Starting from Douluo

Chapter 133 Not enough to hang, strength! (Look for a monthly pass!)

On the opposite side, under the big tree, the woman with long light red hair didn't seem to expect Tang Ge to say such words, her body trembled suddenly.

When she turned around, her face was flushed and she stared at Tang Ge in shame.

"You are still the same as before, your nature has not changed!"

Through the faint moonlight, Tang Ge finally saw the woman's face clearly.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, this exquisite and flawless face was the Qian Renxue he had seen five years ago.

The only thing that has changed is that the other party is older.

Um... already 21 years old!

Thinking of this, Tang Ge suddenly smiled and said, "Sister, if I change my nature, will it still be me?"

Big sister?

I finally found you, but you called my eldest sister in front of me?

Regardless of age, it is a taboo for women.

At this moment, when she heard Tang Ge calling herself that way, Qian Renxue's pretty face, who was in a good mood because she had just found Tang Ge, instantly turned into cold frost.

She gritted her teeth and uttered a low voice: "Deng's apprentice, I haven't seen you in five years, I see if your strength is as powerful as your mouth!"

When the words fell, with the appearance of golden light, Qian Renxue immediately used her angel Martial Spirit.

Wuhun added himself, and after the three pairs of angel wings appeared, he directly took her off the ground.

Immediately after that, a series of spirit rings rose from Qian Renxue's feet and moved around her body.

One, two, three...

Good guys!

After five years of absence, this little girl is already a soul saint with seven spirit rings!

Seeing Qian Renxue's seven soul rings of two yellows, two purples, and three blacks that were beating on her body, Tang Ge was shocked.

He couldn't help saying: "Are you eating any hormones? How can you improve so fast?"

Qian Renxue didn't understand what "hormone" was, but seeing Tang Ge was frightened, she felt very comfortable in her heart.

She snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, take the trick!"


With the appearance of the sacred light aura, Qian Renxue stopped talking nonsense, and directly used her first spirit ability.

Angel assault!


Under the trembling of the void, the six angel wings with Qian Renxue turned into a golden light and shadow, and suddenly rushed towards Tang Ge.

The small soft hand that was originally soft has been clenched into a fist by her, condensing golden fist marks.

The breath of sacred light rushed in, and immediately made Tang Ge's soul power feel like it was going to be suppressed.

But with the movement of his ridiculous ancient sacrament, this suppression was instantly driven away.

Seeing the shadow of Qian Renxue approaching, Tang Ge was not afraid, and suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, in that case, let me have a good taste of your comfortable little fist, chick, that makes people unable to help but close their eyes!"

Accompanied by the laughter, he also punched out.

This punch contains the strongest power of Tang Ge's ridiculous ancient sacrament. Although it did not use the Soul Guidance Device and the Heavenly Divine Fist, it still rushed out of a spatial ripple.


Finally, the sacred light fist and the ancient holy fist collided with each other, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

After a terrifying force exploded, an air wave formed instantly, centered on Tang Ge and Qian Renxue, and rushed in all directions.


Suddenly, the large trees that were affected seemed to have been cut by a sharp blade, and one after another broke and fell to the ground.

The dust billowed.

Tang Ge stayed in place and didn't move a bit, the spirit power surging through his body directly isolated the dust from all around.

However, Qian Renxue was much weaker in strength. The aftermath of the power that burst out just now bombarded the light shield in front of her, shaking her whole body back more than ten meters.

When the six wings behind him reappeared in the air with the flapping of the six wings, Qian Renxue's eyes fell on Tang Ge, who was half-stepping.

There was a complex color in her eyes, and she didn't expect that she hadn't seen it in five years, but the other party still had such terrifying physical power.

But the more so, the more aroused Qian Renxue's fighting spirit.

As she raised her arms, the sacred light radiating from her body became more and more intense.

Finally, at the moment when this breath was so strong, Qian Renxue suddenly let out a low voice.

"Fifth Soul Skill! Sacred Sword!"


The golden light soared directly, stabbing Tang Ge almost blindly!

He looked at Qian Renxue, who was holding a golden lightsaber in the golden light, and his face suddenly twitched.

Your sister!

How much hatred and grievance are there between us, do we need to jump directly to use the ten thousand year level fifth spirit ability?

Could it be that you deliberately bullied me without a fifth spirit ability?

As if seeing Tang Ge's mind, Qian Renxue, who was holding the sacred sword in midair, couldn't help the corners of her mouth curling slightly, revealing a smug smile.

She looked at Tang Ge and said lightly: "If you don't take it seriously, you will die here."

"Oh! Why can't people have more understanding and tolerance?"

With the hanging sword and the top of the head, the murderous intent is approaching, even if Tang Ge loves peace, at this moment he has to show his true strength.

As the Wuhun Yin Yang life and death map emerged from his hand, the purple, three and black spirit rings under his feet also rose.

The second spirit ability!Wings of Yin and Yang!


Tang Ge also rose directly off the ground and appeared in mid-air.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, shocked Qian Renxue, and got shock value 3000 points!"

Listening to the system prompts that suddenly sounded in his mind, and then looking at the shock that flashed across Qian Renxue's face, Tang Ge couldn't help being funny.

Deserve it!

Was surprised by Lao Tzu's three big black halos again!

However, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly used his fourth strongest soul ability-Tai Chi sword formation.

Suddenly, the power of life and death flowed, condensed into a light array at the feet of Tang Ge.

As the surging soul power was continuously consumed, a large number of Yin and Yang flying swords formed and appeared in Tang Ge's body.

When three hundred flying swords appeared in front of him, he chuckled and waved his hand suddenly.

"Ten thousand swords are sent together!"


With the tremor of the void, these three hundred Yin Yang flying swords suddenly turned into black and white sword shadows and shot out.

Countless sword shadows are intertwined and condensed into a longer and sharper spiral sword, heading straight to Qian Renxue.


Before the sword light arrived, a sharp aura rushed toward her face, shaking Qian Renxue's golden light fluctuating all over her body.

Moreover, she felt a force of suppression and dissolution from the sword light that seemed to be the same as the force of divine light.

"A purple and three black soul sect?"

Seeing Tang Ge floating in the air with wings of yin and yang in the distance, Qian Renxue couldn't help shooting a different look in her beautiful eyes.

Immediately, at the moment when she slashed the holy sword held high, the second and sixth spirit rings on her body lit up again.

Wings of nothingness!

The angel roars!

The two great spirit abilities broke out in an instant, and Qian Renxue flew directly against the spiral sword light formed by the Yin and Yang flying sword group.

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