Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 51 The beginning of fame

When the operation started, the two kept in communication so that they could support each other in case of emergency.

Hearing the gunshots coming from the opposite side, Mo Wen did not take action immediately, but silently remembered the location of the scavenger.

Because Mo Wen knew that if he made a move, the scavengers wouldn't be able to resist for a few seconds when facing him who was slowly opening, and then there would be no chance for Jack to show off.

After a while, he heard the gunshots at the main entrance pause for a moment, and then intensified again. Mo Wen knew it was time to take action himself, and Jack's voice also sounded on the communication line.

Mo Wen no longer hesitated, drew out his samurai sword, opened it slowly, and rushed towards the position he had noted before.

Well, when Mo Wen took action, he found that it was not that simple. The opponent's armor and body armor could not withstand the sharp blades and extraordinary strength in his hands, but the complex environment and walls caused inconvenience to Mo Wen's actions.

You can't knock all walls and other obstacles away, right? Although it won't hurt, it hurts! My own plug-in is immune to damage, but it still hurts! ! !

"Jack, how are you doing there?"

"I've suppressed them here, what about you? I think they are backing up, so be careful."

"No problem, these maggots are hiding, I don't know where they are now"

"Don't worry, I've seen it. There are only two openings here. One is the main entrance of my place, and the other is your fire escape. If you guard it, they won't be able to escape."

Since the remaining scavengers were hiding, Mo Wen couldn't see anyone. Even if there was a delay, he couldn't show his face rashly. He could only switch to firearms and set up a gun on the side of a passage.

Mo Wen just listened to the sound quietly. The scavenger opposite seemed to have learned the lesson and didn't show his face again.

After Mo Wen blasted the place where the sound came from a few times with a grenade, he even moved softly, making it impossible to determine the location.

At this time, the only sounds in Mo Wen's ears were his own heartbeat and the sound of the gunfight coming from Jack's side.

"Xiao, be prepared. The remaining few on my side are retreating towards you. I will press over immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Wen saw several scavengers covered in blood coming towards him.

After throwing a blast bomb with quick eyes and quick hands, Mo Wen took advantage of the opponent's loss of balance and pulled the trigger repeatedly, and the smart bullet flew out in the direction of the scavenger's head.

After dealing with a few people, Mo Wen returned to the bunker.

Hearing another footsteps behind him, Mo Wen frowned slightly and asked quietly in the communication: "Jack?"

"it's me"

"I'm behind your cabinet at ten o'clock."

"Okay, I'm coming out. Xiao, please cover me later while I go to the right."

"Received, prepared"




When Mo Wen counted to 1, he instantly threw a few flash bombs forward, then stood up and started shooting towards the opposite side of the passage.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao, I'm here, brother"

"Are you okay Jack?"

"Me? Of course it's okay. Don't tell me that your clothes are very good, otherwise I will definitely get hurt."

Hearing Jack's words, Mo Wen also knew that Jack was really not injured.

"By the way, Xiao, do you still have bullets? I don't have many bullets here."

"What I use are all smart firearms. I don't know if the bullets can be used universally. There are also a lot of fragmentation grenades and flash bombs."

"Forget it, I'm using kinetic energy bullets, which are not universal. Where are the people on the other side?"

"It's just a few rooms connected by the corridor in front. I don't know the exact location. I don't know if there's a China Unicom inside. Damn it."

"Don't worry, Xiaoxiao. You see, I'm not in a hurry. They can't run away. Hehe, I happened to have two detection grenades here."

"Okay, Jack, if not, I'll throw all the grenades over and plow the ground, and you can throw another grenade to see if there's anyone alive."

"Emmmm, that's a bit too extravagant. I don't think they should die so happily." Jack looked at the tragic scene around him and said.

"That's true. It's easier for them to blow them up."

"This way, I'll use the reconnaissance grenade to see where they are, and then we'll slowly move up and torture the psychology of these beasts."

"Hahaha, who dares to say that Jack Wills is a reckless person in the future? I am the first to disagree."

After the two decided on the plan, Jack threw the grenade

"It seems there are some hostages here, Xiao"


"It's the room in front of me. There are six or seven people in it. It looks like it's locked. Then there's the second room in front of you. There are three people in it. They all have guns."

"In this case, how about leaving the hostage side to me and the other side to you, Jack?"

"no problem"

Then the two of them began to press forward. After approaching the corridor, Mo Wen opened the buffer to the room he was responsible for.

Jack followed closely to deal with the remaining three...

"Huh~ It's over, well done Owl"

It looked like a long time passed, but the battle didn't last long in total. It lasted less than five minutes. The reason why it felt long was because Mo Wen spent a third of the time in a state of slowdown.

With the cooperation of the two, a total of 48 scavengers were wiped out on the entire three floors and three victims were rescued. The rest were not saved.

"These beasts are simply devils," Jack looked at the cruel scenes around him.

"It looks like they are still recording illegal Mewtwo." Mo Wen looked at the unrecognizable corpses on the operating chairs in front of him and said through gritted teeth: "These two were roasted alive."

"More than that, this is the latest version of Shining. They directly experimented on living people."

"Twinkle?" Mo Wen heard an unfamiliar word and asked in question.

"It's just drugs. The Uzumaki Gang and the Tiger Claw Gang often smuggle this stuff."

"Okay, Jack, I found the thing, what should I do with the rest?" Mo Wen found his target from a burned unlucky guy: "I don't know if this thing can still be used."

"The rest can only be left to the police officer. Xiao, please contact the NCPD, and I will report the situation to Wakako."

"No problem. By the way, don't forget to send a copy of the video you recorded to Wakako."

Jack turned around and made an OK gesture, then went to the side to make a phone call.

Mo Wen walked outside to take a breath of fresh air, and at the same time sent the NCPD the alarm message and the photos he had taken before.

Soon Jack called me and came out.

"Xiao, it's done. It's time for us to leave. Send the things to Wakako's place."


Suddenly a police siren interrupted Mo Wen's words.

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