Starting from Douluo

Chapter 132 This breath is so familiar! (Look for a monthly pass!)

Looking at Yu Xiaogang and Tang Ge, Director Ao nodded with a wry smile.

"Actually, the reason why I came forward this time to let the Shrek Nine Devils go to the central main fighting arena to participate in the game is because a spirit master team came three days ago.

If the ordinary soul master team is fine, the key is that this soul master team is composed entirely of silver fighting soul masters. No surprise, they have won the great soul fighting team battle one after another."

"Isn't it normal to win a team battle? What makes you worry about the battlefield?"

Yu Xiaogang interrupted Director Ao, frowning and said, "Furthermore, even if the opponent wins one after another, the gold soul coin rewards that you can win are only a drop in the bucket."

"It really doesn't matter if it's just that."

When Director Ao heard Yu Xiaogang’s doubts, he sighed and explained: "The key is that this soul master team was invited by the great nobles of Soto City, and they also placed a heavy bet on this soul master team. .

So the opponent's successive victories have caused great losses to our Soto Arena.

You also know that, generally speaking, soul masters who can reach the level of Silver Fighting Soul have a level of forty or higher, but the members of this team are all souls.

We can't break the rules first, ask the Soul Zong-level Silver Fighting Soul badge team to go and fight with them.

But if we don’t stop it and let it go on, we’re afraid of the Soto Arena..."

Speaking of this, Director Ao suddenly stopped.

But both Yu Xiaogang and Tang Ge understand that what the other party will bear after the word "I'm afraid" will be an unprecedented huge price!

But let's not say that it can force Soto Great Fighting Arena to come forward to find foreign aid, the strength of that foreign soul master group seems absolutely extraordinary.

So Yu Xiaogang immediately asked Director Ao about the spirit master team's two-day competition.

Director Ao didn't hide it either, and said all of it.

Among them, it was nothing more than a team that sent a bronze soul fighting badge with a full soul lineup like the "Frant Fight Squad", but without exception, they all lost.

Finally, Director Ao emphasized: "The real key is that the strength of that soul master team is not only the cultivation base of the soul, but also the best combination of soul ring configuration and the Shrek Nine Monsters, all of which are two yellows and one purple!

This is also the main reason why they are the same lineup of souls, but no team can beat them!"

Upon hearing these words, Yu Xiao's expression really changed just now.

At the side, Tang Ge smiled secretly in his heart: Needless to say, the soul master team with the best spirit ring combination must be the Huangdou team!

A random person was drawn from inside, and his identity and background were all scary.

Otherwise, if you are an ordinary person, how can you achieve the best spirit ring combination of two yellows and one purple? I am afraid that the spirit beast would have killed them on the way to obtain the spirit ring!

Thinking of this, Tang Ge wanted to take this opportunity to prepare to tell the information of the Emperor Fighting team, and to gather a wave of wool from Yu Xiaogang and Director Ao.

As a result, when he inadvertently glanced down, a figure that seemed to be familiar suddenly came into view.

Tang Ge was startled slightly, and immediately stared at it.

In his field of vision, more and more people gathered in the huge fighting arena below, constantly rushing towards the area inside the arena.

These people are all here to watch the Soul Fight tonight.

But when most people were walking towards the area inside the arena, there was still a figure walking towards the outside of the arena without hurries; and there seemed to be some power in the whole body, forcing people nearby to retreat. open.

With long reddish hair scattered on the shoulders, coupled with a golden palace dress one-piece dress, it is obviously female!

And also a female soul master!

Tang Ge judged in his heart.

It's just that, that's all, but when he saw this mysterious woman with her back facing her from the crowd, he felt familiar.

This woman, I must have seen it somewhere, otherwise I won't feel that way!

Tang Ge immediately believed in his seventh sense.

So he was not in the mood to stay here, but after saying "I have left beforehand" to Yu Xiaogang, he hurried off the fourth floor.

Seeing Tang Ge leaving so anxiously, Director Ao showed concern and couldn't help but said, "Nothing will happen, right?"

"Don't worry, there should be nothing wrong."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head.

The reason why he said this is because he understands Tang Ge.

If something serious happened, the other party would not stop calling him, and I'm afraid he would have used that flying spirit ability directly.

It's just that Yu Xiaogang was curious, since there was nothing wrong, why did Tang Ge leave suddenly?

Could it be the female staff member before?

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang's expression suddenly turned black.

He felt that if he continued to think about it, he might not be able to help but catch up and catch the opponent back.

On the opposite side, seeing the change in Yu Xiaogang's expression, Director Ao tentatively said: "Really all right? If it is necessary, we will fight for the soul..."

"Okay, let's continue the topic just now."

Before Director Ao could finish speaking, Yu Xiaogang suppressed the crazy thoughts and interrupted.

Upon hearing this, Director Ao suddenly stopped talking.


On the first floor of the Great Fighting Soul Arena, Tang Ge quickly walked down from the fourth floor.

But even so, the familiar figure he saw just now has disappeared.

But I don't know if the other party did it on purpose, Tang Ge stood at the place where the other party stayed just now and felt it carefully. A spirit power fluctuation that contained the breath of his heavenly fist suddenly rushed towards his face.

A long silent memory in Tang Ge's mind was also revived and slowly emerged.

In the empty valley, with the sky as the cover and the ground as the bed, under the mild sunshine, the breeze is blowing the beautiful scenery.

Accompanied by the rhythmic and crisp sound of "Papa Papa", those two bodies are entangled together, experiencing the most fascinating collision in the world.

This breath...

That's right, it's her!

After finally remembering the identity of the other party, Tang Ge's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he ignored the fan girl who had just walked over and was about to talk to him, and immediately walked outside the arena of the fighting spirit.

After leaving the Great Fighting Arena, Tang Ge followed the familiar aura deliberately left behind by the other party, and chased them out of Soto City all the way.

Unconsciously, the originally empty and lively neighborhood has disappeared and turned into a quiet and dark grove.

When Tang Ge finally stopped, the figure that had appeared in Soto's Arena of Souls was in front of him, facing away from him.

The wind blew her golden palace dress, and her long light red hair fluttered slightly, and a unique fragrance suddenly hit her face.

With a smile on his face, Tang Ge slowly spoke.

"Little... girl, I haven't seen you in a few years, I have a good figure!"

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