Starting from Douluo

Chapter 290: Spiritual Network!

Without the accident of Tang Song, he said that he said, and it has harvested a rich shock value.

Then his shock value finally broke through the smoothness of forty thousand.

The next is to find a suitable time, and directly come to an unprecedented forty quarter.

Thinking of this, Tang Song's mood is more embarrassed.

He looked at the shocked people, and he was not awkward: "A soul of the district, killing, killing, you don't want to be so surprised.

Let him not help me first, so I am a helpless choice for being forced to protect. "

Tang Song said very easy, but the gods of Flend and Zhao Wuqi they hear, the face is straight.

A soul of the soul of the soul arrived in the mouth, and only used the word "district" to describe.

And said that this is still a fourteen year old teenager.

This makes it a few decades of Fland them as if he heard the sound of his old face is hit, and it is simply nothing.

There is no problem with the words that Tang Song said.

It is necessary to know that the soul bones have such a conclusion, and Zhao Wuji Ji Ji will never ask.

This is completely self-sufficient!

As for Tang San and Dai Mu Bai, which is almost the age of Tang Song, since it is, it is even ashamed.

Poor they actually be happy to be happy for winning a qualifier, and people Tang Song are already jumping out of the qualifier, starting to kill the soul of the soul of the soul!

At this time, Ning Rongrong, who took the soul bone, struggled for a while, still looked at the opening of Tang Song.

"Tang ... Tang Song, don't you ... this soul, you still have to pick it up."

"You're scared?"

Tang Song saw Ning Rongrong, and asked in a funny look.

Ning Rong Rong took a nod, it took a soul bone as if it was a body, so that her mind could not help but appear a terrible picture.

If you don't take into account the preciousness of soul bones, she can't help but throw this thing directly.

However, for the fear of Ning Rong, Tang San and other students are very speechless.

And if you don't know that the soul bones are Tang Ge as Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, this fat man is estimated to be.

Finally, Liu Dilong stood up.

She couldn't help but knew the head of Ning Rong Rong, smiled and said: "Silly girl, this soul bone is Tang Song gets from others, but it essentially from the soul.

Don't think more, just when this soul is a souller. I can't die, the front owner is dead, and if I get it, I can't use it? "


I heard the story of the two dragons, Ning Rongrong still had a psychological shadow.

But I don't wait until she finisken, Liu Dilong suddenly glanced at her, seriously: "Rong Rong, you have to know, in order to help you find this soul, Tang Song is a big danger.

He just said light, but do you think a soul is really so good?

So even if you don't live up to Tang Song's mind, you have to use this soul bone, in order to get the payment of Tang Song! "

On the one side, I heard the two dragons who said about the seriousness of Ning Rong, Tang Ge wanted to refute.

After all, he is really easy to solve this spicy chicken.

But considering that the other party said that it is also to eliminate the psychological obstacles of Ning Rong, so Tang Song can only nod to cooperate with it.

"Rong Rong, the two dragons said, you must don't live up to my heart, or I will not sleep at night."

The opposite Oscar, Dai Mu Bai and Ma Hongjun they have heard very envious.

Take a look!

It's good to look good, it is so good, even the soul of the soul has to say good words!

as expected.

After listening to this story of Tang Song, it was originally tangled in the hands of the soul bones, and the bite of the dead bones were biting his teeth. The little face revealed the colors.

"The teacher is right, I can't live up to Tang Song's mind, I want to use this soul!"

"Use it, this soul is really good for you, you should make your mental strength after fusion."

Yushu has also gone over and looked at the soul bones in Ning Rong Rong.

Under the encouragement of Liu Dilong and Tang Song, Ning Rongrong is directly sitting on the ground, and the soul is activated.

This is disappeared when the soul bone of colorful rays will disappear and start slowly with her right hand arm.

When Ning Rongrong began to fusion the soul bone, Yu Xiaogang's eyes were suddenly turned to Tang Song.

He frowned and wrinkled, couldn't help but ask: "Tang Song, but it is really killed by you?"

"Of course, it is definitely the kind of death; and considering the situation after a series of trouble, I also deliberately introduced him to a wild forest away from the sky.

So the master, you don't have to worry, the Canghui University will not suspect that I am on me. "

I heard Yu Xiaogang asked, Tang Song seems to know what the other party is thinking, and suddenly laughs.

He finished, others have turned over the eyes, and thought: also said that people want to kill you when people want to kill you, see your behavior, clearly in fishing law enforcement!

Sure enough, you will never let a small child!

Even Yu Xiaogang is a speechless.

However, he understood that this thing did not have any worries, so there is no more asking, starting quietly waiting for Ning Rong Rong's soul bone to success.

In this way, the time is slow.

After the past, after a small half of the time, with a strange spiritual fluctuation, the Ning Rong Rong, who was immediately closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

So a moment, her eyes actually played a colorful light, but it was very soon.

The crowded people saw that the face immediately exposed the curiosity.

Among them, Liu Dilong is looking forward to ask: "How is Rong Rong, the fusion of soul bones, did not have a negative impact on you?"

I heard Liu Dilong's inquiry, and Ning Rongruo gradually resumed clearly.

Then her little face directly revealed a surprise, standing up from the ground, can't wait to say: "Not only did not have a negative impact, but also seem to have added a suspected soul skill!

Well, I call it spiritual network! "

Said, from Ning Rong Rong's body, it is a strange spiritual fluctuation that has just been awake.

Tang San and Dai Mu, who are in the field are in a curious. When this spiritual network is, it is the same, and the sound of the naughty sound is in the same space, and suddenly it sounds in their minds.

"Small three!"


Tang Song! "

"Hey, you guess who I am?"


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