Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 213 Espada moves quickly

"Puerto Espada?"

After Operation Thunder Refutation, Mo Wen was busy at home, and he didn't receive the news from Rico until just now.

After all, there were differences with Rico's organization last time, and now it's just business as usual on the surface, and the cooperation is continuing on the surface.

In fact, Mo Wen has been studying lightning controller technology these days.

Having obtained all the technical information, Mo Wen found it not difficult to recreate a lightning controller. After all, not to mention that the core was already in Mo Wen's hands, and other materials were not difficult to obtain either.

The only problem now is that the lightning controller is very powerful, but also very limited. It can only be fixed in one place, and its own protection is very weak, so it can easily be controlled by the enemy in turn, just like this time during Operation Thunderbolt. Blackhand's lightning control base was destroyed with almost no effort.

What Mo Wen wanted was not just to create a lightning controller, but to absorb the lightning controller and transform it into a suitable weapon.

Think about it, when facing the enemy, Mo Wen directly used the move Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Prison or Thunder to Destroy the World, how shocking it would be!

To achieve this level, Mo Wen needs to thoroughly understand the technical information first...

"Yes, that is Colonel Munoz's territory. Rico sent a message saying that Colonel Munoz planned to blow up Puerto Espada and blame the rebel army, so he asked us to help."

"Why, there is no other manpower at Mira's side? What is Rico doing?"

"Hmm~ The other party didn't say this, but according to the surveillance, Rico seems to be with Presa."

"Presa car factory? Good guy, this is an important source of income for the black hands! After all, there are so many people in Solis who can't afford imported cars and luxury cars, so they will choose Presa, a local civilian product. Rico's It’s about cutting off the Black Hand’s economy!”

"At present, it seems that there is such a plan, and the rebel army has also increased its troops in this direction..."

"It should be very lively at Rico's place now."

"But, Xiao, if this is the case, won't they still marginalize you? This matter will not do you any good. Besides, is there really a need to cooperate with them now?"

During this period of time, the data collected by Mo Wen and Lucy was enough to find the base for subsequent weather weapons. Obtaining the data and finished products was not a problem. There was no need to continue to cooperate, not to mention that they were still a little aggrieved~

"Of course, Lucy, cooperation is still useful for the time being. At least, we cannot terminate the cooperation." Mo Wen came behind Lucy and hugged her: "Since they are treating me like this, then I don't fight back. Obviously it is impossible. My character, but it’s not the right time yet, and when the time comes, the harm to them will be greater if we cancel the cooperation!”

"But this opportunity is not easy to find, and it may not even be available. What should I do?"

"Hmm~ Darling, I heard a saying before. Although I don't remember the source, I still remember this sentence very clearly: If there is no opportunity, create an opportunity!"

"...It's a very reasonable statement, but it won't be easy to implement it~"

"It's okay. I have plenty of energy. Are you going to play with me? Let's see if I don't kill them!"

After saying that, Mo Wen and Lucy set off for Espada Port.

Of course, for the sake of comfort and safety, Kangtao’s armed floating vehicle is better when traveling with Lucy. Although the Holy Sword floating car looks full of technology and luxury from the outside, and is very comfortable inside, it is a seated vehicle after all, and has no armed firepower. Kangtao's floating fortress is different, with two anti-aircraft aircraft at the front. Cannon, a drone mothership on the roof and a group of drones at the rear of the car. In addition to the place where the robot soldiers are placed, there is still a lot of built-in space, enough for two people to play as they want.

Over Puerto Espada:

"Lucy, tell me, what would happen if I just let that colonel blow up the port?"

"It's Colonel Munoz. Generally speaking, this port is still very important," Lucy said, looking at the three-dimensional map displayed in the floating fortress: "Look, these containers here show that this is a civilian port. It's not a military port, and the Black Hand definitely has more than one port, so if the Port of Espada is blown up, it won't cause them any loss, since it's already surrounded anyway;

As for the Riot Legion, although they have controlled a port, it is a military port after all, and the traffic is not so large. Can't all goods be processed through the military port? In that case, the port will probably be overloaded;

Since this is a civilian port, once it is bombed, the people of Solis will suffer the greatest losses. Moreover, Colonel Munoz is promoting the port that was blown up by the rebel army, so it will also have the greatest impact on the rebel army. . "

"So, this port can actually be blown up, but it can't be destroyed by my hands, right?"

"Yes, first of all, this is not in line with your strength; secondly, they will also realize that Ghost Walker is completely separated from them. In general, no matter what your plan is later, it will not matter to you It’s all disadvantageous.”

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll save this place~"

After packing up his equipment, Mo Wen jumped out of the open hatch.

At the same time, Lucy also entered the network level~

"Xiao, the bombs here still use old-fashioned structures, but they are very powerful. If you want to know their situation, you must first physically access the control terminal."


As soon as he landed on the ground, Mo Wen immediately entered the invisible state. Although the black-hand soldiers at the port have almost retreated, there are still a small number of people wandering around the port.

Although it was easy to get entangled, it was still troublesome, so Mo Wen chose to infiltrate and fight.

Soon, Mo Wen found the controller terminal in a warehouse and immediately connected it.

"Xiao, now there is bad news." The moment Mo Wen accessed the system, Lucy took over the entire system. She had all the information about the entire port, bomb locations, structural diagrams, etc., and then Lucy looked solemn. He said to Mo Wen: "The bombs here are not connected to the Internet and are physically controlled."

"Does that mean I have to defuse bombs one by one?"

"In this case, then I have even worse news."


"Xiao, these bombs have been activated and will explode in about four minutes."

"Fuck!" Faced with this situation, Mo Wen didn't know what to do for the first time.

You said that if you want to ensure your own safety, then there is no problem. With the speed of the Ghost Walker, you will be out of the explosion range in four minutes, but if you dismantle the pile of bombs at the port, it will be purely embarrassing. .

"There is another way, Xiao. These are old-fashioned bombs. The way of explosion is to ignite and detonate. As long as you throw them all into the water, you should be able to stop the explosion."

"This method works, but the problem is that these bombs are fixed to other things."

"Then take care of these vehicles first. I took a look and most of the bombs are on the vehicles. After taking care of these, the remaining bombs will not be enough to destroy Puerto Espada."

"OK, I understand~" After deciding on the plan, Mo Wen directly turned on the full power of Si'an Westan, preparing to relieve the bomb crisis in Espada Port.

However, Mo Wen would not drive slowly, but would directly lift a car and throw it into the sea...

You mean monitoring? Don’t worry, Lucy has taken over the surveillance system of the entire port, so you don’t have to worry about being discovered!

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