Su Miao promised that she would never call Lucy a thin dog again. It has nothing to do with thinness except that it has something to do with dogs.

It seems that Lucy has lived a very comfortable life during the days when Su Miao was away...

Although her hunger was relieved, Lucy's current state is not suitable for fighting. She used to be able to fly seven or eight meters in the air, but now she can only fly a pitiful two centimeters.

Is Lucy going to become a space war pig and tear the space cracks to charge?

Then, Su Miao grabbed Lucy's fat ears and said sternly: "Lucy, lose weight for me, otherwise I will make you into a roasted pig."

Lucy looked at Su Miao aggrievedly. If she could speak, she would definitely say: "No matter how fat I am, I am still a dog. What does your roasting a whole pig have to do with me, Lucy..."

Then Su Miao kicked Lucy directly, and then locked her in the contracted creature slot, ready to let her lose weight in it.

When Su Miao wanted to leave, he found that there was a first-level arena ranking on the big screen in the lounge.

The first place at the top of the list was "God Slayer", which surprised Su Miao a little, and then he picked up the remote control and flipped it.

It didn't matter that he flipped it, it shocked Su Miao directly. The current ranking of the "Strongest Newcomer King" competition area is as follows.

First place: "God Slayer", points: 36580 points.

Second place: "Lava Sword Saint", points: 9580 points.

Third place: "Thunder Wizard", points 7782 points.

Thirty-six thousand points, directly surpassing the second place by nearly three times!

Don't say, although Lucy has eaten so much, she is directly screaming in terms of points, helping Su Miao directly to the top of the list, and even surpassing the second place by so much.

It is estimated that after the competition area is over, I will give myself a very good reward. It is not impossible to give Lucy a meal at that time, but it is better to put Lucy in the contract creature column and let her starve to lose weight.

In the future, Su Miao plans to continue to put Lucy in the arena, letting her help him fight, earning points and finding food, killing two birds with one stone.

Although there is a risk of obesity, as long as she is pulled out of the arena in time to lose weight, it is estimated that there will be no big problem.

There are only two days left before entering the dungeon world. Su Miao basically trained himself in the sword training room during these two days.

Every time he used "Steel Flash", he had a strange feeling. He always felt that this skill was about to be improved, but it was always a little short. It was estimated that it would be advanced soon, and it would be a big change.

Su Miao had about 5,000 game coins left. He planned to use it to buy some equipment or medicine to improve his physical fitness, so that he could have a greater chance of survival in the next Losman Continent.

When Su Miao came to the stall, he felt that he regretted it. There was almost no one setting up a stall at the stall. The items sold by the few stalls were equipment and shields, which were more difficult to sell. As for potions, they were directly extinct.

It seems that it is impossible to buy things in the "Taobao Market", and you can only go to a more formal exchange to buy.

In Su Miao's eyes, the stall is a treasure market. Maybe there are not only equipment or items that have been notarized by the main city and have quality assurance.

Usually, items that have been notarized by the main city can be transformed into equipment cards or item cards and stored in the backpack. It is also very convenient to take them out, and they can be converted from the state of items and cards at any time.

However, most of the items on the "Taobao Market" are not notarized by the main city, such as the potions rubbed by the alchemist, the technological gadgets made by himself, and Su Miao's own "gas mercury bottle".

Or the strange ores, metals and other props found in the dungeon can be sold, but the safety is not guaranteed.

Therefore, after completing the main task, all players will stay in the dungeon world after confirming that they will not be wiped out due to failure to complete the main task. They can mine or blackmail the natives in it. These are ways to increase income and get rich.

Game coins are not necessarily earned from the treasure chest after the dungeon ends. Many items in the dungeon have added value.

For example, a piece of smelly tentacles of the Outer God may be useless to you and may be just a pile of garbage, but for other players, it is the key to unlock the door to a new world and a new option for XP.

Let's take a very simple example. You found a strange piece of iron. It is useless to you, but in the hands of other players, it can be made into a variety of weapons, and even in part-time players "equipment maker" or "In the hands of the "blacksmith", the equipment made of this piece of iron can be faired in the main city, causing its price to soar.

To be ashamed, this is the truth that Su Miao has only realized recently. In the past, the source of his game coins was extortion and copy settlement.

In order to improve the survival rate of the copy, Su Miao had no choice but to come to the exchange again. No matter whether the things here are bought or sold, 5% of the transaction amount needs to be deducted. Once you buy and sell, 10% is gone. It is simply black-hearted.

But there is no way, who lets the exchange be the official building of the main city, with exclusive monopoly rights, which many people envy and hate, but it is just envy and jealousy.

Fortunately, there are still staff in the exchange. Su Miao walked into a room in the exchange. This is a lounge specially provided for buyers. Players can shop in it. This is very considerate.

Su Miao sat on the sofa, holding a tablet and began to shop for items. Of course, you can also project the items in the exchange onto the big screen, or use the remote control to shop, but Su Miao is slightly more familiar with tablets.

In the end, Su Miao spent 1,000 game coins to buy two "Radiation Seafood Meals".

Although the name sounds scary, the properties are still very good for Su Miao.

Item name: "Radiation Seafood Feast"

Quality: Light blue

Item properties:

"Fast Eater's Feast": The consumption time is 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the user's eating speed.

"Sweep Fatigue" After using, you will recover 40% of the consumed physical strength, and provide 1% physical strength recovery per minute in the next hour.

"A Crab with Five Claws": After eating, lose 1% of blood per minute for 1 hour.

"Three-headed Prawn" After eating, lose 0-1 san value per minute for 1 hour.

Item Introduction: A dirty island country dumped nuclear contaminated water into the ocean for its own selfish desires. At first, people only thought it was a nuclear pollution...

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