Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 50 The information is wrong

"I replaced the original armor of this car with a stronger one. Two submachine guns and a cannon were installed on the sides and roof respectively. Anti-collision strips were installed around the body, the chassis was also wrapped, and the windows were updated. It was replaced with bulletproof glass, and layers of protective netting were added to the tires, so bullets cannot penetrate them..."

"Okay, okay Jack, I understand, how much did you... spend?"

"Hi! It didn't cost much. I filled it in with what I saved before."

"???Don't you want to keep those to buy a motorcycle?"

"Huh? How do you know? But it's okay. Now that we work together, we have to have a good guy first, right?"

Jack pushed Mo Wen's back and motioned for him to get in the car: "Okay, let's go handle Wakazi's commission."

After getting in the car, Mo Wen discovered that there were many more control panels inside, and half of the space in the back seat was occupied by the stowed cannons.

"Isn't this car worthy of carrying a gang?"

"Hehe, that's right." Jack, who was driving, heard Mo Wen's sigh and echoed, "Even if the company comes, we can resist, and maybe we can fight back and break out."

"In this case, our team still lacks a hacker."

"Hacker? I do know a pretty powerful hacker, but we shouldn't need hackers now, right?" Hearing Mo Wen's words, Jack said: "The jobs we take now are all for small amounts, and one more person is not enough." It’s divided.”

"That's true. That's it for now. But Jack, don't underestimate hackers. When we become famous in the future, we will have to have a hacker." At this point, Mo Wen suddenly turned to look at Jack: "How about that?" , Jack, how about you go and learn hacking? I can’t do it anymore. I installed Sianwistan and I can’t use the hacking component.”

"Me? I'm even worse now. I'm not a hacker anymore. I'd better find another one later."

As he was talking, Jack parked the car in front of an old building.

"This is it. According to the intelligence, the gang of kidney cutters are on the third floor."

After hearing Jack's words, Mo Wen scanned the building and felt something was wrong.

"Jack, are you sure there are only four or five people across from you?"

"That's right, this is the news Wageko gave you. What's wrong?"

"Something's wrong. This building gives me a strange feeling. I can't tell you. Do you know where the specific room is?"

"I don't know, but it should be easy to find. Come on, let's go in."

"No, wait for Jack first. Let's not enter from the front. Let's go to the back to see if there are other routes."

"Ah? Okay, I'll listen to you." Although Mo Wen didn't give any reason, Jack still agreed to this method out of trust.

The two came to the back of the building. As expected, there would be an external fire escape at the back of this old-fashioned building, but it only went to the second floor.

"Jack, wait a moment, I'll put the ladder down."

After saying that, Mo Wen made a double jump to the fire escape on the second floor and lowered the folded ladder. While waiting for Jack to come up, Mo Wen began to slowly explore upwards.

Although he couldn't tell what was wrong, Mo Wen just felt something was wrong.

Slowly approaching the third floor, Mo Wen activated the optical camouflage and quietly climbed through the window.

Mo Wen was stunned by what he saw next.

Seeing a scavenger approaching his position, Mo Wen quickly jumped out and stopped Jack's steps.

"What's wrong?" Jack saw Mo Wen's actions, softened his movements, and asked softly

Upon hearing Jack's question, Mo Wen just shook his head and did not speak.

After hearing the sounds inside, Mo Wen quietly stood up and checked to make sure no one was around, then he pulled Jack back to the ground.

"Jack, the information is wrong. This is a large scavenger den with at least thirty people inside, and inside..." Thinking of the bloody scene he just saw, Mo Wen felt nauseated.

"This is indeed very difficult. We have to talk to Wakako, but Xiao, your endurance is a bit too much. Do you want to vomit now?"

"Jack, go and take a look. It's different here. I've also cleaned up some scavenger's dens. Sometimes I've been cruel to them because I was angry, but it's different here. Those bastards inside are no longer human."

"Huh~ I'll take it easy first, you go call Wakako."

"Okay." After receiving the response, Jack walked to the other side and began to communicate with Wakako.

Mo Wen sat on the steps and took a deep breath to calm down.

"Xiao, He Gezi said that he wanted to transfer the commission to someone else. Of course, because of our information, he will compensate us a little money." At this point, Jack paused, looked into Mo Wen's eyes and said, "What do you think?"

"Me? Jack, I think the same as you, fuck him, don't worry, I'm sure."

Looking at Jack's expression, Mo Wen knew that Jack didn't want to give up this commission. After all, if this was done, his reputation would be greatly improved, and this is what Jack wanted. Only when his reputation increases can he receive big jobs.

"Okay, Xiao, I'll tell Wakako right now."

"Well, Jack, please send this video to Wakako. This is what I just recorded in it." He cut out what he just saw and sent it to Jack.

"I'm going, vomit~ This is too disgusting, okay, send it over"

After a while, Jack ended the communication and thought Mo Wen came over.

"Xiao, He Gezi said that the employer has doubled the price. All you need to do is find the implant and the chip and take them back."

"Huh~ No problem. Many things inside this time are not clear. The information obtained by scanning with prosthetic eyes alone is limited. I have two plans first," Mo Wen paused and then said: "The first plan , I use optical camouflage to hide myself in as much as possible. After I find something, I quickly exit. Jack, you can cover me at the door so that I can support you if I am discovered. The second plan is very simple. Let’s make a big fuss. Rely on the terrain and environment and kill them all as much as possible. Which one do you want to choose? "

After hearing Mo Wen's plan, Jack thought for a while

Then the two of them looked up at each other at the same time: "Fight", then looked at each other and smiled, stood up and prepared to take action.

"I'm going to go in here and penetrate them directly. What about you Jack?"

"Hmm~ Let me rush in from the front. I can also help you attract attention. After all, you are the ace."

After hearing Jack's words, he thought for a while, then took off his bulletproof jacket and handed it to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Put it on Jack, you are more dangerous than me from the front. Don't worry, not even bullets can catch up with me."

After putting on their jackets, Jack and Mo Wen looked at each other and nodded, then started to move separately.

When they parted, Mo Wen gave Jack a chip and asked him to record the scene.

As for why Mo Wen didn't record it himself, Jack also understood that the other party had to speed up and the recording was impossible to read. At the same time, Jack also knew that Mo Wen's purpose of letting him record it was to increase his persuasiveness when handing over the commission, and to improve his follow-up. Increase influence

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