Aren't these rusty and broken weapons the ones that the noble young man came to see yesterday? How come these weapons were resold to these poor people?

"What are these poor people going to do? Don't they know that they will bring germs to our streets?"

"These dirty guys will make our streets dirty, it's really stinking!"

"They seem to be organized, and they walk in unison, which is a bit strange..."

The drinkers in the tavern talked a lot, guessing various possibilities.

At this moment, the third street became brighter, and many shops were lit up.

Although these poor people were thin, they were in high spirits and majestic, which scared many civilians who had never seen the world and dared not go out.

Among these poor people, there was a thin boy wearing a monocle, who was holding some pieces of paper and scattering them. There seemed to be something written on these pieces of paper, but it was too far away to see clearly.

"Hua La La!"

These pieces of paper were scattered on the street without money, as if there was a heavy snowfall in late autumn.

Soon, these poor people walked to the other end of the street and stepped into the second street.

The place was temporarily quiet. The prostitutes in the brothel, the drinkers in the tavern, and the gamblers in the casino all stopped their movements and stared blankly at the pieces of paper on the street.

In the brothel, an old procuress in her forties or fifties who still had charm patted the boy at the door and cursed.

"Med, pick up the paper, they seem to have written something!"

"Oh, okay, aunt."

Med poked his head out and confirmed that the people who were waving the paper had left before he secretly took back a piece of paper.

"What's written on it?" asked the procuress.

"Aunt, it says..." Med pointed at the words one by one and read to his aunt.

"Down with the nobles and share the treasure. Down with the chaebol and save the common people."

He finished reading one side, turned to the other side, and continued reading.

"Join the Princess's Guard, protect the Princess, and defeat the chaebol nobles. We are all pioneers."

After reading, Med quickly ran outside and took back a few more pieces of paper. He said excitedly: "Aunt, these pieces of paper say different things..."


In the Old Friend Tavern, several strong men were discussing around a few pieces of paper.

"What's written on it?" one person asked.

"I can't read. Who can read Losman?" the drinker asked.

"It seems that each piece of paper is different. There should be many sentences..."

The three looked at each other. They were all dock workers. They couldn't write Losman at all, and they couldn't recognize it.

"Ahem..." Old Mike pretended to cough, and then tidied his dirty leather coat.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, a bunch of illiterates."

He waved his hand and squeezed in forcefully. The three workers didn't rush, but honestly let Mike pick up the paper.

"I didn't expect that Old Mike still has a place to use his skills. Awesome..."

"Hey, Old Mike, I was not nice to you before. Can you translate for us?"

Old Mike's mouth curled up unconsciously. He was very pleased with these compliments. He naturally drank the remaining half cup of ginger beer on the table.

The short and fat Rapp and the bartender couldn't help but prick up their ears and began to eavesdrop on the conversation.

He read the words on the paper facing the kerosene lamp: "Do you want to be rich? Do you want to change your fate? Do you want to be a noble?"

He read three interrogative sentences in a row, and then turned the paper over.

"Then come and join the Queen's Guard Corps and enjoy the noble life!"


Everyone said in unison, and they had a little more respect for Old Mike.

Old Mike smiled, took out another note, and then read it out: "Noble exploitation."

He turned the note over: "Resistance, start!"

The four looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

On the second street, a figure who was completely black and seemed to blend into the darkness suddenly ran past at a high speed and entered an area of ​​huge houses.

This is where Jeff's gang is located. In the middle is a huge three-story villa with bright lights.

The villa is built with large bluestones and looks solemn and solemn. It is more like a church than a civilian house.

In front of the villa are two rows of huge low houses, which are used to accommodate ordinary gang members, while Jeff and his confidants live in the villa.

"Bang bang bang!"

This is a rapid knock on the door. The naked Niggai passed the ordinary houses and knocked on the door of the villa.

"Open the door, open the door quickly!"

As Niggai anxiously slapped the door of the villa, more than a minute passed before a lazy voice spoke in dissatisfaction.

"What are you slapping? If you slap again, I will chop you up and feed you to the fish!"With the muttering of dissatisfied voices, the door of the villa creaked open, and a head of golden hair came into Ni Gui's eyes.

When Ni Gui saw the golden hair, he immediately shouted anxiously: "Curly, let me in! I want to see Boss Jeff!"

Curly rubbed his sleepy eyes, then inexplicably stroked his beautiful golden hair, and suddenly widened his eyes:

"You are... Ni Gui? Haha, why are you running here naked?!"

Ni Gui ran out of breath: "Go and inform Boss Jeff that the poor will attack us tomorrow!"

"Oh! What did I hear, my true emperor... You said that group of poor people are going to attack us? Are you kidding?"

Curly's tone was a bit weird, he looked at Ni Gui with a mocking smile, and Ni Gui cursed angrily.

"Damn Curly, I'm not kidding. The poor rebelled. They killed all my men!"

Curly shook his head and sighed, "Damn black guy, have I taken too much mud snail powder? I'm dreaming!"

Nigui slammed the door angrily, stared at the blond curly, pointed at Curly, and said viciously, "Damn blond, I'll say it one last time. The poor are going to attack our headquarters! I swear, if you don't open the door, I will definitely stuff your head into your ass!"


Before Curly could do anything, he heard noisy footsteps. They were all Jeff's confidants. Their attributes were very high, and the noises made by ordinary poor people generally could not escape their ears.

Curly suddenly widened his eyes and looked outside the house: "Oh, my, God!"

Not far from the villa, a girl stood on a low house, pressed the strange device on her ear, and then spoke to the air.

"The above is the distribution of houses and personnel. Only the specific situation in the villa is not clear for the time being. It is estimated that Jeff and his confidants are in the villa."

After saying this, her figure quickly merged into the darkness and disappeared.

On the second street, outside Jeff's station, Su Miao took off the metal device on his ear.

After getting the specific information, he gave the plan instructions to Mo Ben and Dubi almost at the same time.

Then, he stood at the forefront of many legion guards, and raised the "Star Color" in his hand high in the darkness.

"Everyone listen to my order, follow me to attack!"

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