Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 201 Evacuation of Vanai

"Riko, those people in charge of support, I suggest you fire them! Under such circumstances, they can't arrive at the target location on time to provide support. This is delaying the military plane! In the army, this will lead to a military court!!! "

"Ahem, it's not that serious, right?"

"How could you not know that you are an agent?"

"Let's talk about this later. This is the person Mira is looking for. I don't care about things over there."

"Emm~" I'm afraid you'll see Rico and forget his true love.

"Forget it, as long as it's okay, I'm going back too."

After saying goodbye to Rico, Mo Wen unfolded his flying wings again, started the propeller and flew towards the distance - he got on the aerocar in a hidden place, turned on the invisible flying towards Mo Wen and Lucy's current home.

Although it was said to be a home, it was actually originally used as a stronghold. However, in order to stay hidden, Mo Wen parked the transport ship in the primeval forest deep in the Solis Mountains, so it was not very convenient to enter and exit. . .

"How are you, Lucy?" As soon as he entered the door, Mo Wen changed his clothes and asked Lucy.

Lucy took the jacket that Mo Wen took off and replied: "There is no progress. The clues on the Internet are too scattered. I can only find some less important information."

"Hey~ I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable."

"What are you not used to? Isn't it nice here?"

"It's good, but I couldn't use many of my methods here before, so I always feel powerless from time to time."

Hearing this, Lucy smiled and hugged Mo Wen gently: "If you feel powerless, then no one else in the world will be alive."

It has been half a year since they came to this world. During these six months, Mo Wen and Lucy have generally understood the civilization, culture and technology of this world.

It’s similar to the culture of the cyber world. Companies control the world. However, Solis is not as powerful as the cyber world, and the level of technology is not that high. Implants have appeared, but there are still only a few, and only Rico. Only agents and the like can have access to this, but ordinary citizens have never heard of it.

But there are also advantages. Although Solis is controlled by Espinosa and the Black Hand, the environment of the world is still good at least. It has not been destroyed by nuclear weapons. All kinds of animals and plants still exist well, and in cyberspace Naturally grown food that most people in the world would never even think of can be eaten here...

"What's going on over there today?" Lucy was a little confused, why Mo Wen, who originally said he would be back soon, sent a message saying he would be back later to take care of some things.

"Ah, you ask this~ It was Rico's side. They originally promised to come to support, but the people who came to support did not arrive in time. At this time, Rico and the transportation team were attacked by the black hands. Therefore, they urgently asked me to come over and provide support. one time."

"Is the organization behind Rico so arrogant?"

"Emmmm, I have this doubt too, but they shouldn't be the organization that Rico belongs to. As far as I know, they should be grouped together. Strictly speaking, it's a cooperative relationship, just like Rico and I, but to Much closer than our collaboration.”

"So that's it. I wonder why the skills of the people inside are uneven."

After the two of them freshened up, it was already evening (don’t ask why it took so long to wash, the author doesn’t know either)

The two of them were having a sumptuous dinner at the dining table~

"Why don't you eat?" Mo Wen looked at Lucy who put down the tableware in her hand and was a little confused. It's not usually this amount, and after exercising just now, shouldn't she eat more to replenish her strength?

"I can't eat it. I've gained a lot of weight since I came here~"


"Have a look~" Lucy said, pinching the flesh on her belly through her clothes.

"It's okay. It's healthy to have more meat."

"No! I have to find a way to lose weight. Also, why do you eat so much every day without gaining weight, Xiao?"

Do you want me to tell you that I cheated?

"Maybe it's because I run back and forth every day?"

"Well, it's possible." After hearing Mo Wen's words, Lucy really lowered her head and thought about it.

Indeed, Mo Wen does a lot of exercise every day, and implants such as Si'an Westan's and Klenchikov's are all military-grade, which consumes a lot of money on the body, so this is understandable.

"But my body can't stand these implants~"

"Pfft~cough! Why do you have such an idea?" Mo Wen didn't expect that Lucy would think of implanting a combat implant of his own type. He was frightened and hurriedly took out a few tissues to wipe his own squirt. Go for the liquor.

Lucy's body has been deliberately trained in the direction of hackers since childhood, so the body can only withstand hacker implants. Moreover, due to the deep and shallow devices in the body, even ordinary implants have many limitations.

In order to prevent Lucy from continuing to think wildly, after dinner, Mo Wen could only use his own actions to make Lucy lose the ability to continue thinking~

Then, early the next morning, Mo Wen received a call from Rico: "Xiao? Are you free now?"

"In this case, you'd better say it directly, otherwise if I don't like what you say, I might just say I'm not available."

"Huh?" Apparently Rico didn't understand what Mo Wen meant.

"It's nothing, just say it."

"Well, to put it simply, there is a Black Hand brainwashing factory in the Vanai area. There are many civilians trapped here who have been brainwashed and transformed into Black Hand soldiers. We need to rescue these people. This will be our new source of troops."

"Emmm jumping from one fire pit to another fire pit?"


"It's okay. Just tell me the address. But first, I'm not good at rescuing people. Just leave the black-hand soldiers in the base to me. You can save those people."

"no problem!"

Soon, Mo Wen rode his bike to where Rico was now (this motorcycle was given by Scorpion before he left. Not only is it powerful, but it also has strong off-road performance)

At this time, Rico was looking at the Black Hand base on the cliff with another person.

"Rico, and Sallento?"

"Hey~ Xiao, come here, come and take a look, that's our target."

Mo Wen thanked Rico for the telescope and turned on the scanning function of the prosthetic eye. In an instant, the image in Mo Wen's eyes was enlarged dozens of times, and all the details in the base were scanned one by one.

"So our target is those two warehouses, right?"

"Huh? That's right. There are two warehouses in the north and south. They are all ordinary people who are imprisoned. They have not been brainwashed yet. We have to rescue them."

"OK, I got it. After entering, Rico, you go rescue people, and I will take care of the remaining gangsters."

"No problem. Sallento has arranged for someone to meet him at the exit. We just need to escort him there."

After the discussion, the rescue operation began. To be honest, there is not much to say in this section.

Rico, it was a little more complicated. While rescuing people, he also had to run and escort them to Sallento who was waiting at the door. He encountered almost no trouble on the way.

Because the trouble has been solved by Mo Wen.

Mo Wen's action was quite simple: just throw a smoke bomb wherever there was an enemy, then he pulled out the thermal energy sword from his back, activated Si'an Westan and rushed forward with a burst of sparks and lightning, and then, there was nothing more.

Along the way, Rico has been shocked by Mo Wen's performance from the beginning to the current numbness. At the same time, he must also pay attention to the rescued people so that they will not be left behind because they are too shocked by Mo Wen's performance (babysitter?)

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