“The road of choice—”

Rowraine looked at the rules in front of her and frowned.

“Troublesome level!” Lorraine scolded secretly in her heart.

It’s not that the difficulty of the level is high, he has confidence, even the difficult level level can’t be difficult to hold him, but…

This level obviously requires three people to play together, just like the protagonist group needs to make up enough five people to start the level.

Lorraine scanned the room and soon found a horn on the wall.

“Can you hear me, examiner?” Lorraine spoke.

“Candidate 406, do you have any questions?” A slightly shrill sound came from the loudspeaker.

“Does this level have to be carried out by three people? If you haven’t gathered three people, wouldn’t you have to wait here all the time. Lorraine asked with a frown.

“That’s right, this level will only open after three candidates discuss the results together, as for the three candidates who can’t make up three candidates, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck!”

The sharp voice of the examiner in the loudspeaker had a slight schadenfreude smile in it.

“Only… Open the door? ”

Lorraine suddenly caught a certain point.

“Mr. Examiner, according to the words that the bean noodle man helped you bring before, the content of the third level of the hunter’s test is to reach the bottom of the tower within seventy-two hours!” Lorraine said suddenly.

“That’s right, the test content of this level is only to reach the bottom of the trap tower within seventy-two hours, but you can’t violate the rules of the level inside the trap tower.” The examiner’s voice came again.

And Lorraine showed a smile at this time and said: “Then Mr. Examiner, only three people can open the door together, not three people together to start clearing the customs!” Then I should be able to break the door myself! ”

The other side.

Trap tower central control room.

Leeber, the examiner of the third session of the hunter test, ate a snack and grinned at the picture of a certain monitor.

Reaching out and pressing a button, Libo said directly: “No, the rule of this level is that the candidate chooses the back door to open, so breaking the door is also a violation of the rules.” ”

On the top floor of the trap tower, in the starting room, Lorraine heard Lieber’s words but directly showed a smile, and walked to the door that represented simplicity… Beside.

“In that case, as long as you don’t open the door and go elsewhere!” Lorraine said, inserting his palm directly into the wall next to the portal representing simplicity, grabbing a brick.

“After all, the clearance condition is not to violate the rules, not to follow the rules, right?” Lorraine turned to the monitor and smiled.

His previous words were just to set the examiner, so as not to make the other party temporarily intend to regard this behavior as a violation of the rules.

As he knows how the protagonist of the plot breaks the level, Lorraine has his eyes on the wall from the beginning.

Although Lorraine did not understand why Xiaojie and his group used weapons in the plot, and it took a lot of effort to break the wall of the trap tower.

But in reality, the walls of the trap tower are not particularly strong.

In the plot, a split corpse murderer who was killed by Killua can easily destroy walls with his finger power, not to mention that Lorraine’s current strength is at least more than two tons of terrifying power.

Breaking down a wall is not easy!

The trap tower on the other side monitors the room.

Lieber’s movements had completely frozen, looking at the number 406 in the monitor that had begun to destroy the wall, he really wanted to eliminate this candidate who drilled the loophole of the exam question he had worked so hard to come up with.

But as a hunter examiner, he couldn’t do that.

After all….

Whether it is the opponent’s strength to destroy the wall, or the wit that can exploit the loopholes in his assessment rules, there is no doubt that he is a good hunter seedling.

Out of sight, Liber directly ignored it and threw aside the monitoring of candidate 406.

A candidate who has already determined to clear the customs, what else does he watch.

As the maker of the level, he certainly knew how simple the simple level Lorraine chose at this time really was.

In order to cause the test takers of that level to compete for the easy route, he did not set any traps on the easy route, but spared a few laps to make the route a little longer.

On the other hand, Lorraine saw that there was no reaction in the loudspeaker, and he knew that there was no problem with this level.

Three times five divided by two, Lorraine directly demolished a big hole in the wall next to the door and went directly to the simple route.

Not long after Lorraine left, with a muffled sound, a hunter candidate fell into this room.

And then….

Looking at the big hole on the side of the simple route in the room, and the examiner Liber explained the rules as if in a retaliatory manner.

The candidate fell into a deep dazed state.

According to the rules, three people can be gathered to open the gate, but now that one person has stolen away, how can they get together three people.

If you don’t get together three people, how can they open the door and break the gate, will they also break the wall to pass the level?

The examinee looked at the forty or fifty-centimeter-thick stone wall with a look of despair.


“Big brother, you’re back! Big brother, you come back, I support you to take the simple route! ”

On the easy route.

Lorraine had advanced a full five kilometers on the simple route of the nine-curved eighteen bends, reaching the gateway on the next level.

Before opening the door, Lorraine turned her head suspiciously and looked behind her.

“Strange, it seems to be some sound?”

But then Lorraine didn’t care.

It should be the movement made by other hunter candidates clearing the level, but Lorraine remembers that the protagonist group was chased and killed by rolling stones in the plot, and it is normal for some movement to come out through the wall.

Thinking like this, Lorraine went directly to the next level, and he couldn’t wait to enter the simple route of the next layer.


The passage of the simple route is simply not too in line with Lorraine’s wishes, there are no traps along the way, and the distance is deliberately extended by nine curves and eighteen turns.

Isn’t this the brushing experience holy place specially prepared for him!

This examiner is such a good person!


The sky suddenly changed here at home, the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees, the window was not closed last night, although there was no cold, but it was also a little uncomfortable, and the update would be slightly slower.

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