Starting from Douluo

Chapter 291 Alone

To be honest, when the tapered voice suddenly appeared in the mind, except for Tang Song, others were shocked.

However, the spin is that they have reacted it, and the eyes are all concentrated in Ning Rongrong.

Although this girl is now not open, but just now, the sound familiar with the naughty in the mind is, in addition to this girl, there will be no more people.

So guess you don't have to guess!

It is just a speechless at the same time, whether it is Tang San and other students or Flanders, these new capabilities, and very surprised Ning Rongrong.

Is this the so-called spiritual network?

It is really incredible! It's too incredible to cast people directly to everyone's mind.

After Liu Dilong returned to God, he smiled and smiled.


When I heard the teacher of the Erlong, Ning Rong wanted to spit the tongue.

At this time, Yu Xiaoang asked: "Rong Rong, you can directly pass the sound to our minds, is there any restriction, what is the consumption of soul?"

"With my current strength, if the target does not exceed the fifteen people, it should have no problem, and it is not big for the soul.

And in addition to this ability, the soul bones have also increased by at least 20% of my mental strength. "

Ning Rongrong thought about it.

Do you have a 20% mental growth?

This soul is good!

For Ning Rongrong's answer, Liu Dilong and Flanders have a look at each other, and they are surprised.

However, Yushu is thinking about what, Suddenly, "Rong Rong, this soul of this soul, except we know, you don't want to say anything else.

Even in the next promotion, you can use it without being used, wait until the finals are reused.

There are other people, and the things about the year are also rotten into their belly. I don't know if I don't know. "

For this manager of Yuxi, Ning Rongrong and Tang San have some nodded.

They understand whether it is a soul bone or the death of the year. Anything will lead to a lot of trouble.


Because things have been dealt with, plus the banquet has ended, so everyone will scatter all the busy things.

Ning Rong, who got a gift, was very happy to pull Tang Song.

To this end, after the evening, Tang Song had to divide his sleep time into two, and went to comfort the Lanyu and Zhu Zhuqing who got a gift.


With the end of the Qualified Senior Soul College Competition, the time of the promotion started is getting closer.

However, during this period, there is still enough time to adjust the contestants of each college.

The Slack Academy is no exception.

It's just to take a break, they still have to accept the rush of Zhao Wuyi and Liu Dilong two teachers, to find out the shortcomings of their own and make up in time.

Of course, Tang Song is an exception.

His soul level now has fallen into calm, and the effect of cultivating soul is not large before you get the seventh soul ring.

So his mind is all on the cultivation of the obedience.

As the source stone is constantly refining, Tang Song originally reached the realm of Shenqiao's peak, and finally broke through again.




In the sky, there is a quiet mountain, accompanied by the drama of the golden and bitter sea, and the power of Tang Song suddenly skyrocket.

In his bitter sea, the bridge that was originally leading to unknown is a shock, and the fog around is even more quickly retreat.

At this moment, the golden bitter sea of ​​Tang Song once again expanded, and the fog's devastation began to spread out.

Golden lightning is bossard in bitter sea!

The spring is tumbling, spurting a god of power, making the entire golden bitter wave more violent.

If you have outsiders here, you can feel clearly, and the spatial space of Tang Song in the ground begins to appear.

Thunder branches and the waves of the sea are more exciting.

A horrible pressure gradually released from Tang Song.

The sky is suddenly dark, there is a sturdy pressure!

It seems that this change, the consciousness of the Tang Song eyebrows after clear, and suddenly all the momentum will be returned.

With his control, it is more calm down to the boiling of the boiling of half of the foot.

However, Tang Song can feel clearly, its strength is indeed much more powerful than before.

He did not pay attention to the dark clouds that were gradually dissipated in the sky, and the personal data panel time was presented in front of him.

[Shocked System]

[Host: Tang Ge]

[Level: Sixty-nine "Soul Emperor Wheel - Tie]

[Wu Sou: Double Soul Soul - Shanhe Society, Zhu Xian Fourth Sword]

[Soul ring: black, black, black, black, black, red, is influenced by the mountains and rivers, can be combined into any color.

[Soul Technique: Shanhe field, unique, currently covered with a host-centric radius of 100 meters-wide spherical area. (Soul Trouble, Yin Yang Wings, Life and Death Handprint, Tai Chi Sword, Gully Dead)]

[Martial Arts: Chaotic hammer method, "line" letter secret, hell smelting, paradise gods, gods, interfacial finger]

[Physique: Ridget of Ancient Holy Body - 3% awwing]

[Shocked: 408000]

After this practice, the cultivation of Tang Song's covertive law finally once again increased a small order, reaching the might of the border.

Feel the power of the sea and the power of all the whole body, he suddenly has a shares to find a military war.

In addition, even his absurrat is also enhanced.

This makes Tang Song are satisfied.

However, if you want to break through the Taoizhiyuan of the Route, it is not a short time.

Of course, Tang Song is not anxious.

With the help of the system, he believes that he can get a lottery, you can get a Dan medicine that directly enhances the realm.

I think about it, Tang Song seems to be aware of, a brow is picking, and suddenly retreated the personal data panel.

The spin is directly from the ground to stand up, and look toward the direction of the sky.

Not a moment, with the blank sound, a shadow time appeared in the field of view of Tang Song.

At the same time, there is still a lot of laughter from the bones.

"Hahaha, Tang Xiaozi, you said that you don't work well in the college, there is nothing to run to this wilderness.

Is it in the wild in the wild? What is the treasure waiting for you to discover? "

I heard this ridicule, Tang Ge suddenly turned over.

The people are not someone else, who has left the solitary life for half a year.

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