Starting from Douluo

Chapter 113 Double Cover? Omen!

Unprepared, the severe pain caused by the direct crushing of the wrist bones directly caused Displeased to let out a scream.

But then he quickly mobilized the spirit power in his body to surge onto his wrist, healed the crushed bones, and tried to free his right hand from the opponent's hand.

It's a pity that this hand is really tight, and if you don't want to use soul power to impact, you can't break free from it.

Cold sweat burst out on his forehead, and he couldn't help but be surprised.


I have a hard stubble tonight!

At this time, when Ding Dang, who was so scared and pale, saw the sudden appearance of someone who stopped the unhappy salted fish hand, he couldn't help but threw into the other's arms and started crying.

"Uuuuu... Brother Tang, you scared me to death. I thought you left me here alone... Do you know that I was really scared just now!"

Listening to the aggrieved cry of the little girl in his arms, Tang Ge, who had just arrived, patted the other party's shoulder with his free left hand, smiling and comforting.

"Hey, don't cry, how could I leave you alone?"

When Ding Dong almost stopped crying, he said again: "You wait by the side first. After I solve this scum, let's go and be happy!"


Hearing Tang Ge's words, Ding Dang Qiao blushed, nodded and immediately walked aside obediently.

People leave.

Tang Ge's gaze shifted to the gentle scum in front of him again, with a sneer on his face, and said, "Are you the one who specializes in assaulting girls at night?"

The sound was not loud, but it made the unhappiness suddenly pressured.

While enduring the pain from his wrist, he forced a smile and said: "I am unhappy, but this crime of assaulting girls at night is absolutely vain.

Brother, you see there must be some misunderstanding between us, do you want to sit down and talk?"

"Keep your mouth clean, who is your brother!"

Tang Ge frowned, and after a cold snort, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked it heavily on his unhappy stomach.


Suddenly, Unhappy was kicked out, and then directly hit a pile of garbage in front.

The sharp pain from the abdomen made his teeth grin unhappy.

But the wrist that was out of control made him feel happy. After he quickly got up from the ground, he wanted to use his martial spirit to escape, and at the same time secretly remembered the appearance of Tang Song in his heart.

damn it!

Just wait and see, when I'm not happy to gather my two partners, I must take revenge tonight!

"What? Is this trying to run away and call someone to come over and find me revenge?"

As a result, as soon as the idea of ​​unhappiness was born, an indifferent sound that scared his soul almost out of his body suddenly sounded in his ears.

Then another hand suddenly stretched out, pinched his neck directly, and lifted him from the ground.

Unhappy, the whole person was lifted in the air, his feet couldn't reach the ground, and the spirit power in his body was suppressed again, and his complexion suddenly turned purple and blue.

He kept kicking and struggling to make a painful sound.

"Yes... I have something to say... Say, as long as you can... let me go, I can answer anything... Promise you, please!"

"Okay, I let you go!"

Hearing the unhappy begging for mercy, Tang Ge smiled faintly, and immediately released his hand.


Really let me go?

The unhappiness that fell from the mid-air when his neck was loosened obviously did not expect this result. After a moment of stunned, he yelled out without saying anything.

"Tian Luo double cover!"


As the four spirit rings emerged from under his feet, a pink double cover that looked like a woman's use appeared behind him, releasing a pink mist.

This is the unhappy martial soul "Tian Luo Double Cover".

As soon as Martial Spirit came out, the pink mist enveloped him, and his figure disappeared.

Then unhappy and excited laughter sounded in all directions.

"Hahahaha, I have never seen a spirit master as stupid as you, who really let go of me like this! So in order to thank you, I am unhappy and let you live one more night!

As for this girl, I will take it away for you!"

The pink mist gradually spreads, and there is a tendency to cover this area.

Tang Ge didn't panic. He first sensed the psychedelic breath in the mist, and then looked at the looming pink double cover.


Sure enough, it is an evil spirit!

So he suddenly smiled and said: "You are afraid of misunderstanding, I just want to take a look at your interesting martial soul before I abolish you!"

At the end of the speech, the Wuhun Yin Yang life and death picture appeared from the Tang singers.

Then under his feet, one after another spirit ring rose up, and the dazzling light released by a purple, three black and four spirit rings instantly dissipated the pink mist.

The unhappy laughter stopped abruptly, followed by an incredible exclamation.

"You actually have three ten thousand year spirit rings!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, shocked and unhappy, got shock value 1,500 points!"


There is still so much wool out!

Listening to the system prompt in his mind, Tang Ge's eyes lit up, and immediately stopped talking nonsense. He lifted a palm and slapped it with a "big fingerprint of life and death".


Accompanied by the dull sound, a figure emerged first, and then was severely photographed to the ground.

When Tang Ge put away the spirit and spirit ring again and walked over, in a huge handprint-shaped pit, Unhappy was sinking into it in a large font, and his body was constantly twitching.

The palm just now not only abolished the spirit power in his body, but all the bones in his body were almost shattered.

So when he saw Tang Ge coming over, his face suddenly showed horror.

"Rare... forgive me..."

"Spare you? Let's lie here for a while!"

Hearing the unhappy begging for mercy, Tang Ge gave a cold snort, and as his right foot stomped on the ground, the pit he had just photographed collapsed instantly.

The unhappiness was immediately buried in it.

After making sure that no one would know that there was someone down here for a while, Tang Ge turned around and walked back.

When he came to Ding Dong, looking at the long-haired girl who had passed out because of the pink mist, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"You are lucky to run into me!"

Then Tang Ge directly hugged him by his waist, and as the wings of Yin and Yang appeared behind him, he immediately rose into the sky and flew towards the illuminated area in the distance.

But soon, Tang Ge went and returned.

But don't get me wrong!

He just went to a hotel to settle Doraemon, and after he settled down, he hurried back here.

Tang Ge couldn't help but smile at the sympathetic gaze of those long-legged waitresses when they left the hotel before.

"Forget it, don't think about it, it's important to do business first!"

After he shook his head to dispel the depressed mood, he walked directly to the place where he was unhappy just now and was separated by him again when he stepped down on the flat ground.

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