After lying on the floor for half an hour, Rowling barely recovered a little strength, stood up, and walked out.

“Huh? Boy, you don’t play anymore? Nitro casually dodged Xiaojie’s attack and looked at Lorraine.

Lorraine waved her hand directly with her back to Nitro: “Don’t play, I admit defeat-”

Let’s not talk about his current sore life, let’s talk about his original purpose.

He had come for the purpose of tossing and turning in Nitro’s game for a night and mixing more experience.

And now, although mastering a fairly powerful super-high speed state.

But in terms of experience gain, you can lose a lot.

He has already lost once tonight, and he must not lose a second time!

And if he continues to play games with Nitro now, with that old man’s bad eyes, he will definitely force him to enter a super-high speed state.

Having entered that state twice, especially the second time lasting more than ten seconds, Lorraine has mastered the methodology for entering that state, he… No need to spar anymore!

And looking at the back of Lorraine leaving, Nitro did not care too much.

With his eyes, he could naturally see Lorraine’s physical state at this time.

What’s more….

Nitro’s figure flashed and dodged Xiaojie’s attack.

He doesn’t need to worry about boredom tonight!

Airship canteen.

Although it was already early in the morning, as the private airship of the Hunters Association, the canteen here was open 24 hours a day.

After a big meal, Lorraine finally recovered some strength.

However, his body was still a little sore, and after a little hesitation, Lorraine gave up the idea of continuing to exercise tonight.

Although I really want to upgrade early, a thousand points of experience is not something that can be put together in a moment, and the exercise is not achieved overnight.

Judging from the six points of experience that he had gained by squeezing his body to the limit in the ultra-high-speed state just now, his system was obviously not crazy to squeeze his body to gain the most experience.

And there’s so much going on today.

Sudden crossings, systems turned on, hunter tests… Although he seemed calm, one thing also made his spirit a little tense.

Maybe he really should get a good night’s sleep.

Walking on the corridor outside the airship, Lorraine looked at the full moon in the sky and sighed slightly, and walked towards the rest area of the airship.

“Let’s have a good rest tonight!”

Early the next morning.

Lorraine opened her eyes, only feeling refreshed, not as tired and soft as before going to bed last night.

“Sure enough, it’s a good idea to get some sleep!” Lorraine moved her body, feeling the physical strength that had fully recovered and smiled.

Next, they didn’t let Lorraine wait too long, and just after breakfast, the airship of the Hunter Association arrived at its destination.

It is a huge towering cylindrical building, and the airship of the Hunter Association is quite small when parked at the top of this building.

“Dear candidates, this is the top of the so-called trap tower, and it is also the starting point of the third stage of the hunter test.” The Great Secret Bean-faced Man of the Hunter Association stood in front of everyone and said.

“The examiner asked me to tell you that the content of this test is to reach the ground alive, and the time limit is seventy-two hours.”

Looking at the departing hunter association airship, the remaining forty hunter candidates raised their vigilance.

Exam content… Reach the ground alive.

This shows that this assessment may be very dangerous.

Unanimously, many candidates scattered to look for clues.

First of all, most people walked to the edge of this trap tower and looked down, and the wall of the side tower more than 100 meters high was completely integrated, and not even a window could be seen.

Obviously, this is not the road to the ground prepared by the examiner for the candidates.


There must be some organ here that can enter the tower.

Almost all the candidates understood this and began to look for institutions on this platform.

And yet….

It is that some people do not believe in evil.

A candidate who claims to be a rock climbing expert has a proud face, but he does have the ability to be proud.

The trap tower is almost completely integrated, and the gap between the large blocks of masonry in the wall of the tower cannot even insert the blade.

But that’s it, the other party actually relied on climbing down, and the speed was not slow at all, just five or six minutes to go down twenty or thirty meters.

“Haha, I’m waiting for you guys below!” The candidate laughed proudly.

At this moment, several black dots in the distance are rapidly getting bigger.

Is that… A flock of strange birds!

And it’s clear that the comers are not good.

A few minutes later, with a bitter scream below, the candidate who was clamoring for the first clearance test was eaten clean.

Standing on the edge of the trap tower and watching this scene, Lorraine also silently gave up the idea of going down from this side.


That’s right.

Lorraine actually has the idea of going down from the rock wall, after all, compared to the assessment in the trap tower, this side is much faster.

As for climbing techniques, although Lorraine can’t climb, he works miracles vigorously, and with his strength, he can completely stick his finger into the stone and go all the way down.

The only thing he wasn’t sure about was the group of strange birds in the plot.

And after seeing the group of strange birds just now, Lorraine directly gave up this most trouble-saving idea.

It’s not that you can’t beat the group of strange birds, unlike the guy just now, Lorraine can kill the group of strange birds with just one hand in the rock wall.


It’s disgusting.

Lorraine had never seen such a disgusting creature.

All the big heads that looked like imps, and the tentacles like strange human arms on their bodies, and the sharp-eyed Lorraine could also see the wrinkled skin under the other party’s not thick feathers and the big bumps.

Lorraine should never come near something like that.

Disgust .jpg

And Lorraine does not plan to follow the protagonist group.

Although he also thought that the dozens of hours delayed in the middle of the protagonist group were a good exercise time, but after thinking about it, Lorraine gave up.

The confinement room is too small, so it’s better to go down to the bottom of the tower early and go out to exercise in the forest.

Wandering around the trap tower, Lorraine soon tested that the stone slab under his feet was movable.

“Found it!”

Lorraine looked at the mechanism in front of him and stepped on it unceremoniously, and with the reversal of the stone slab, Lorraine directly entered the trap tower.

Smooth landing.

Lorraine scanned the circle, it was a room similar to the place where Xiaojie fell into in the plot, and there were three doors on the walls around it.

On the wall directly opposite Lorraine is a sign with the rules of this floor.

“The road of choice—”

“From here, only three candidates will open after each of the three candidates choose a door, and the three doors from left to right are simple, normal, and difficult, representing the difficulty of the level behind the door.”

“You can only enter one person per path, and after each level, you need to get back together to choose the difficulty of the next level.”

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