Starting from Douluo

Chapter 162 Encounter Again, Tiandou Royal Academy

In addition to the people blocking the door, there were also passers-by eating melons, all of which totaled two hundred people.

Although nine out of ten of them were not soul masters, they still brought Tang Ge a shock value of nearly four thousand.

If you add Yu Xiaogang's 800-point shock value.

Tang Ge's total shock value now reached 80,000 points again.

As long as 20,000 more shock points are added, he can continue to draw ten consecutive draws.

Thinking of this, Tang Ge is very satisfied that this time he has come to the Arena of Souls.

Behind, in the hall.

Flanders, who had just left to get money, finally returned.

When he saw Tang Ge standing outside the door and a dozen people lying on the ground, his originally smiling face suddenly became confused.

"Aren't those people looking for us desperately because of bankruptcy? Why did they all run away so quickly?"


No matter how hard you try, you will really be dead!

After recovering, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Flander's inquiry.

Immediately he recounted what had just happened.

After listening, Flender was not shocked at all, and said with a natural expression: "Or, how could I give him such an important matter?

So, Xiaogang, you should also learn to stay calm in the future, and don't always be surprised when you see Tang Ge's big tricks.

Could it be that one day he accidentally stared Title Douluo to death, wouldn't you be scared to death?"

Yu Xiaogang: "..."

Facing Flander's preaching, he was completely speechless.

But fortunately, Tang Ge, who was standing outside, didn't pay attention here, otherwise he would be furious after hearing the dialogue between the two!

If he is not shocked, where does he get the shock value?

"Let's go, let's go, Xiaosan and the others are probably back to the hotel. These kids have just experienced that kind of thing, and I don't know how it is now!"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but urged.

Soon he and Flander left the arena of the Great Fighting Soul, and after meeting with Tang Ge, he walked directly towards the hotel where he was staying.

as expected.

When the three of them returned to the hotel, except Tang San, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu, everyone else was still feeling uncomfortable.

Especially the two girls Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing, every time they think of the seven members of the evil spirit team being shot into a sieve and spewing blood, they can't help but start to vomit.

In the end, they couldn't stand up in disgust, and their faces were pale as if they were seriously ill.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun didn't get much better, so they just lay down on the bed motionlessly.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang, who originally wanted to take this opportunity to preach, had no choice but to give up.

After letting Tang Ge stay to take care of the two girls Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing, he and Flender left.

Dai Mubai who followed to leave opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he still didn't say it, his face was full of loss.

Soon, one night passed.

It was almost noon the next day that Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar had almost recovered.

So after eating, the Shrek Academy group left the hotel again and walked towards the direction of Heaven Dou Imperial City on the east side.

And in order to take care of Zhu Zhuqing and the others, Flander rarely slowed down his journey.

Yu Xiaogang also finally had the opportunity to start transmitting to Tang San and the others the concept of "natural selection and survival of the fittest" about the soul fighting event that took place last night.

To sum it up briefly, it is that you should not be merciful to the enemy, you must be cruel!

Even in the end, Tang Ge lay innocently with a gun, and Yu Xiaogang took his example of killing people last night without blinking as a preaching material.

Although this is for Tang Sanqi people to learn from themselves and is a good preaching material, Tang Song always sounds awkward.

When did he become a murderous executioner?

But it's okay.

After seeing Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing, the two girls gradually recovered their ruddy little faces after listening to their murderous stories, Tang Ge didn't care about Yu Xiaogang talking about him.


As if thinking of something interesting, Tang Ge glanced over Yu Xiaogang and Flanders, and suddenly couldn't help showing a strange smile on his face.

He is really looking forward to it more and more...

So unknowingly, another two days passed.

The people of Shrek Academy finally entered the circle of influence of Heaven Dou Imperial City after a hard journey.

But what was messy was that they didn't even know where to go next when they were walking according to the map's guidance.

The front clearly should be the location of the Royal Academy marked on the map, but in reality, it was a mountain that blocked Flanders and his party.

Everyone is a bun from the country, you ask me and I ask you, asking what you don't know, it is embarrassment of attachment.

"Xiaogang, it was you who suggested that we come to Tiandou Royal Academy, but now you are holding the map and telling us that you don't know where to go next, do you feel this is plausible?"

Flender immediately shifted the responsibility to Yu Xiaogang, righteously speaking.

Yu Xiaogang snorted: "Are you still the soul sage of the four-eyed cat and eagle, now have the face to blame me?"

Immediately he looked at Zao Wou-ki who was pretending to be transparent not far away, and said, "Teacher Zhao, don't you know the way if you don't move Ming Wang?"

"Except for the road to Tiandou Royal Academy, I know all the other roads."

Zao Wou-ki's expression remained unchanged.

Anyway, he feels that as long as he is not embarrassed, others are embarrassed.

Everyone: "..."

Not far away, Tang Ge listened to the conversations of these teachers, feeling that they were too talented not to say cross talk.

Thinking about it, he was going to talk to these teachers and students about the specific location of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

But at this moment, a surprise shout suddenly came from the front.

"Tang Ge! Teacher! Here, why don't you still come here!"

When everyone looked in the direction of the voice, they immediately saw Ning Rongrong wearing a water blue dress.

This girl actually came here one step earlier.

Seeing Ning Rongrong's appearance, everyone was surprised.

Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Lin Yuechan and the others rushed over.

As soon as the four girls got together, they tweeted about their experiences in the past two months.

Occasionally, there were exclamations from time to time.

It wasn't until Flander and Tang Ge came over that the four girls blushed and calmed down in embarrassment.

Looking at Ning Rongrong, Flender smiled and said, "Girl, didn't you cultivate at home? Why did you come here suddenly?"

"Hehe, I didn't forget to report to Tiandou Academy, so I'm waiting for you teachers here."

Ning Rongrong stuck out his tongue and said with a happy expression.

Waiting for us here?

Flender and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other, as if thinking of something, their eyes fell on the mountain in front of them at the same time.

"Girl, do you mean Tiandou Royal Academy is in this mountain?"

Flander asked tentatively.

Ning Rongrong nodded strangely, and said, "That's right! The Tiandou Royal Academy is not only in this mountain, but the entire mountain is theirs!

Don’t you know, teacher?"

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