"Star Color" shone brightly in the darkness, illuminating the eyes of every poor guard.

In the darkness, many poor guards held torches, and with Su Miao's order, they began to act according to the original plan.

Based on Su Miao's plan, Mo Ben began to command his First Corps.

Mo Ben's old voice began to issue combat orders: "The first to fourth teams, attack the low house on the left, the fifth and eighth teams, attack the low house on the right! The remaining two teams are ready to support at any time!"

At the same time, the one-armed man also began to issue combat orders for the death squad. The death squad has the best weapons and equipment, and basically everyone wears a leather coat. This is the strongest combat power in the slums.

Although there are only about 30 people, their combat power is not weaker than the first legion of 100 people.

The one-armed man's loud voice came, and he issued an order to the death squad: "All members of the death squad, guard the commander with me, and kill into the villa!"

Su Miao looked at the villa that was gradually getting brighter indifferently, and then looked at the death squad behind him.

He currently only told the plan to Mo Ben, Duibi and Xiao Shouhou, and gave them the big plan and indicators. As for the detailed plan and personnel control, they were all responsible for it.

Soon, with Su Miao's actions, everyone was like a sharp blade in the darkness, piercing the tranquility of the night.


"What do you mean by this?!"

In the villa, on the third floor, a disheveled middle-aged man spoke coldly. Although he was a man, he had long hair. He pushed away the naked beauty on the bed, and then spoke viciously to the black guy kneeling in front of him.

"I ask you, Ni Gui, what do you mean by this?!"

He repeated again, although his tone was calm, but it made Ni Gui sweat profusely.

Ni Gui wiped the cold sweat off his head and said humbly: "Boss Jeff, it's literal. Those poor people are going to attack our headquarters!"

"They originally said they would attack at noon tomorrow, but I didn't expect them to be so cunning that they actually started the attack at this time. If you don't believe it, you can look out the window!"

Jeff had a gloomy face and walked slowly to the window without even wearing clothes. He pulled aside the curtains and looked down.

I saw that not far from the villa, the lights were bright, and many figures holding torches were invading two rows of low houses. As for the bottom of the villa, there were also figures trying to invade.

Jeff's face changed drastically. He picked up the fun whip he had just used and whipped the naked Ni Gui fiercely.

"You stupid and black thing, don't you understand? They are using you as a fishing line to catch my big fish!"


He whipped the whip again, and the huge force directly whipped Ni Gui to the ground, and Ni Gui's black skin was whipped to pieces.

"I should have left you in the cotton plantation and let you pick cotton for the rest of your life!"


He whipped Nigui again, whipping off half of his face. He fell to the ground without a groan, and his life or death was unknown.

Nigui's attributes were not low. Even if he was not wearing clothes now, he should not have been whipped like this.

The only reason was that Jeff's strength attribute was too strong, and he could play a powerful role with just simple items.

"Notify the brothers downstairs to prepare for the battle!"

Jeff quickly spoke to the shivering curly hair next to him, and then began to dress slowly.

But when Jeff was halfway through putting on his clothes, he saw the naked woman again. He smiled cruelly, took off his pants and pounced on her.

As expected of Jeff, he followed the traditions and corporate culture of the Jeff gang.

No money, yes! No wine, yes! No women, no! ——Jeff.


Jeff’s villa was kicked open by Su Miao, and then he walked in directly. Behind him, the death squad wearing leather coats and holding rust-enchanted swords also filed in.


Many women’s screams of fear suddenly came from the villa on the first floor, and then seven or eight disheveled women were scared and ran away.

Su Miao did not embarrass these women and let them leave. His goal has always been Jeff’s gang and his wealth.

These women have good figures, and they are bouncing around like balls, which makes many members of the death squad feel excited.

Soon, these women fled one after another, but one ran particularly slowly.

She had a plump figure, and the silk clothes she wore were quite light-transparent. She moved very slowly and prepared to leave at the main door.


The one-armed man behind Su Miao suddenly spoke, and the woman trembled in fear.

"You, stop."

The one-armed man looked at the woman with an aggressive look, then licked his cracked lips and took two steps forward.

The woman took two steps back, her faceHer cheeks flushed.

Then, the one-armed man looked at the naked woman and suddenly said, "Leave the hidden silverware, and you, get out!"

The woman was struck by lightning, and took out a silver plate from below, and then took out many silver knives and forks, and finally took out a silver candlestick, and then left in disgrace.

Su Miao was shocked by this. The knives and forks were fine, and the plates were barely okay, but what did the candlestick mean? !

Losman is really simple and honest...

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Su Miao looked at the one-armed man with admiration. Su Miao liked this guy's style of doing things.

After this episode, Su Miao began to order the death squad to search the first floor carefully, and it was necessary to check all corners to avoid missing Jeff's men.

There were not many Jeff's minions on the first floor, probably less than 10.

Under Su Miao's leadership, all Jeff's gangsters were searched out in the room, and then they were hacked to death one by one by Su Miao.

"Puff! Puff!"

Every few minutes, there would be a sound of a knife slicing the neck. Su Miao bloodily chopped off the heads of the minions one by one. This iron-blooded style infected everyone in the death squad.

Everyone looked at Su Miao with awe and fear. They all labeled their leader as cruel and bloody. Even if it was killing, no one was willing to chop off someone else's head.

In fact, it was not that Su Miao killed, but mainly because the "Destruction of Mythical Creatures" had been lifted, and the maximum health value could be stacked infinitely.

In this case, every creature was very precious to Su Miao, after all, each gang could stack 5-15 points of health.

The maximum health value was a profit for killing people, so who would complain about it being too much?

Soon, the first floor was cleared by Su Miao and the death squad. Although the death squad was not as powerful as the minions of Jeff's gang, they were infected by Su Miao's bloodiness and were all extremely fierce.

Just as Su Miao was about to lead the members of the death squad to the second floor, Su Miao felt a sense of danger on the second floor while walking on the stairs. His instinct for danger was triggered at this moment.

Su Miao frowned and said to the members of the death squad behind him: "There is danger on the second floor, death squad, let's go!"

Everyone shouted in unison:

"Yes, Commander!"

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