Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 214 Destroying the Space Base

"Hey~ Rico, I haven't seen you for a while. I heard you are very busy these days?"

Since the last incident in Puerto Espada, Mo Wen has been settling clues and intends to break away from Rico's organization to obtain Blackhand's weather weapons alone, so he has never contacted Rico.

Rico seems to have a tacit understanding. He has never come to see Ghost Walker. Of course, it is possible that he cannot be contacted.

However, Rico was not idle during this period, and could even be said to be extremely busy.

As can be seen from the news, conflicts occurred at the Presa Automobile Factory, Tulu Port and the Meteorological Research Base.

Based on Mo Wen's understanding of Rico's strength, he must have taken down all these places. After all, it was not difficult.

But this time Rico took the initiative to come, which made Mo Wen a little strange~

Although nothing was said on the surface, in fact, the cooperation between Ghost Walker and the organization behind Rico was already at a standstill, and it was almost torn apart~ At this time, Rico's coming over obviously meant something. What a problem!

"Xiao, it's okay. I've been quite tired during this period, but now the organization has stabilized, so for the next step, I'll ask you to have a meeting~"

"Meeting? Me? Rico, you also know the current situation. I believe you are not a fool. You should be able to see what is going on."

Mo Wen's words are tantamount to clarifying the relationship~

However, Rico clearly wanted to make amends: "Xiao, I apologize to you on behalf of them for the previous arrangement. It was our fault. We were obviously partners, but we did not give you the same trust... I hope you can accept it."

"Well~ If you apologize, I'll accept it~"

"That's great, let's go. We are about to have a big operation against the Black Hand, and we need manpower. Let's go have a meeting to make a plan..."

Before Rico could finish speaking, Mo Wen directly interrupted Rico and shook his head at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I will not participate in this operation. We have been living quite leisurely at home these two days, enjoying life~ We are both very satisfied with our current life."

"But, Xiao, why?"

"Why? I have made enough money. Is there anything wrong with enjoying life now?" Mo Wen didn't understand. Is there anything wrong with what he just said?

Before Rico could answer, Sallento on the side spoke first: "Hey Xiao, it's me, Sallento, do you remember?"

Mo Wen looked at him and nodded~

"Aren't you going to resist the Black Hand?"

"Resisting the Black Hand, I have always been on this path, haven't I! When did I stop?"

"Then why don't you join us?"

Hearing this, Mo Wen laughed out loud, and Rico also frowned.

"Sallento, you made a mistake. Why can't I resist the Black Hand only if I work with you? Isn't it your exclusive right to resist the Black Hand?"

"However, there is strength in numbers. If we cooperate, the efficiency of fighting the Black Hand will be greatly improved!"

"Okay Sallento, no need to say more."

"It's okay Rico," Mo Wen reassured Rico, then looked at Sallento and continued: "You have overlooked a problem. If you want to resist the Black Hand, I can do it alone without your help. There is no place in this world that can stop the Ghost Walker; secondly, if we cooperate, the efficiency will not increase, and it will even decrease."

"How can this be!"

"It's very simple, because no one in this world can keep up with my pace! Can you understand this? Partner with me? If you can't keep up with my pace, how can you partner with me? Aren't you holding me back!"

Sallento was so speechless by Mo Wen's words that he didn't know how to refute it.

After all, if you want to refute, Mo Wen's words are still true. If you think about it carefully, his strength does not require help at all. In comparison, his own strength is much worse.

But being said so unfavorably makes me feel unhappy, so I must refute~

While Sallento was still thinking about the reason, Rico spoke again.

"Xiao, I hope we can still be friends." Rico knew that cooperation would never return to its original form, so he could only find another way to go. But this was also within Mo Wen's calculations.

"Of course, Rico, Mo Wen is still a friend."

"Then can I ask you a favor as a friend?"

Hearing this, Mo Wen did not answer immediately, but stared into Rico's eyes and was silent for a while (at this time, the corners of Mo Wen's mouth were actually rising crazily. Everything was developing as expected, quite smoothly. All he needed to do now was to Just act for a while) said: "Okay."

"In that case, I hope you can help me go to the Prosperity Space Base and get rid of Roxas, the leader of the black hand there. If possible, help the Riot Legion take over the base."

Rico and Sallento were still greeted by silence.

"Roxas, I can help you solve it. As for the base, I can only help you disarm those defensive cannons. Otherwise, who will own this base then? You think so!"

"Okay, thank you, Xiao."

"Hmm~ I seem to remember this part?" Mo Wenfei murmured to himself as he flew over the space base.

The scene before me awakened some dormant memories.


"'s nothing, Lucy. I was just thinking that if Rico and the others came, the noise would probably make Roxas run away early."

"Probably not. After all, Rico is also pretty good."

"Indeed, if it is specifically to assassinate Roxas, Rico will definitely have no problem, but Lucy and Rico will definitely have to pave the way for the rebel army behind them, so they will destroy the defensive cannons first. Then Roxas will definitely …”

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"It makes sense. Rico is acting as a group, and you are a lone wolf. You don't need to worry so much. Well, Roxas is on the middle floor of the main building and has been marked on your helmet."

"OK, leave it to me next!"

After getting the specific location information, it’s time for the Ghost Walkers to officially move out...

Sneak into the building quietly, find Roxas, look for opportunities, and stab him with one strike!

"Beautiful, the first goal is accomplished, now it's time to get some automatic defense cannons. Xiaoxiao, what are you going to do with this one?"

"Simple, I have disguised Roxas' body. No one has discovered that the base has been invaded yet. I will take advantage of this moment to quietly turn off all the cannons and then hand them over to the rioting legions."

"In this case, the number of Black Hand soldiers will not decrease, and the pressure on the rebel legions will not decrease either. Could it be..."

"Okay Lucy, don't think too much. After all, I will take care of Roxas, and I will also take care of the defensive artillery. If you help take out the Black Hand soldiers, then why do you need the Riot Legion? In the end, this base is the Ghost Walker Or the Riot Legion?"

"Okay, I understand, the circuit breakers for all the cannons have been marked for you."


After a while, before the rioting legions on the periphery could wait for the signal (in the plan, Sallento and other rioting legions used the civil unrest in the space base as an attack signal, but this time Mo Wen played a traditional assassin infiltration flow), they all Already impatient to wait.

Suddenly, the ghost walker's figure flashed in front of Sallento and other Riot Legion sergeants.

"Hey, Ghost Walker..."

When Sallento was about to ask what was going on, he was blocked by a man thrown by Mo Wen.

"Now, this is the Roxas you wanted. I have solved it for you as requested. Also, I have turned off all the cannons in the base. The rest is up to you!"

After saying that, the ghost walker disappeared again, leaving a group of sergeants from the rioting legion looking at each other~

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