Chapter 313 The final battle until someone falls, the wind rises and the clouds surge!

Just talking about height…

Uchiha Madara’s blue Susanoo is almost the same as Akihara Kagura’s Susanoo costume, but who Everyone can see how big the gap is between the two.


There is at least one difference between the two sides, the Ninja God Senju Hashirama.

When the god of ninja Senju Hashirama can become a unit of measurement for the difference in combat power, it means that the power between the two is absolutely incomparable.

There was also a hint of solemnity in Uchiha Madara’s eyes. He could sense how powerful the Susanoo figure in front of him was, even enough to surpass any power he had ever seen!

Even Uchiha Madara had to admit that the Suwei-suited Bokuto standing in front of him was far more powerful than the Kyuubi-like Kyuubi he once controlled!

Madara Uchiha narrowed his eyes, staring closely at the fully armed wooden figure of Susanoo in front of him, and his voice gradually lowered:”You can actually defeat Susanoo with your own strength. Hu Hu’s power is merged with Hashirama’s power, and even the power of senjutsu is incorporated into it…”


“It is my sorrow that you think I was born in this era…”

Akihara Kagura stood on the forehead of Susanoo’s wooden figure and slowly opened her palms :”However, I was born in this era, but you are lucky…”

This is a fact and the truth.

However, this is naturally regarded by Uchiha Madara Seen as a provocation!

Uchiha Madara’s eyes narrowed, his palms suddenly clenched into fists, and he controlled the blue Susanoo to rush forward again, his voice also became a little… It’s getting colder!


“Do you think you can defeat me this way?”

The tall blue Susanoo waved the two ninja swords in his hands, and the arms on his waist, abdomen and shoulders shot at the same time, and he rushed directly towards the more powerful opponent! However, Akihara Kagura is as steady as a rock! < /span> The huge power instantly set off a gust of wind, forcefully knocking the blue Susan back. The two samurai swords in Nohu’s hands were cut off, even leaving a long wound on the blue Susanoo’s body, and the blue chakra flowed like blood! The samurai sword in the hand of the majestic wooden man was chopped down directly! The next moment! The tall and muscular Susanoo dressed as a wooden man forcibly raised the huge white katana in his hand and firmly blocked it in front of him! Uchiha Madara’s pupils widened. , he tried his best to operate his Susanoo and kept slashing out, trying to tear the Susanoo in front of him into pieces! The battle became fierce again! The wooden dragon wearing the Susan armor on the shoulders of the wooden man in Susanoo roared, and also He rushed forward and entangled his opponent’s body, forcibly breaking an arm! Susanoo, the wooden man, raised his hand, holding a huge The white samurai sword also appeared in its palm, and it rushed forward! The result this time is different!


“How is that possible!”

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth, clearly feeling that his Susanoo was at a disadvantage, and could only keep repairing Susanoo’s body!

“Something’s wrong…”

Madara Uchiha stared at the white katana with a pure white light in the hand of the majestic Bokuto. His eyes suddenly narrowed, as if he remembered What:”That Susanoo sword is not Susanoo at all, it’s a bit like another kind of blood inheritance ability…”

“But… we can’t go on like this.”

Uchiha Madara glanced at the majestic wooden dragon wrapped around Susanoo, and finally raised his fingers, and his palms suddenly spread out!


“Not you can use Hashirama’s Wood Release!”

“Wood Escape·The Flower and Tree Realm is coming!”

Thick vines suddenly grew from the ground, directly wrapping around the body of Susanoo’s wooden figure, and huge flowers bloomed on the vines! a> Any enemy who inhales the pollen will be instantly poisoned! The flowers on the vines will also spread pollen! In addition…

This is one of Senju Hashirama’s strongest wood escape techniques. It was developed on the basis of the Shukai Advent and can create large vines in an instant!

“It’s too much trouble.”

Akihara Kagura closed her palms.

Susanoo’s wooden figure also closed its palms along with the caster. The light gradually condensed in its palm…

That ball of light looked extremely dazzling…

The next moment!

That The ball of light suddenly spread out!

Along with Akihara Kagura’s low shout, the ball of light formed a circular barrier, instantly covering all the surrounding vines.!

“Immortal Technique·Dust Escape·Limited Peeling Technique!”

All the vines disappeared without a trace the moment the light bloomed!

Uchiha Madara immediately realized the horror of that ball of light. Susanoo hurriedly controlled his complete body to retreat, but was still affected by Susanoo’s arm!

Just the moment it came into contact with the white light…

The blue Susanoo’s arm disappeared without a trace!

