Starting from Douluo

Chapter 112 I'm Boring To Live! (Please subscribe!)

When he saw the two familiar figures walking out of the Great Fighting Arena, the rose bouquet in Ma Hongjun's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

In his ears, there was a clicking sound, which was the sound of his heartbreak.

"How can it be? How can Boss Tang be like this?

That is obviously the woman I like, why would she be with Boss Tang?

why treat me like this?"

Ma Hongjun's face was full of sorrow, only feeling that a large green prairie was floating over his head.

He could see clearly, the two familiar figures were Tang Ge, and the long-haired beauty who worked in the Great Fighting Arena that he had been pursuing during this time.

The beauty's name is Ding Dong.

Ma Hongjun has decided that once the training is over, he will show his utmost sincerity and ask the other party to confess.

Now, Ma Hongjun is here.

But he saw Ding Dong that he missed day and night and wanted to win, and he actually ran away with his Donald Trump.

She followed Mr. Don...


Ma Hongjun's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and tears began to flow out uncontrollably.

Boss Don, it's all you need to ruin my body, why do you ruin my heart in the end?

Finally, Ma Hongjun finally couldn't stand it, and suddenly cried and roared out.

"Boss Don, I hate you!"

The voice was loud and stern, and immediately attracted the eyes of passers-by coming and going on the square.

They looked at Ma Hongjun, who was crying, and then saw the bouquet of roses at each other's feet, and they suddenly realized.

Hey... It turned out to be another poor creature trapped by love!

In the distance, the long-haired beauty Ding Dong who was walking out with Tang Ge also heard a sad roar.

There was curiosity on her face, and she wanted to turn her head to look.

But Tang Ge suddenly reached out and stopped her in his arms, and said with a smile: "It's just a little fat boy who doesn't understand what love is. There is nothing to look at."

"Um...that...where are we going now?"

Dingdang's face turned red with the breath of the man who was in Tang Ge's arms.

Her eyes became a little blurred, and she asked in a trembling voice.

Tang Ge looked down at the completely fallen Ding Dong in his arms, and couldn't help reaching out and tapping on the opponent's pp.

"Of course it's going to eat delicious food, and then do something fun!"

After speaking, he laughed loudly and walked triumphantly towards the lively neighborhood with his arms around the other's slender waist.

Brother Ma Hongjun, you must look away!

Your brother Tang, I'm betraying sex tonight for your own good.

Otherwise, the beating will not only be in vain, but even such a cute little girl will be ruined by the bad guys because of your poor strength!

that's it.

On the last day before the end of the three-month devil training, Tang Ge, who had made a breakthrough in strength, finally found an opportunity to come out and indulge in Soto City.

There are beautiful women who accompany to eat, accompany to drink, and occasionally kiss me and mine, and it will soon be late at night.

Finally, when he left the bustling neighborhood, Tang Ge walked directly towards the place without lights, with the long-haired beauty Ding Dong who had completely fallen to his mercy.

The more they walked forward, the more secluded the surroundings became, and they were almost invisible.

But Ding Dong still didn't know it, and she lay halfway in Tang Ge's arms as she walked, her pretty face slightly intoxicated by the dim moonlight.

Tang Ge looked down at the girl in his arms, and couldn't help but shook his head.

What a silly!

It is estimated that you have to count the money for others if you are cheated and cut off your kidneys?

Fortunately, he is not a bad person, he didn't do this, he just wanted to take the opportunity to do an unnamed good thing while relaxing.

Gradually, the two got more and more remote, almost out of the city.

Finally, just after passing a dark Hu, Tang Ge's eyes suddenly lit up with the clear and audible "Da Da Da" footsteps.

It finally appeared!

Soon he stopped and woke up with Ding Dong who was about to fall asleep on his own.

"Why... why don't you leave?"

After being awakened, Ding Dang said in confusion.

Tang Ge whispered: "You should rest against the wall for a while. I drank too much water before. Find a place to solve it. You will come in a while."


Dingdang responded and walked to the wall by himself.

Tang Ge had just left. As a cold wind blew, she seemed to think of something. After a chill, she suddenly woke up completely.

Dingdang's reddish face immediately turned pale when he saw the pitch and darkness in front of him.

She said in a panic, "Tang...Brother Tang, this...Where is this? Aren't we going to the hotel?"

"Brother Tang, where are you, I'm a little scared!"

Unfortunately, he did not answer Dingdang's low voice.

The colder and colder weather made her crouched directly on the ground, curled up and she was about to cry with tears in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, footsteps sounded again in the alley ahead.

Ding Dong thought that Tang Ge, who had just left, came back, and could not help but ran over in surprise, and shouted, "Brother Tang, is that you?"

But when she ran to the entrance of the alley, her voice stopped abruptly.

"Da da da da!"

With the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder, a figure gradually emerged from the dark alley.

This is a tall and thin middle-aged man wearing a trench coat and a top hat; but his appearance is a bit ugly, like a clown.

As soon as he appeared, the middle-aged man's eyes fell on Ding Dong.

Seeing Ding Dong with a great body, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, and said with joy: "Little girl, Brother Tang doesn't have one, but Brother Uncle is here.

It's dangerous for the black people to stay here quietly this night. What if you meet a bad guy? How about Brother Uncle taking you away?"

After speaking, the middle-aged man named Unhappy directly reached out and grabbed Ding Dong's arm.

In the face of such an ugly middle-aged man, the other party had to move hands and feet to himself. After a moment of ding-dang regained consciousness, he suddenly let out a harsh scream.


The sound wave of "horror" rushed over, and his face was directly distorted in dismay.

He noticed the disgust in the eyes of the little girl before him, and couldn't help feeling angry, and drank in a low voice: "Toast and not eat or drink fine wine, let's see how I clean up you tonight!"

But just as the unhappy stretched out right hand was about to grab Ding Dong's arm, another hand suddenly appeared from one side and directly pinched his wrist.

Immediately afterwards, a murderous sneer sounded in unhappy ears.

"Even my Tang Ge women dare to move, it seems that you guy is really impatient!"


Hearing only a crisp sound, before the unhappiness came back to his senses, the powerful energy spread on his wrist, crushing his bones in an instant!


A scream that was louder than Ding Dong's scream just now spread.

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