Starting from Douluo

Chapter 161 No one can stand as far as the eye can see!


When he saw the Hundred-Lai number staring at his old audience friends with red eyes at the exit, Flander couldn't help but breathe a cold breath.

Haven't these people all gone to the betting area?How would it appear here?

He turned his head slightly, looked at Yu Xiaogang on the side, and whispered in a hopeful tone: "Xiaogang, they shouldn't have heard the conversation between us just now?"

Did you hear that you didn't have any compelling numbers in your heart?

Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear it and gave a violent twitch, and suddenly regretted coming out with Flander.

However, he didn't lose his square inch. After reluctantly allowing himself to calm down, he looked at Baiduo's temporary enemy blocking the door and spoke lightly.

"The things you bet on are all your own decisions, and no one is trying to persecute them. Now that you lose, but blame others on others, doesn't it feel too much?

And this is the Silves Arena of Souls, are you sure you want to do it here?"

"I'm! You ask the spectacleed four-eyed monster next to you, if he didn't lie to us with the kid next to him and another person, could we be fooled?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for you to mislead us, maybe we would just overwhelm the nine Shrek monsters. It's good now, we all lost and we were bankrupt, and we all blame you!"

"Yes! You are all to blame! You big liars, lose us money, or don't think of this today!"

"Liar! The Shrek Nine Monsters are all liars!"


It was okay for Yu Xiaogang not to say, but as soon as he opened his mouth, these gamblers with red eyes suddenly yelled.

But it was obvious that they didn't dare to directly rush into the arena to make trouble.

Soon, with the waves of anger, the pedestrians passing by on the road outside surrounded one by one and began to behave like melon-eating crowds.

Although it is not clear what exactly happened, the pedestrians onlookers understood a little bit after listening to the verbal abuse of the Baiduo people blocking the entrance and exit of the Great Fighting Arena.

Then these people one-sidedly thought that the Shrek Nine Devils lied to others, and their impression of the Shrek Nine Devils suddenly became worse.

In the hall, as more and more people were attracted.

Flander's face suddenly turned ugly, who was still thinking about calming things down.

His dignified soul sage was not only scolded by others as a four-eyed monster, but even the Shrek nine monsters became a big liar.

How can this shame continue to endure?

Flanders stopped Yu Xiaogang from continuing and said coldly: "These arrogant and unreasonable people don't have to reason with them, just use their fists to solve the problem."

"President, you go and withdraw the money, let me solve it here."

Tang Ge also smiled.

Naturally, he wouldn't let it go by such a rare opportunity to squeeze the wool.

Flander frowned, looking at Tang Ge, who was starting to call his own brat, he said with suspicion: "Can you do it?"

"As a man, you can never say no!"

After speaking, Tang Ge had confidence on his face and walked directly to the exit of the hall.

Flender glanced over the more than one hundred people blocking the door. Although there were soul masters among them, they were not powerful characters.

He believed that with the cultivation base of the Soul King of Tang Song, it would be fine to clean up this pile of garbage.

Just thinking of the Tang Ge Soul King's cultivation, Flanders suddenly became envy and jealous again.

He felt that it would not be long before this kid's strength would surpass him.

What is even more uncomfortable is that the other party has more money than himself!

Is it true that I have lived in vain all these years?

After being depressed secretly, Flender said to Yu Xiaogang: "You are watching here, and I will be back when I go."

"Well, go ahead."

Yu Xiaogang nodded.

After Flander left, his attention shifted to the exit of the hall again.


As Tang Ge walked towards the exit of the hall step by step, the person who had originally scolded Bai Lai shivered inexplicably and involuntarily stepped back.

Until Tang Ge completely walked out of the hall, and there were onlookers blocking the road behind, the hundred people had no choice but to stop.

"You... what do you want to do?" someone couldn't help but trembled.

Hearing Tang Ge, he couldn't help but laugh.

"What do I want to do? I should ask you these words, and keep your mouth shut and not let us go. Who gave you the courage? Huh?"

At this point, his originally smiling face suddenly became cold, and two invisible electric lights directly flew out of his eyes.


Under the horrified gazes of other people, the ordinary man who had just spoken to Tang Ge had a stroke and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed.

"You... what did you do to him... I tell you, I am not afraid of you!"

A great soul master who was close to him felt Tang Ge's gaze fall on him, and he immediately took a few steps back in shock.

He involuntarily summoned his martial soul, and said sharply.

Tang Ge frowned and laughed.

"It seems you gave him courage."

After the words fell, I didn't see what Tang Ge was doing, but the great soul master in front of him turned his eyes and fell to the ground like a lamb mad.

But after this great soul master fell, the doom did not stop there.

Tang Ge's eyes seemed to have magical power, and all the soul masters he had watched at the scene fell to the ground one by one like the two before.

No one can stand in sight!

After such a terrifying scene brought the remaining besiegers back to their senses, they suddenly collapsed completely.

"This man is the devil, run!"

I don't know which person yelled, and the remaining besiegers all turned around to coax them away, escaping faster than the rabbit.

As for the despair of ruining the house and losing because of the bet, there is nothing left in the face of life threatening.

Is it bad to live?

In the blink of an eye, the hundred people who had originally enclosed the entrance of the Great Fighting Arena were out of ten.

The rest are the unlucky ones who twitch and twitch after falling to the ground!

As the verbal abuse disappeared, the surrounding area gradually became quiet.

The pedestrians who had been watching involuntarily lowered the sound of breathing, their faces were full of shock.

They looked at the arrogant figure as if they were looking at a monster, and their minds were full of the weird scenes that just happened.

"Have you seen enough?"

It wasn't until the cold voice came that these onlookers woke up like a dream.

As soon as he saw Tang Ge staring at who was falling, he looked at him again, and the exclamation sounded.

The pedestrians who were onlookers were also directly frightened and dispersed.

Even the other people who were just coming here thought that something terrible had happened, and followed them away.

Seeing this scene, the coldness on Tang Ge's face receded and his gentle gentle laughter was restored.

In his mind, system prompts began to sound continuously.

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