Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 200 Going deep into the enemy’s position

On the roadside, Rico was getting familiar with the new tool hydrogen balloon given by Sallento, while others in the Riot Legion were carrying supplies from the bomb factory.

"Riko? What are you playing at?"

"Oh? Xiao, it's you. Sallento just got me some hydrogen balloon tools. Do you want to try them?"

When Rico saw Mo Wen, he suddenly remembered that Mo Wen also had a grappling hook on his arm, so he handed over a hydrogen balloon component.

"Huh? No need. This thing doesn't match my grappling hook device. Just keep it for yourself." As he said that, Mo Wen raised his hand to show off his grappling hook device.

Indeed, Rico's grappling hook device is on the outside of his right wrist, while Mo Wen's grappling hook is on the inside of his left wrist. Moreover, Mo Wen's grappling hook is made of cyber technology and follows the same cyber technology route. The same, but the internal structure is very different.

Just like Rico's grappling hook launcher can be added with hydrogen balloons, ropes and thruster components, Mo Wen's cannot. However, the two's grappling hooks can also be used in close combat and turned into whips. Rico's can only be a whip. But Mo Wen's can be damaged by high-voltage current or high temperature.

Moreover, compared with the grappling hook, Mo Wen's device is equipped with a longer rope. With the same rope reel volume and weight, the rope carried by Mo Wen is several times that of Rico, and Mo Wen's launcher is more powerful. , equipped with several high-speed motors and rotors, which are so powerful that they can easily penetrate enemy armor at short range.

Rico carefully looked at the grapple launcher on the inside of Mo Wen's wrist. It was indeed different from his own. It used a technical route that he didn't know. Although he was a little curious, it was obviously not a good choice to find out other people's secrets. Rico also I can only give up.

"Hey Rico, we're all set up and can retreat now." Sallento ran over from behind and shouted at Rico.

"Oh! Who are you?" Walking closer, Sallento was a little curious when he saw Mo Wen. After all, Sallento only knew Mira and Rico in Abizmo, and Mo Wen didn't go there. Instead, come directly to the Vasios Bomb Factory.

"Oh, it's like this, Sallento, let me introduce to you, this is Owl. If you know mercenaries, you should have heard of his code name - Ghost Walker. This time he helped us restart Val. Sios Bomb Factory," after saying that, Rico turned to introduce Mo Wen when he was suddenly interrupted by Sallento.

"Oh! You are the Ghost Walker. I have heard of your name. It is said that when your mission target is not missed, you can always solve the target silently, and no one can even see you. Look!”

"Um, hello Sallento, actually what you just said was not quite accurate. No, I just missed it once."

"What? Oh, it was the operation with Rico. I heard Rico and Mira say that the Upala weapon used by Espinosa created a thunderstorm, and there was nothing we could do about it. , understandable.”

No, this is just incomprehensible.

Mo Wen shook his head in his mind.

In fact, if Mo Wen had acted alone, he might have succeeded that time. After all, with the Ghost Walker's full firepower, nothing could stop Mo Wen.

However, Mo Wen didn’t know the place alone!

And if you want to know where all weapon technologies are developed, you can only follow the protagonist Rico.

It's not like Mo Wen has never thought about finding clues and taking action on his own, but the Internet in this era has not yet developed to that extent. A considerable part of the information is still in paper, and the whereabouts of these paper information are still unknown? In whose hands? This made Mo Wen feel uncomfortable!

There was no choice but to follow Rico and Mira.

"OK, guys." Mira also walked over: "We should retreat."


"The situation here has been known to the Black Hand. It is estimated that the Black Hand will come to attack soon, so we have to evacuate here."

"Evacuate to where?"

"Right over there, there will be planes coming to pick up the large troops and supplies and leave them to a safe place, so now we have to drive there quickly."



Although Mo Wen did not agree with this retreat, there was nothing he could do. He had the ability to resist the Black Hand, but these people did not. The day before, these people were civilians oppressed by the Black Hand, but now they have become a rioting army with guns. At this time Strictly speaking, it should be a mob, and it is really inappropriate to start a head-on battle.

"Do I still need to go?"

"If possible, there will probably be no peace along the way. The Black Hand will definitely send people to stop the convoy."

"There should be meetings on the road, but the main one should be here at the factory. After all, with the factory, we can continuously manufacture weapons, so I think the main target of the black hand is here, and there won't be so many on the road. "

"In this case, I won't go. I just want to go back and have a good rest. Rico, I'll leave it to you on the way to the convoy."

"No problem, it just so happens that people like the legion can also take this opportunity to practice."

After discussing the subsequent actions, Mo Wen stayed where he was and watched the others leave in batches. Mira took some of the people lightly and left from another route. After all, Mira still had to stay at the front to help Rico fight against the black hand. , Rico followed Sallento's transport convoy to take another route to the evacuation point.

Looking at the motorcade going away, Mo Wen raised his hand and rubbed the back of his head: "Why do you always feel like you have forgotten something?" There was no way. Although Mo Wen knew the general direction of the plot, after all, so much time had passed, and there was something else in it. There were quite a few side quests, the details of which I can’t remember for a long time.

"I'll show you that there are no things left on your to-do list recently."

"Maybe I remembered it wrong~ I'll go back now."

In fact, Mo Wen did forget one thing!

It's not particularly important, but on the way back, Mo Wen received Rico's signal for help.

"Xiao, are you convenient now? The support plane has not arrived yet, but the Black Hand people came first. I am resisting the Black Hand people here. Can you come over and help me? The Black Hand firepower here is too fierce."

"What's F**K??!"

"Give me your location and I'll rush there now!"

After receiving Rico's request for help, Mo Wen sent a message to Lucy to explain, then jumped in the direction and flew towards Rico's current location.

When approaching the evacuation point, Mo Wen saw overwhelming Black Hand soldiers attacking the rioting legions at the evacuation point from the ground and the sky, while Rico was still running back and forth to block the Black Hand soldiers.

"Damn! Look at the marks on the ground. This is a wave of Heshou soldiers that have been eliminated! Damn it! Rico really deserves to be the protagonist. If I didn't have a plug-in, I would have been beaten to a pulp by so many people. Rico was actually able to organize a counterattack and still defended for such a long time!”

No longer hesitating, he aimed at these black-hand soldiers with one glance, then opened the magazine on the back thruster, and launched countless mini tracking missiles, launching a precise strike against the black-hand soldiers below...

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