“The Dust Release of Iwagakure Village…”

Uchiha Madara looked at Akihara Kagura in disbelief, and a flash of surprise flashed across his expression:”It’s actually possible to The power of Dust Release has been exerted to this extent…”

This is a height that no previous Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village has ever reached!

However… a> An oval beam of light suddenly hit The blue Susanoo was hit in the chest and abdomen, and a circular hole was directly opened in its body. It was particularly frightening to see, and the blue Susanoo couldn’t help but kneel on one knee on the ground! The white wooden man raised his palm towards his opponent!

Everything is not over yet!

“I have always been looking forward to a hearty battle…”

Akihara Kagura controlled Susanoo’s wooden figure to step forward, and his voice gradually became He became high-spirited:”A battle to defeat the strongest person in the ninja world, whether it’s you or the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, to put a comma on the layout that my ancestors and I have laid out for many years.…”


Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes

“Because this is not the end I want to reach.”

Akihara Kagura looked up at the sky, then lowered his head and looked down at Uchiha Madara again:”For the end of the ninja world, this battle is just the beginning ”

“It seems that I have worked hard over the years…”

Akihara Kagura controlled the Bokuto to raise his palm again, aiming at the blue Susanoo’s head:” At least for now, this one is starting to look pretty good…”


The chakra in Uchiha Madara’s body instantly rioted, and the Sharingan in his eye sockets directly changed into the appearance of the Samsara Eye, and suddenly appeared in his eyes A touch of madness:”For me, this battle has just begun…”

The next moment!

Uchiha Madara raised his finger!

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated, and a meteorite fell from the sky!

The sky is hindering the earthquake!

Uchiha Madara He launched his pupil technique without mercy!

Following Uchiha Madara’s movements, the blue Susanoo also closed his fingers!

On the battlefield The edge.

Cold sweat broke out on Hyuga Neji’s forehead.

The faces of Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke and others also looked a little unsightly. On the contrary, the fearless Metkai and Uchiha Obito are still calm

“The sky…”

Hyuga Neji raised his head and looked at the sky.

A huge meteorite was falling rapidly from the sky. It was even constantly rubbing against the air, and a flame even appeared at the tail of the meteorite!

“Is this a technique?”

Akihara Kagura raised her head and looked at the falling meteorites in the sky:”Do you want to use this kind of technique that can be stopped by the first generation to attack me?”

“It sounds like he really doesn’t take Hashirama seriously…”

Uchiha Madara looked at Akihara Kagura and laughed mockingly:”Maybe I should think How to completely resurrect Hashirama and let you see with your own eyes the power of that guy…”


Akihara Kagura shook her head and stretched out her palm towards the sky.

Following Akihara Kagura’s movements, Susanoo’s wooden figure also stretched out its palm, and a dazzling white light rose into the sky, instantly piercing the meteorite!


The entire meteorite exploded directly!

When the meteorite exploded, a second meteorite was revealed. The second meteorite fell faster and was even twice as large!


The dazzling dust-escape white light once again penetrated the second meteorite!

Countless gravels fell from the sky, falling from the sky like meteors!


This is just a filler for another spell!

Uchiha Madara raised his palm, and a black ball like a black hole flew directly into the air. The huge gravity directly pulled Akihara Kagura’s Susanoo costume. The sky!

“The earth explodes into the sky!”

Uchiha Madara’s Earth Explosion Star is extremely easy to release.

Compared with the sealing technique released by Nagato, Uchiha Madara’s Earth Explosion Star has a stronger gravitational force. Powerful, the Susanoo puppet controlled by Akihara Kagura was pulled directly into the air, and the broken meteorite fragments quickly moved towards the direction of the black ball!

Uchiha Madara did not have any I hope that my Sky-breaking Star can accomplish a feat with one strike. The purpose of those two meteorites is just to make it easier to use the Earth-blasting Star to seal!

In an instant!

Akihara Kagura and Susanoo’s puppet were sealed!

Uchiha Madara looked at the huge stone ball that appeared in the sky, and finally felt temporarily relieved. , the perfect blue Susanoo slowly collapsed.

For a ninja with the Samsara Eye, the seal of the Earth Explosion Star is like an arm command. This sealing technique Shiki can easily seal some powerful creatures.


This seal may not be permanently effective.

Even Uchi Haubara doesn’t think that the seal of the Earth Blast Star can completely seal Akihara Kagura. He just wants to return the battle to the area he is good at…


Uchiha Madara flexed his fingers and his eyes became colder:”This is a battle between reincarnation eye practitioners.”

The edge of the battlefield.

Xiang Ling couldn’t hold back and wanted to rush forward.

However, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama stopped her at the same time

“I want to save Kagura-sama!”

