Starting from Douluo

Chapter 131 Director Ao's Request (Request a monthly pass!)

Soon, the two came to the registration point of the team war zone.

Yu Xiaogang handed the team battle registration badge of the Shrek Nine Monsters to the staff, and said: "Help register for tonight's team battle."


The staff habitually replied, and took over the team battle registration badge from Yu Xiaogang.

But when she was about to register, her eyes fell on the registration badge in her hand, her calm expression suddenly changed, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

"Nine Shrek monsters?"

When he raised his head and saw that there was no masked Tang Ge next to Yu Xiaogang, the staff kept flashing through his mind, as if thinking of something, his body trembled.

Her face was full of excitement, and her voice was trembling: "You...Are you a holy monarch?"

"Shhh! Be quiet, don't let others hear it."

Although Tang Ge didn't care that his identity was recognized, but at the moment when he heard the staff's words, he smiled and gestured with his fingers.

After the confirmation, the staff became more excited.

She nodded hurriedly: "Hmm! Hmm! I won't let other people hear it. It's just...I didn't expect you to be so young. Can you sign me...sign a name?"

Having said that, the staff's face suddenly turned red, and looked a little embarrassed.

Sign it?

Tang Ge looked at no one else around and nodded.

"Yes, but where do I want to sign?"

"Sign...sign here."

The staff member leaned Feng Man's delicate body slightly forward, and pointed to his twin sisters who were jumping up and down because of excitement, blushing.


Tang Ge also didn't expect that the place the staff said would be so special, and couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

On the contrary, Yu Xiaogang next to him seemed to be envious and jealous, and finally couldn't help but urged with a stern face: "I want to sign a quick sign, what are you doing?"

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's impatient words, Tang Ge suddenly rolled his eyes.

Where is his mother-in-law?I just want to think about the importance of writing next!


Tang Ge didn't hesitate anymore, taking advantage of no one else around, he directly took the pen handed over by the staff and signed his name among the twin sisters of the other party.

The four characters of "Wild Ancient Sage" danced with dragons and phoenixes, magnificent and look domineering!

After getting the signature of the person he admired, the staff seemed very excited.

If it weren't for her job, she probably couldn't help taking off her clothes and storing them away; but even if she didn't take them off, her behavior had become cautious.

Looking at this own admirer, Tang Ge's smile became much gentler.

And considering what is about to happen, he even teased: "I have signed the autograph. We should be able to sign up for the team fight."

"Ah! I almost forgot the formality!"

The staff suddenly exclaimed again, and quickly looked at Yu Xiaogang who was aside.

"Are you the leader of the Shrek Nine Monsters?"

"That's it."

Yu Xiaogang nodded.

The staff immediately walked out of the work post upon hearing it, whispered "Please wait a moment", and ran directly to the back of the work area.

She also held the team battle badge of the Shrek Nine Monsters in her hand.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang, who was originally dissatisfied, frowned and snorted coldly: "It seems that the staff in this big battlefield really should be changed!"

"Master, why are you angry with the girl? Maybe she left because of the Shrek Nine Monsters. At this moment, it is possible to call your own leader!"

Aside, Tang Ge said with a smile.

Yu Xiaogang didn't say anything, but he was not angry.

The two stayed here and waited.


After a while, the staff member who had just left came back; and there was another person next to her, it was Director Ao who had appeared in the rest area.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

After returning, the staff respectfully returned the team battle badge to Yu Xiaogang, and couldn't help but blush and glance at Tang Ge before gently stepping back.

There were only Director Ao, Yu Xiaogang and Tang Ge left here.

Director Ao's eyes stopped for a moment on Tang Ge, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Yu Xiaogang with a smile.

"Hello, dear leader, I don't know if we can talk, it won't take you too much time."

"Does it represent you personally, or does it represent Soto Arena?"

"Naturally represents Soto's Arena of Souls."

Director Ao quickly said.

Yu Xiaogang nodded.

In fact, he thought of this situation when he saw Director Ao appear.

After a month, the performance of the Shrek Nine Monsters in the Arena of Souls is obvious to all. It is strange that their outstanding record of consecutive victories in team battles does not receive attention!

This is a good thing for the Shrek Nine Monsters, and it is also a recognition of strength.

So even though he didn't want to deal with the empire, Yu Xiaogang still said: "Will you talk about it here?"

Director Ao was pleased on his face and immediately reached out to invite.

"It's not convenient here, why don't we go upstairs."

"it is good."

Yu Xiaogang nodded and agreed.

Immediately, the two of them left here together and walked upstairs in the Great Fighting Arena, Tang Ge also followed, and no one stopped.

Soon, the three came to the fourth floor.

Standing in front of the railing of the corridor on the fourth floor, looking down, all of the large lobby on the first floor in the Great Fighting Arena was immediately greeted.

Everyone can see clearly where and what they are doing.

Only then did Director Ao look at Yu Xiaogang with a solemn expression.

"Mr. Team Leader, I'm seeing you this time on behalf of Soto's Arena of Souls. I hope that today's team battle with the Shrek Nine Devils will be held in the main Arena of Souls."

As if he was afraid that the other party would find a reason to refuse, he spoke up immediately after saying this request.

"And you can rest assured that with the team battle results of the Shrek Nine Monsters, as long as the fight is over tonight, you can get all the Silver Fighting Soul badges.

So even if we go to the main Arena of Souls in the center to participate in the team battle, it does not break the rules of our Arena of Souls."

Upon hearing Director Ao's request, Yu Xiaogang still did not rush to agree.

He just said calmly: "If this is the case, why should you rush for a while?"

"I'm afraid I have encountered a difficult opponent, I want our Nine Shrek monsters to come forward and solve it." Next to him, Tang Ge, who had been silent, suddenly said.

He looked at Director Ao and said with a smile: "How is it? I guessed it right."

As for Tang Ge's identity as an ancient sage, Director Ao naturally already knew.

It was precisely because of this that he didn't dare to look down upon the young boy in front of him, so he nodded with a wry smile when he heard what he said.

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