Su Miao seemed to have thought of something, and said to Duibi: "Duibi, do you remember how to throw the four bottles I gave you?"

Duibi nodded firmly and spoke without thinking. He had repeated it many times in his heart.

"Remember, the red bottles should be broken when encountering most gangsters, and the green bottles should be broken when encountering Jeff himself or a very strong gangster. The death squad should mainly support and guerrilla warfare, and try not to participate in frontal combat."

Su Miao nodded, and he said to the old man in front of him: "Very good, Mo Ben, tell the guards to rest, and when the time is right, we will act overnight."

Mo Ben looked a little worried, he frowned, and the old voice came.

"Commander, what if that guy doesn't fall for it?"

Su Miao smiled and held up two fingers: "Our first plan is to let Ni Gui escape in the middle of the night, so that we can clearly understand the specific personnel distribution and combat power of Jeff's gang. If he doesn't escape... I have a second plan."

The three of them pricked up their ears and prepared to listen to Su Miao's second plan.

"Second, I will capture the thief first. After finding out Jeff's specific location, I will go straight to Huanglong and capture Jeff alive."

"Of course, Jeff is very strong. If we can't capture him alive, we can only kill him, and then arrange for the guards to take multiple batches of all-round actions to catch all the gangs in one fell swoop."

"Compared with the latter, the former will definitely find Jeff's location more accurately and get more gang information, so that we can attack better."

At present, most of the guards began to sleep wrapped in that silver cloth, and the guards guarding outside the broken house also began to drowsy.

Just as several people were discussing, Hill's ears suddenly moved, and then stood up and looked at Su Miao.

"Yuan, that guy really escaped from prison!"

Su Miao nodded, "Very good, the fish has taken the bait."

Then he stood up, looked at everyone and said, "Then, let's start the action."

Everyone nodded, evacuated from the temporary command center, and completed their own work.

Hill's speed was very fast. His figure suddenly appeared on the branch of a dead tree, looking at the sneaky Ni Gui a little blankly.

At this moment, Ni Gui was dismantling the house with his bare buttocks. He carefully pulled out a piece of rotten wood from the dilapidated house and made a hole in the stone house. It was actually a technical job.

Fortunately, Ni Gui did not give up. After a long period of hard work, he finally dug a hole big enough for him to drill through.


He was full of joy. He only needed to escape and report the news. Whether he could make up for his crime depended on this wave.

Ni Gui gritted his teeth and crawled out of the dog hole naked. He was covered with a lot of dirty-smelling mud that only existed in the slums.

When he came out, Ni Gui began to sweat, and he shivered as the cold wind blew.

Then, taking advantage of the night, he yo-yoed directly... What she didn't know was that not far behind him, a girl in a black sweater was following him.

The girl's footsteps were very light. He followed Ni Gui closely for about 50 meters. She pressed the strange thing on her ear with her right hand, and then said to the air.

"Yuan, that guy went to the second street."

After that, the girl disappeared again.

"The second street..."

Su Miao was thinking. He was now directing the mobilization. If Jeff was in the second district, many guards would arrive within 20 minutes.

When Jeff was awakened, he would definitely summon many gang members, and then all the guards would just need to strike accurately.

In the mouth of Old Mike, who looked like Kong, the first and second streets were where the nobles lived.

Although Su Miao knew that Jeff must have colluded with some official forces, he didn't expect that they dared to live in the Second Street so blatantly.

Ni Gui ran in the street with ease. Outside the Fourth Street, many civilians did not have the financial strength to light a lamp. They would only light a kerosene lamp in an emergency, not to mention the street. The Fourth Street in the dark was like a ghost street.

But it was different on the Third Street. Most of the places here were entertainment venues such as pubs, brothels, and casinos. Therefore, many shops were willing to light a kerosene lamp at the door to attract customers.

Especially in industries such as brothels, the outer glass cover of the kerosene lamp would be painted translucent red, so that the light emitted would be a red with a certain temptation, which is also the characteristic that distinguishes between a decent brothel and an irregular brothel.

But on the Third Street, a naked black figure ran past.

Old Mike, who was staring blankly at the door of the pub, was suddenly startled and shouted, "There is a ghost!"The bartender immediately pricked up his ears, put down his glass, and asked seriously: "Phantom?"

"Yes! Right at the door, a black mass ran over!" Old Mike sobered up half of his drink and pointed at the door and spit.

The bartender immediately took out a slender rapier from under the counter, and then quickly walked towards the door.

The bartender's heart tightened. He didn't expect that the terrifying existence on the Western Front would actually contaminate here...

At the door, the bartender didn't see the Phantom, but saw the naked Nigga running...

The bartender's face changed, and he slammed the door of the tavern in anger. He walked in front of Old Mike and grabbed Mike by the neck and lifted him up.

"Stupid Mike, don't make such damn jokes in the future. If you dare to talk nonsense again..."

The bartender slowly put the tip of the sword against Old Mike's neck, and then threatened: "I don't mind letting you meet the great and unique emperor."

"Hey! Dear bartender, calm down, we can't treat guests like this!"

The short and fat Rapp came in from the back kitchen, stopped the bartender, and then added.

"Even if he is Old Mike who everyone hates."


The bartender snorted and threw Old Mike to the ground, but at this time, many drinkers in the tavern actually felt a slight vibration.

"Huh? What's going on? Is an earthquake coming?!"

"Look outside!"

A drinker at the edge of the window pointed to the light at the end of the street and said.

"There is a light over there. Could it be that a royal army has entered the Harmony City?"

As the lights approached, everyone finally saw the full picture of the army.

They were a group of ragged guards holding rusty weapons, but the strange thing was that their steps were basically the same, and they were aggressive and magnificent.

"It looks like an army. Could it be from the front line?"

"No, look, many people are wearing linen clothes, just like the linen clothes in the slums..."

"It's not an army, look, there's Old Moben! The old guy is at the front!"

Hearing this, the tavern owner Lapu couldn't help but lean over and take a look outside. He was stunned.

Because he recognized the weapons of the group of people outside the house!

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