Chapter 314 Mr. Madara, now you can start to escape

Uchiha Madara has to admit…

Akihara Kagura does have enough The power of pride.

This brat, who was born in a side branch of the Uchiha bloodline, bet on the forbearance of several or even ten generations of theirs, so that his power finally surpassed everyone in the ninja world!


Even I am at a disadvantage in this battle

“I have to admit…”

Uchiha Madara held his fist and praised:”Hashirama is right about one thing. You brat has indeed surpassed it. He, and even me, have the illusion that I will fail. This is a feeling that does not occur even when fighting Hashirama…”

“Maybe that’s not an illusion.”

Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Madara and praised his opponent:”Mr. Madara, so far, you are the only enemy that makes me feel a little troublesome. If there are four more If so, maybe I would find it troublesome…”

“You can indeed see the shadow of the wheel grave…”

Uchiha Madara chuckled lightly, and immediately heard the hidden meaning of Akihara Kagura’s words, and he also Some are curious about Akihara Kagura’s ability of the Samsara Eye:”I’m a little curious. Your pair of Samsara Eyes are accumulated over several generations. How miraculous are their abilities?…”

“If you want to know…”

Akihara Kagura raised her finger and her eyes flickered slightly:”You might as well try to dance with all your strength to please me, maybe you can Chance to see it…”

“Then let me try it!”

There was a hint of madness in Uchiha Madara’s pupils!

The shadows of the four Ring Tomb clones followed him and rushed up with him. , surrounded Akihara Kagura in an instant!

This is the most terrifying lineup in the entire ninja world!

The power of five Uchiha Madaras besieged the same person, Even four of Uchiha Madara’s ring tomb clones are looming, and now only Akihara Kagura can see their traces in the ninja world!

Five figures are flying up and down around Akihara Kagura! The four Ring Tomb clones simultaneously condensed the Yin-Yang Escape Black Rod, which was about to penetrate Akihara Kagura’s body directly. At this critical moment, Akihara Kagura’s figure instantly appeared behind Uchiha Madara! A wave Gravity instantly pulled Akihara Kagura up! Uchiha Madara raised his palm! The next moment! Akihara Kagura’s body dodged quickly, grabbing the shadow of a ring tomb clone with one hand, and shook her hand Smash the other Ring Tomb clone away!

This battle finally reached its climax at this moment!

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu…”

Madara Uchiha immediately observed the trace of Akihara Kagura through the ring tomb clone. His body suddenly squatted down and kicked hard with both feet. Toward Akihara Kagura behind him!

Akihara Kagura’s arms instantly folded together, and a ball of magma gushes out from his arms, forming a wall of magma to block the In front of him!

The moment Uchiha Madara kicked his feet into the magma wall in a small gap, he rolled forward directly. One of his palms was rolling. When he was pressed to the ground, his body circled and stood upright!

Even so…

Uchiha Madara’s feet were still burned by the lava. The four Ring Tomb clones closed their palms at the same time! Uchiha Madara suddenly closed his hands! The next moment!

However, after transplanting Senju Hashirama’s body, Uchiha Madara’s body’s self-healing ability is strong enough, so this minor injury is not a big deal to him!

“Fire Escape·The great fire is extinguished!”

Five fireballs like meteorites hit Akihara Kagura!

“Melting Escape·Melting Formation Wall!”

Akihara Kagura’s palms suddenly closed!

Under his control, the Melting Release Chakra gathered together like a Water Release·Water Formation Wall The wide circular wall of water blocked all the fires!

The meteorite-like fireball was instantly destroyed by the magma!

” Immortal Technique, Melting Release, Spiral Shuriken!”

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and the magma on the molten formation wall spun directly in his hand, directly turning into a huge spiral shuriken glowing with magma fire.!

“Very strong…”

Uchiha Madara immediately felt the threat of the Rasen Shuriken:”Even the Samsara Eye was too late to absorb the chakra in it. …”

The spiral shuriken suddenly flew over!

Uchiha Madara simply controlled one of his Rinku clones to block it, The shadow of the tomb clone instantly activated Susanoo, trying to block the attack!

Along with a huge explosion resounded throughout the world, a stream of magma shot from the ground into the sky! These people can be said to be the closest group of people to Akihara Kagura’s Melting Escape ·The senses of the spiral shuriken are the most direct! A group of Konoha ninjas looked horrified! At the edge of the battlefield.

Even people within a radius of hundreds of kilometers can see the magma column reaching into the sky, which looks as terrifying as a volcano suddenly erupting!

“It’s really terrifying…”

Hatake Kakashi was a little frightened.

Just the huge spiral shuriken, its destructive power So big, even one is enough to destroy Konoha!

The root ninja side.

Kagura uses her Kagura mind to sense the situation on the battlefield, she She couldn’t see the shadow of Madara Uchiha’s wheel, but she could see the power of Akihara Kagura!

“As expected of Lord Kagura…”

Xiang Lian’s face flushed with excitement

“The battle is not over yet…”

Senju Tobirama scolded him coldly, and said in a cold voice:”The current Akihara Kagura and Uchiha Madara They are the most powerful ninjas, and they are also the two evil people who are most harmful to the ninja world. It is best for them to die together in this battle…”

This is Senju Tobirama The most innocent idea.

Although Senju Tobirama is powerful enough, he cannot judge the victory or defeat of two people. Only Senju Hashirama is qualified to judge the strength of two people< /span>


” may lose.”

There was a hint of worry between Senju Hashirama’s eyebrows.

Although his old friend also had an extreme personality, he was much gentler than Akihara Kagura, Uchi Haubara is the only one who can possibly stop Akihara Kagura…


Akihara Kagura’s performance is still very smooth.

Uchiha Madara’s battle has been completely full of firepower!