Xiang Phosphorus desperately wants to break free from their shackles!

“It won’t help if you go!”

Senju Tobirama pressed Karusu’s shoulder and said in a deep voice:”You don’t have to worry about that guy. Although Uchiha Madara is a bastard with a dark mind, when it comes to being despicable and insidious, , he is far inferior to the inherently evil one Akihara Kagura���Damn it, that kid can’t possibly put himself at a disadvantage in battle.…”


A group of root ninjas stared with red eyes.

He insulted two Uchihas with one sentence, he is truly worthy of being the second generation Hokage!


Senju Hashirama still wanted to defend his friend

“Shut up!”

Senju Tobirama stopped his elder brother with just one sentence.

Senju Tobirama knew Akihara Kagura well and saw that Akihara Kagura had the Reincarnation Eye. When he was there, he knew that Akihara Kagura must have been prepared to fight the ninja with the Samsara Eye.

On the other side.

Also emerged from the ground There are two creatures, one black and one white.

One of the creatures is Bai Jue Awei, and there seems to be some worry on its face:”Is there really no need to save the boy?”

“There is nothing we can do.”

Black Zetsu slowly shook his head and said in a hoarse voice:”The seal of the Earth Blast Star is said to be unbreakable, but that little guy Akihara Kagura also has the Reincarnation Eye. Maybe he also has it. The means to unlock the Earth Explosion Star…”


When Black Jue said this, he looked at Bai Jue Awei:”You have been following Akihara Kagura and didn’t notice this little Is there something wrong with this guy? Have you ever seen Akihara Kagura modifying tree bark and wooden sticks?”

“Can’t remember…”

Bai Jue’awei frowned and started thinking:”Let me think about it, I seem to have seen him somewhere and when.”…”

This matter…

It has not yet been thought about…

Because Akihara Kagura has not discussed it with it yet.

Just a group���While I was thinking about whether the Earth Blast Star could be broken by Akihara Kagura, the situation on the battlefield had already changed.

The next moment!

The stone ball in the sky suddenly cracked a gap!

A ray of white light suddenly shot out from the stone ball. The ray of white light was so powerful that it seemed to light up the sky!

The next second.

The gaps on the surface of the stone ball immediately appeared densely!

Countless rays of white light shot out from the gaps in the surface of the stone ball. The entire seal of the Earth Explosion Star began to crumble in an instant, and countless rubbles dissipated in the white light!

“So fast…”

Uchiha Madara glanced at the stone balls dissipating in the sky, and also saw the man slowly falling from the sky:”He has already broken free from the Earthburst Sky Star Is it sealed?”

“For those who use the reincarnation eye, this is natural, right?”

Akihara Kagura slowly fell from the sky. This scene looked particularly elegant, and it was completely impossible to tell that it had just been pulled and sealed.

Of course.

Akihara Kagura’s Susanoo costume has dissipated.

Because the next battle is the real battle, Susanoo costume No matter how powerful the wooden man is, if you don’t pay attention, he is just a toy for the Earth Explosion Star

“Wheel tomb!”

Uchiha Madara directly released his four shadows, looked up at the falling Akihara Kagura in the air, his fighting spirit rose again, and his body suddenly arched and entered. In a fighting stance, a bloody smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

“The next battle will be the final bloody battle. We will use all our methods until one of us falls here.…”

“That’s it, I understand…”

Akihara Kagura was still floating in the air. He formed a seal with his hands and released a burst of wind escape, which seemed to want to blow away some tension. Atmosphere:”It seems a little hot, let’s make the battlefield a little cooler…”

A gust of wind blew.

A dark cloud was slowly blown by the wind. Floated over.

The sun in the sky shone on the clouds, casting a shadow on the battlefield.

The clouds blocked the sun, and the shadows on the ground The shadow enveloped Uchiha Madara and everything around him.

After Akihara Kagura finished all this, his body slowly fell to the ground, and his eyes had already become reincarnation eyes. , can see all the shadows of Uchiha Madara.


These shadows of the ring…

will It is a powerful help for Uchiha Madara in the battle!

Even if the reincarnation eye can see through the traces of these wheel tomb clones, it cannot prevent them from participating in the battle, and these wheel tomb shadows can almost bring out the full potential of Uchiha Madara All combat power!


Akihara Kagura glanced at the shadow on the ground, slowly closed her palms, and then looked up in the direction of Uchiha Madara:”In battle Before that, I have one last question, do you really not choose to make plans to escape?”

Second update!

Everyone go to bed early

I’ll be writing tomorrow I’ll be writing tomorrow…

I wrote 20,000 words yesterday and I was a little too tired.…

(End of this chapter)

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