Starting from Douluo

Chapter 265 May he live long!

Ma Hongjun's sudden scream shocked the people present.

Tang Ge and Tang San, who stood at the forefront, were better off talking, because they had noticed Ma Hongjun's abnormality before.

But Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu behind them were not clear.

So after recovering, Oscar couldn't help kicking Ma Hongjun, angrily said: "Fatty man, what are you screaming, I was almost scared by you when I pee."

Others also looked at Ma Hongjun with blame.

Ma Hongjun suffered a kick, very wronged.

"I really saw the monster just now, and now my body is still empty!"

And his face is indeed a little pale now.

Is there really a monster?

Seeing that Ma Hongjun didn't seem to be lying, Dai Mubai's boys were fine to say, but Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu and the girls were a little scared.

But at this time, Tang Ge suddenly said, "Fatty, the monster is fake. It was the old man from Canghui Academy who had tricked you just now."

Am I hit by the old bastard?

Hearing Tang Ge's words, Ma Hongjun, who was half scared just now, was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly yelled.

"I fuck him..."

But after a while, a series of swear words came out of Ma Hongjun's mouth, all greeting the old man's family.

If the old man is still there at the moment, I am afraid that he will be smoked directly by the Qi Orifices of Qi.

As for Tang San and the others present, it was the first time that Ma Hongjun's cursing ability was so strong, and he was completely stunned.

The girls among them blushed even more, and secretly screaming at the fat guy is really rude.

In the end, Flander couldn't see it, and finally stopped.

"Okay, fat man!"

He stared at him, and Ma Hongjun, who was scolding vigorously, shook as if he had been electrocuted, and immediately closed his mouth.

But immediately, this guy rushed to Flander's side and complained: "The old immortal not only looks sinister, but also makes his hands so cruel!

Dean, you have to avenge the students!"

"Dean, we didn't find that the old man from Canghui Academy made a move just now, how could the fat guy suddenly be hit?"

At this time, Dai Mubai also asked with some doubts.

Considering that the old immortal was really willing to humiliate and attack his students just now, Flander still had a sense of vigilance in his heart.

At this moment, he heard Dai Mubai's question again. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "The old immortal is called Shi Nian. You didn't see that he is also normal for his shots, because his martial spirit is very special.

As far as I know, the opponent's martial arts spirit is a special martial arts spirit of tangible matter, capable of generating various environments, and making people lost in the environment.

If according to the past cultivation speed, the spirit power of this old immortal should already be more than seventy levels, and the strength in the soul sage is extraordinary.

Coupled with his special martial arts spirit that can cause opponents to self-mutilate and die because of loss in the environment, even spirit masters who are stronger than him are unwilling to fight with him.

Therefore, in the Wuhun world, this old immortal Wuhun is famous, and everyone calls his Wuhun Can Meng!"

Can dream?

A special martial arts spirit that can make people commit suicide in the environment?

After listening to Flander's introduction, everyone seemed to think of the horrible scene Ma Hongjun experienced just now, and couldn't help but gasp.

In this way, that old guy is really an old silver coin that kills people without blinking!

Even Ma Hongjun himself shuddered fiercely, gritted his teeth with anger, and couldn't help but rejoice that the dean came just in time.

And this place is in Heaven Dou City, I don't think the old guy dare to really kill.

I don't know if I saw the people's thoughts, and Flander, who had just finished speaking, followed again.

"That old undead face is even more ruthless. Since he dared to attack the fat man today, the other party must have taken you all in his heart.

So you all remember, don't go outside the city or in remote places during this time, maybe the old ones are waiting for you!"

"Yeah, don't worry, the dean, I won't go anywhere anymore, just follow Boss Tang. I don't believe in Boss Tang's protection, and those who don't die dare to attack me!"

Hearing Flander's scary words, Ma Hongjun, who had just suffered a catastrophe, immediately fell in love with Tang Ge.

If it weren't for the male-male tutor's incompatibility, he would have thought of sleeping with Mr. Tang at night.

And just because of Ma Hongjun's opening, other people also turned their eyes to Tang Ge, and it seemed that they had the same thoughts as Ma Hongjun.

This made Tang Ge suddenly dumbfounded.

Even Flander nodded in sympathy: "Fatty is right. You have followed Tang Ge during this period. With Tang Ge's protection, the old immortal is really nothing.

Okay, the opening ceremony is about to begin, let me enter the venue first."

Hearing that the dean praised Tang Ge's strength so much, Jiang Zhu and the other two new companions became more curious in their hearts except for Tai Long who knew it.

It's a pity that several other companions seem to deliberately keep Tang Ge's strength secret, and they don't want to say more.

This disappointed the three of them.

But at this time Dean Flander had already turned and left. After seeing this, the three of them no longer thought about it, and immediately hurried to catch up with other companions.

Tang Ge, who was walking at the end, couldn't help thinking that in the original plot, the old guy seemed to have shot Tang San, but instead he died tragically in Tang San's hands.

This couldn't help making a sneer on his face and muttering to himself.

"Time? May he live long!"

Immediately, Tang Ge completely suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and walked towards the entrance of the Great Fighting Soul Arena.


Flender was worried about the Second Dragon Girl who was still waiting for him in the stands, so as soon as he entered the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena, he threw the team directly to Tang Ge and ran away by himself.

Tang Ge was too lazy to lead the team, so naturally he threw this glorious task to Dai Mubai again.

As the second oldest brother in the team, Dai Mubai didn't have any right to refuse, and could only helplessly assume the task of leading the team.

But let alone, compared with other places, the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena is really the largest one that Dai Mubai and a dozen of them have ever seen.

Surrounded by the stands are large enough to accommodate nearly 100,000 spectators. All the decorations are silver backgrounds, reflecting the dazzling silver light under the light.

Suddenly, a magnificent aura emerged.

Moreover, even though Tang Ge took the competition channel and their vision could not be compared with the surrounding stands, they still saw the scene on the VIP stage.

Among them, Ning Rongrong stretched out his little finger to point to the VIP table, and said in surprise.

"Look! Look! My dad is here too!"

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