The item "Radiation Seafood Feast" is probably a devastating blow to other players. Let's not talk about whether the physical strength provided is useful to the players, let's talk about the following two negative states.

"A crab with five claws" and "three-headed prawns" will reduce 1% of health and 0-1 point of San value every minute within 60 minutes.

A total of 60% of health and about 30 points of San value will be reduced. Few people can withstand this negative attribute.

You should know that San value is linked to mental attributes. Every point of intelligence increases 0.5 points of San value. With Su Miao's current intelligence, it is only about 25 points. After eating, it will be deducted by 5 points!

Of course, Su Miao has the "blessing of the God of Machinery", the ability to be immune to mental pollution, and most of the reduction in San value is caused by mental pollution, so Su Miao can ignore this negative buff.

On the contrary, it was very easy for Su Miao to reduce his health by 60%. It was not because he was taking potions crazily, but because he had a ring that could restore health - "Bloodthirsty Ring of Wormstone"

Attributes: None

Active Skill: "Bloodthirsty Slash" adds a "Bloodthirsty" effect to your next attack or skill. If your health is full, it will be added to the shield. The cooldown time is 20 minutes.

"Bloodthirsty": Your attack will restore 10% of your maximum health.

Item Introduction: The Queen's Guards are coming, you can't kill me!

Su Miao's "Phantom Slash" can attack 5 times in a row. Using this skill can increase your health by 50%!

For the remaining 4,000 game coins, Su Miao spent 2,000 game coins to buy an injection, and 1,000 game coins to buy food, pure water, ore, ordinary gunpowder and other miscellaneous things. Although these things may not be useful, they must be available when needed. As for the last 1,000 game coins, Su Miao did not spend them, but used them as a spare reserve.

It is worth noting that the injection that Su Miao bought for 2,000 game coins is very interesting, and the specific attributes are as follows.

Item name: "B&C Advanced Cardiac Injection"

Quality: Dark Purple

Item attributes:

"Cardiac Injection": After use, it provides 10 points of all attribute improvement, 0.5 HP per second, 0.5 mana per second, and 0.5% physical strength per second, which lasts for 30 minutes.

"Adrenaline": After use, it greatly increases the excitement of the body, reduces all pain by 50%, immediately restores 10% physical strength, and then restores 1.5% physical strength per second, which lasts for 30 minutes.

"Blood Boiling": After use, lose 2 points of maximum health per minute, which lasts for 30 minutes. (60 points.)

"Muscle Dissolution": After the above effects end, your strength will be temporarily reduced by 10 points, which lasts for 24 hours.

Item Introduction: The potion made by "B&C Master Monster Hunter" has the terrifying power of temporarily providing a large number of attributes.

Su Miao was indeed a little surprised to see the B&C label. After all, he was the alchemist of B&C, and he did not expect that other players would also encounter B&C, an organization composed of perverts and lunatics.

This potion does provide a lot of attributes, and it can even be said that half of your life can be saved after using the injection.

The effect is also simple and rough, with a 10-point increase in all attributes, plus the recovery of physical strength, blood volume and mana, a life-saving injection.

The negative effect has an impact, which will reduce the maximum health by 60 points, and will reduce the strength by 10 points within 24 hours.

The latter is easy to say, after all, it is only a temporary reduction in strength, and it is not a big problem. You just need to wait.

But the maximum health of 60 points, if it is gone, it will really be gone.

However, Su Miao changed his mind and thought that if he used this injection, he would definitely be in a hard battle. If it was against a group of monsters, he could infinitely stack the health value with the "Destruction of Mythical Creatures" that he had unlocked, so 60 points would be insignificant.

If facing a single monster, then the benefit of killing this monster must be more important than the 60 points of maximum health.

Looking at the colorful potion in his hand, Su Miao's heart suddenly palpitated for some reason, and a picture emerged in his mind.

It was a mysterious man in a black suit. For some reason, he always wore a black silk hat.

In that battle, he injected the colorful potion into his eyes and then into his aorta. He consumed all his potential and stood in front of the unstoppable Outer God, not giving in!

That was a mortal body standing shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

And the potion in his hand was very similar to the potion injected by the hatter at that time.

Maybe it was because the injection was indeed good enough, or maybe it wasThinking of an old friend, Su Miao finally bought the injection.

Sometimes he really doubted whether the Hatter and the B&C organization were the real spiritual pollution and cult?

It was just a copy.

Why did the Hatter's death, Emile's awakening, and Emile's selflessness always appear in his mind.

It seemed to be an inexplicable feeling. Although he didn't care much, he would always think of the Hatter at the critical moment and get his faith and courage.

Whenever Su Miao was about to kill the Outer God, he would always hear words like "Outer Gods should die" in his heart.

This situation had already appeared after joining "B&C", when the Hatter admitted Su Miao as an official member.

If he had to say what it was, Su Miao would give two words after careful consideration.


A heritage that fights against madness in the cold.

Finally, Su Miao waved his hand to disperse the mess in his mind, put away the three item cards, and finally walked out of the exchange.

Su Miao made full preparations for the remaining time. He first performed a series of warm-up exercises so that he could quickly enter combat mode after teleportation.

In the last hour, Su Miao chose to meditate, which would make his heart calmer and his judgment more accurate.

Finally, after the time was reset, the system prompt sounded in Su Miao's mind in time.

[System prompt: Due to the devastating invasion of the adjacent plane, players of levels 1-3 are now being recruited, with priority given to players with strong strength. Your current recruitment batch is: the second batch. ]

[System prompt: The second batch recruitment time has arrived, and you will be teleported to the world-class dungeon: "Losman Continent". ]

The new dungeon "Losman Continent" is about to be recruited!

Su Miao's heart tightened. No matter how many dungeons he had experienced, every time he participated in a new dungeon, it was a new and unknown challenge.

This unknown adventure always made Su Miao's blood boil. It was the desire to become stronger. Only when people stand at a certain height can they see more scenery.

And strong strength will definitely forge a person's stronger heart.

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