitated a little, but still prepared to continue exploring on the right side. He still needed to find the guy named "Time and Space Thief".

Su Miao was not worried that he would go the wrong way if he walked around randomly, because Lucy seemed to have inherited the collection habit of the horror clown, and had an almost abnormal perception of spiritual objects.

Su Miao and Lucy dug as they walked, using Lucy's induction of space crystal fragments to avoid taking repeated roads.

These space crystal fragments are also stable enough. One can be found every 500 meters. Such a regular burial method also made Su Miao think of a special situation.

Perhaps these space crystal fragments are used to stabilize the subspace. Taking a small amount should not have any impact on the space, and taking a large amount...

Taking a large amount may cause the subspace to be unstable, but this is not a burden for Su Miao, anyway, it is not his own subspace.

So Su Miao told Lucy, take it, take it.

This subspace is indeed a bit weird. There is no light source but there is a weird light that illuminates the entire space. There is no ecological environment but there is air that can be breathed by humans.

So, the subspace here is likely to be mined by humans, and the subspace was opened up in a special way.

Su Miao doesn't think that the "polluted" has such great ability. He may just be a bewitched person. The existence behind him may be a subspace evil spirit or an incarnation of an outer god.

Just as Su Miao was thinking, the whole space began to vibrate, and a special ripple suddenly came from far to near, penetrating from the distant passage.

Su Miao squinted his eyes and was hit by this special ripple in an instant. He subconsciously closed his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, he found a weird scene.

Before, there was only a smooth black stone passage, but now it has become a weird and absurd scene.

In various places in the passage, there are all kinds of coral-like plants. They have some strange colors and sticky juices, like some ferns on Earth.

The bright light before also disappeared at this moment, replaced by a weird five-color light, like a mixed rainbow.

On the ground, there was a layer of sticky liquid. Because of the light, Su Miao couldn't see what color the mucus was, but the ubiquitous weirdness made Su Miao feel uncomfortable.

Su Miao had a blank expression on his face. He dipped a little of the mucus with his finger and then put it to the tip of his nose. He smelled a cold, bloody, and sticky smell.

"Similar to the mucus on the subway."

Su Miao concluded that the mucus in these passages was similar to that in the subway, and it was obviously from the same place.

But the viscosity and bloodiness of these mucus were much thicker than those in the subway.

If the bloody liquid in the subway was the product of killing more than a dozen players, then this thick and sticky liquid was densely spread over the entire huge space.

It is conceivable that the subspace is likely to be a bloody slaughterhouse.

The slime under his feet was piled up by thousands of dead creatures. This was a horrible meat grinder.

After analysis and speculation, Su Miao was sure that the inner and outer worlds were one of the inherent rules of the subspace. Every once in a while, it would transform into the outer world or the inner world.

The subway, the altar, and the graceful lady were obviously related to the subspace. They seemed to carry some rules of the subspace, so the switching between the inner and outer worlds appeared in the subway.

If you think about it this way, everything makes sense.

Su Miao's current goal is to find the "Star Dancer" who entered the subspace first, get more rules and information about the subspace from her, and get the location and ability of the "contaminated".

The second step is to find the "Dragonborn" and the "Time and Space Thief". The former can be used as a meat shield, and the latter may have items that unlock the use rights of the "Color of Stars", which is the "Breath of Annihilation" prompted by the system.

After the previous excavation, Lucy gave Su Miao 5 subspace crystal fragments, plus the previous excavation of 10 pieces in total, but I don’t know what the price of "time and space thief" is...

"Woof woof!"

At this moment, Lucy's dog barking interrupted Su Miao's thoughts.

Lucy stood up, stood back in the fog, pointed at the wall with her mechanical front paws, and shook her head.

"You said that the space structure has changed, and there are no space crystal fragments here?"

Su Miao asked back to confirm.

Lucy nodded heavily.

Su Miao also felt that various places in the inner world felt extremely dangerous. His danger instinct never stopped, as if the poisonous weeds on the roadside would cause him great harm..

At this moment, Su Miao suddenly felt a strong threat, and the source of the threat was behind him.

In the smelly and cold mucus, a skinny monster grew out of thin air. It changed from black and red to dark purple, and many joints were covered with bone spurs.

This is a "void hyena", a void hyena that grew out of the ground.

And the habits of hyenas also destined it to never appear alone. When you find one, it is equivalent to finding many.

Sure enough, behind the void hyena, a group of skinny guys appeared. They were silent, like dead and terrifying monsters.

"Lucy, get ready for battle."

Su Miao took a deep breath and reminded Lucy that Su Miao could not use "Star Color" at present. If it was a close combat, he could only rely on his own four dimensions.

"Woo woo!"

Lucy grinned. At this moment, it stood in front of Su Miao, staring at the void hyena.

The hyenas didn't seem to have any intention of attacking. They seemed to feel Su Miao's powerful aura and didn't take the initiative to attack. Instead, they looked around, as if they were alert to the surroundings.

And Su Miao knew why they didn't attack. This was because the hyenas were waiting for their companions. Once their dog king gave an order, these dirty guys would attack regardless of the consequences.

Su Miao didn't sit there and wait for death. Although his equipment couldn't be used, there were no rules restricting the items and they could be used normally.

Su Miao grabbed with both hands and took out two glass bottles from his backpack. The glass bottles contained half a bottle of silver liquid.

Item name: "Gaseous Mercury Bottle"

Item introduction: Release the terrifying mercury that merges with the air. The fused mercury will turn into gaseous mercury to cause great damage to the monsters.

The gaseous mercury bottle is indeed a good thing. Although there is no specific damage information, it is enough to deal with these void hyenas.

Su Miao currently has 61 bottles of "gaseous mercury bottles" left. He originally wanted to sell them, but he kept them because he was not short of money at the time. Looking back now, it was a wise decision.

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