Starting from Douluo

Chapter 266 Brighten the Soul Ring! Shocked the audience!

Hearing Ning Rongrong's surprise shout, Tang San and the others immediately looked in the direction of her fingers, and as expected, they saw several acquaintances on the VIP stage high above.

One of them was Ning Rongrong's father, Ning Fengzhi, the supreme master of the Qibao Liuli Sect.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi was wearing a white robe, a purple gold crown of seven treasures on his head, and a scepter encrusted with precious stones had never left his hand.

Here, there are three top positions in total.

And Ning Fengzhi monopolized one of them. It can be seen that although he is not a titled Douluo, he is completely qualified to sit here because of his status as the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tiles.

In addition, two other elderly men with extraordinary identities were sitting beside Ning Fengzhi.

Following Ning Rongrong's introduction, Tang San suddenly knew that the unangered and mighty old man sitting in the middle position was Emperor Xueye of the Heaven Dou Empire.

On the other side was the older elder, who was the master of the Heaven Dou City Spirit Temple, Platinum Bishop Salas.

This is the news learned from other competitors nearby.

From the look they looked at the protagonist of Salas, it was obvious that these spirit masters wanted to take this game to get a chance to join the Spirit Hall.

But Tang San and his party didn't have this idea.

In addition, they also saw several acquaintances on the VIP stage. They were Prince Xue Xing who had been in conflict and the three education committees of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Thinking of the experience at the time, Ma Hongjun said angrily: "It's best to let us meet the team from the Tiandou Royal Academy in the first game today, and then brutally beat them in the face of Prince Xue Xing! "

"Fatty, I support you, we must speak this tone!"

Oscar is also gritted his teeth.

The four new classmates of Tyrone were originally not clear about the situation, but after learning what happened from Xiao Wu, they were also very angry.

This Prince Xue Xing is really disgusting!

But fortunately, because the Shrek students lined up far away from the VIP station, their comments were not heard by Prince Xue Xing, otherwise I don’t know what tricks they would think of!

On the side, hearing the indignant comments from his classmates, Tang Ge couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

This wish will soon be realized.

as predicted.

After the opening ceremony started, the emperor Xueye first delivered a speech, and then Bishop Salas selected the competition order of the participating teams.

As a result, Tang San and the other Shrek Academy participating teams actually met the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy after they actually played in the first round.

This really surprised the fat man Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

It's just that in the eyes of other spectators and participating spirit masters who don't know the situation of Shrek Academy, this Shrek Academy's participating team collided with the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy in the first game. It was really unlucky.

Almost no one is optimistic about Tiandou Royal Academy.

Even the host who was responsible for introducing the situation of both parties just casually introduced the situation of the Shrek Academy participating teams, and the focus of the following introduction was entirely on the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

This really made Flanders in the audience watching the game very angry.

If there is no betting handicap, he must bet all his savings on his own college to win!

Tang San and Dai Mubai didn't care at all, but they were extremely excited.

This is a lasting opportunity to slap your face, no matter what, you can't miss it.

So as soon as he was led into the lounge, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but jump out first.

He looked at Tang Ge, who was fully entrusted by the dean to arrange for the competition, and said anxiously: "Boss Tang, I don't care about the next game, but you must let me play this game!"

"And me, I want to let the people at Tiandou Royal Academy know that he would ignore me yesterday, but he can't afford to climb me today!

Oscar also opened his mouth, his eyes glowing with excitement.

Now he can't wait to use his big sausage to let the people of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy have a taste.

Even Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing waited for the time.

Tang Ge couldn't help laughing or crying after seeing him.

But for the people who played the game, he had already said it when he was in the academy.

So under the gaze of everyone's expectations, Tang Ge suddenly smiled and said: "There is actually no suspense in this game. I believe in your strength, so I will not play by myself.

In addition, Zhuqing and Jiangzhu also stayed behind, and Xiao San and Mubai could bring the others on the court.

How about, Xiaosan, give you one minute to solve the battle, right?"

Hearing the arrangement of Tang Ge, Oscar and Ma Hongjun who were able to play were very excited.

A smile appeared on Tang San's face, and he confidently said, "With Yuechan's cooperation, plus Mubai's fourth spirit ability, thirty seconds is enough!"

As for the five players who did not play, Zhu Zhuqing was not surprised, Jiang Zhu and the other three were very lost.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ge couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't worry, this is just the first game, maybe it's your turn to play next."

Tyrone was about to speak, but the announcement of the start of the game came from outside.

At the urging of the person in charge, in addition to six people including Tang Ge and Zhu Zhuqing staying in a specific area to watch the game, Tang San and Dai Mubai led the participating teams from the competition channel towards the competition platform.

On the other side of Bidoutai, the second team of Spirit Masters from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy also showed their presence.

Especially when they boarded the competition stage, the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Come on, Tiandou Royal Academy!"

"Come on, Tiandou Royal Academy!"


As for the Tang Sanqi players who played at the same time, they were completely ignored. Even if the shout of "Come on Shrek Academy" came from accident, it was also from the remaining Tyrones.

This made Tang Sanqi both embarrassed and angry.

Especially when they saw the mocking glances from the spirit masters of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy on the opposite side, their determination to beat the spirit masters of these Tiandou Royal Academy more firmly!

At this moment, a beautiful feather referee who was in charge of the game flew from a distance to the sky above the competition platform.

Under the sign of Emperor Xue Ye on the VIP table, she suddenly announced loudly.

"The first game of the first round of the qualifiers has officially started.

Participants from both sides are invited to open martial arts and brighten the spirit ring!"

As the referee's voice fell, under various roars and screams on the originally calm competition platform, bursts of dazzling rays of yellow and purple interwoven suddenly burst out.

Without exception, these rays of light were all emitted by the hundred-year and thousand-year spirit ring.

But immediately after the yellow-purple light appeared, two dazzling dark lights suddenly burst out.

As soon as the dark light came out, the originally lively and boiling venue suddenly fell silent, and then countless audience members suddenly stood up.

They stared at the two figures on the platform with wide eyes, and their faces were full of shock!

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