Uchiha Madara knows very well that his Rinshaku clone cannot fight outside for a long time. If he fights for a period of time or dies, He needs to return to the reincarnation eye to warm up…

During that time of warming up the shadow of the reincarnation…

It is possible that he was defeated at the hands of Akihara Kagura moment!

Because Uchiha Madara has been completely determined in the previous battles, whether it is in normal duels such as taijutsu, ninjutsu or even Susanoo, he has always failed in the battle. At a disadvantage, the only thing that can be used is the ability of the Rinnegan!

Four Rinne Tomb clones came out…

This is already Uchiha Madara’s strongest posture!


The battle has just begun…

A Ring Tomb clone was directly hit by the Spiral Shuriken… a> Uchiha Madara With the three Ring Tomb clones, they swarmed forward again, and the four figures continuously besieged Akihara Kagura. The four figures continued to release ninjutsu, forcing Akihara Kagura to give up the loopholes in the taijutsu attack!

Uchiha Madara can only hurriedly take back the injured Rinnebomb clone, and let the Rinnebomb clone return directly to his own reincarnation eye to cultivate!

“Fire Release·Hao Yan sings!”

Groups of huge dragon-headed fireballs rushed towards Akihara Kagura.

Akihara Kagura was fighting with the ring tomb clone, and the four dragon-headed fireballs were about to hit him. The moment it fell on him, Akihara Kagura’s figure appeared directly next to Uchiha Madara through the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, avoiding the Gouyan Singing Jutsu!

“It’s the Flying Thunder God again…”

Madara Uchiha frowned slightly.

If nothing else, it should be him and Akihara Kagura In the first taijutsu battle, Akihara Kagura left the Flying Thunder God mark on him…


This time it is different! a> Uchiha Madara’s body suddenly froze in place! The next moment!

As if he had expected it, Uchiha Madara raised his hand and patted Akihara Kagura’s chest, and a black stick condensed in his palm!

“I can’t move…”

Uchiha Madara looked at his palm and the black rod in his palm, but his body could not move, and it was inexplicably frozen in place!

“Is this… shadow mimicry?”

Uchiha Madara’s eyes narrowed instantly. He immediately judged this technique. The shadow of the Nara clan could actually control a ninja of his level.

“When light is born, shadow follows it…”

Akihara Kagura raised her palm, and the shadow on the ground suddenly came to life like running water, and the sky The huge shadow falling from the dark clouds is like a living thing!

Everything present…

has been controlled by Akihara Kagura through the shadow! a> Uchiha Madara frowned and saw the shrinking shadow on the ground:”The Nara clan’s shadow imitation technique… can actually be You control it to this extent… At the beginning of the battle, you have already arranged the shadows in advance The shadow imitation technique of the Nara clan was controlled to the extreme by Akihara Kagura, even though he wanted to control Uchi Uchiha Madara’s time is very short, but this time is enough!

This is the [Light and Shadow] characteristic of Akihara Kagura when he was promoted to Jonin!


“I just don’t want to get hurt…”

Akihara Kagura’s samsara eyes stared at Madara Uchiha in front of him, and said softly:”Since you don’t want to get injured in the battle, it is inevitable that you still need to Learn some elegant fighting arts…”

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, broke off the black stick in Uchiha Madara’s palm with one hand, and was about to stab Uchiha Madara’s hand with his backhand Chest!


A Ring Tomb clone was directly summoned!

Even if Uchiha Madara cannot move, he can still Instantly swapped places with the shadow of the Ring Tomb clone!

The Ring Tomb clone that was exchanged in this position was instantly inserted into the chest by the black rod in Akihara Kagura’s hand, and had to return to Uchiha Madara’s Cultivation in the eyes of reincarnation!

This little time…

is enough for Uchiha Madara to break free from the shackles of the shadow!

Uchiha Madara breaks free from the shackles For the first time, he took a deep breath. Only two of his Wheel Tomb clones could still be used, and these two Wheel Tomb clones were still blocking his way…

However… < /span>

Akihara Kagura did not give him time to breathe!

“Immortal Technique·Thunder Release·Thousand Birds!”

“Immortal Technique·Dust Release·Rasengan!”

Akihara Kagura stretched out his hands, and a ball of silvery thunder and lightning appeared in one palm. It was the form of Chidori’s senjutsu, and the other palm appeared. A white-light Rasengan is also a combination of dust escape and senjutsu chakra.

The next moment!

Akihara Kagura’s body turned into a golden light , rushed straight towards Uchiha Madara’s two ring tomb clones, and the two senjutsu instantly destroyed the two ring tomb clones!

“This guy…”

Madara Uchiha watched helplessly as his Ring Tomb clone was destroyed. There was a trace of astonishment and disbelief in his eyes. He even felt that this A moment beyond my own knowledge!

“Can actually use two different ninjutsu at the same time, and condense different chakras in the body. Even the two techniques have the same terrifying power…”

Of course …

The most terrifying thing is…

These two techniques are enough to threaten anyone, even Uchiha Madara dare not fight against them. But it was just a casual blow from Akihara Kagura.

This guy…

There is a more terrifying trump card!

Uchiha Madara He was completely aware of a problem. His reincarnation eye ability had been completely cracked, and his trump card had been torn up by Akihara Kagura…

“Mr. Madara…”

Akihara Kagura gently opened her palm and clasped her fingers gently in it, as if she controlled everything in the palm of her hand:”Now, you can Started to run away…”

Make up for it…

I feel like Uchiha Madara is so hard to beat…

The Flying Thunder God is useful to Madara, but the Flying Thunder God wants to fight, not escape. Uchiha Madara feels that he is very familiar with the Flying Thunder God in the anime, and even Senju Tobirama was caught by him as soon as he flew over.…

(End of this chapter)

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