Starting from Douluo

Chapter 306, there is a old man not far away

Since Tang Song and Tang Sanwu Soul are activated and left, I have been in the past eight years.

In these eight years, the Holy Village did not have too much change, still in the past, simple and ordinary remote village.

But the villagers living here are constantly changing.

Over time, the child has become bigger, and the adult is old, and the old man is getting more and more old, waiting until the end, it disappears in this world.

Similarly, eight years have passed, the Holy Soul Village has not had a genius like Tang Song and Tang San.

Therefore, I hope that the villagers who can make materials from their own materials are also very envious of Jack Old Village, saying that the old village has cultivated a small genius like Tang songs, it is a blessing in the last life.

But people will change.

When it was discovered that his child was a wristworm, it was seen that the past few years did not return to Tang Song and Tang San, who had been envied by these villagers, had a bit balance.

And although the scruples of the old Jack village head, plus the generations, they don't dare to say something difficult to listen.

However, the private villagers were discussing, and their content was nothing more than the old Jack Village.

Now, the grandson has the past, and the result is completely forgotten by the old people at home. I don't even look at the village.

In this regard, Although the old Jack became the eye on the back of the face because of the more and more old and the old, even the walking began.

But he still heard the discussion of these people, and he couldn't help but attract these people. Said that Xiao Tang Song was absolutely not that kind of child.

It's a pity that old Jack's swears not only don't play any effect, but the villagers who are strong and more unscrupulous.

Even they also directly regard Tang San and Tang Ge as a backbone textbook, and educate their own children to learn that these two people do not honor their parents.

I can't stop it, I just didn't hear it.

But over time, the frequency of his out is getting lower and lower, and the wrinkles left by the years have become more and more strong.

This day, it is the eighth year of Tang Ge left village!

I have always remembered the old Jack in my heart just busy out, with the "gure", push the door back to my own yard.

When he saw the wicked chair made by Xiao Tang Song, a pair of turbid eyes did not help but be self-contained in the width chair in the wall.

"Little Tang Song, grandfather can not ask you to get out, I only hope that you can safely be safe in these years!"

I murmured, and the old Jack walked with a polar chair.

But just at the moment he just sat on the rattan chair, a big shout suddenly passed from the village.

"The Soul Village, I am back!"

"Grandpa, I am back!"

This ... this is the voice of Xiao Tang Song?


It is the voice of Xiao Tang Song!

Although I haven't seen Xiao Tang Song for a long time, the old Jack is still able to listen to this sound is Xiao Tang Song.

Just he didn't think that Xiao Tang Song suddenly came back at this time.

At a time, I just stood up when I just sat down.

Even if he had forgotten the cane, he hurried toward the yard.

At that moment, the old Jack originally could not help but stand upright.


In addition to the holy village, when the mood is excited, Tang Song and thousands of snow came to the village.

Because there is a lot of villagers who have just been shouting, they have gathered here.

Just, they are not as old as old Jack, so I am very curious about who is very curious in my heart.

As a result, when I saw a man who had appeared in front of me, these villagers were suddenly stunned.

They basically the ancestors are still living in the Holy Village. The farthest place is estimated to be Notting City, so although there are a lot of people, they have seen the same handsome male prostitutes like seeing this.

It can be said that in the eyes of these villagers, the two men and a woman seem to be the same from the sky, and the temperament is really great.

Even in their hearts are not controlled with self-defeating feelings.

How can there be such a good-looking person under the day?

For a time, some men didn't pay attention to the eyes of their eyes, directly dementia, looked oppressed the beautiful fairy.

Five or six meters away.

Feel a lot of men's obsesses, thousands of snow, can't help but want to do it.

But the Tang Song next to it is laughing and stopping her.

"Why bother to see these people."


For Tang Song, thousands of snow is very listening, and suddenly give up the thought of the handsome.

However, she asked, "Tang Song, when you say that I will see my grandfather waiting, will Grandpa, will he give you abandoned me?"

Sporate you?

Don't you know how beautiful you have long? Who will dislike you!

I heard the worry of the snow, Tang Song couldn't help but turn over the eyes.

However, when he is comforting the opponent, he suddenly had the old trembling sound from the crowd.

"Yes ... Is Xiao Tang Song?"


Soon, the crowd gathered together was unfolded by autonomous, and a vigorous figure ran came over.

When I saw this familiar but more than the memory of the old, I was a smile, and I became a smile.

If you don't wait, he can't help but rush.

"Grandpa! I am Tang Song, I will come back to see you!"

The old Jack just ran over.

He looked at the juvenile of the close in his face with turbid eyes, couldn't help but stick to the face of the face, and touched each other.

I will have a laughter that old Jack is finally happy.

"Good! It is really good!

Seeing Xiao Tang Song, you can come back peacefully, and it is so much bigger, and I can walk in An An Xin. "

When I heard this, Tang Song felt that I seem to be knotted, my distressed.

Looking at the loved ones who have been old in front of you, he suddenly regret that he has not come back earlier.

Soon, Tang Song's face was also wetted by tears.

His voice is a bit hoarse: "Grandpa, all Tang Songs are not good, don't come back early, let you worry about Sun."

But your grandfather, Suner has become very powerful now, and Suner is, you will be a hundred years old! "

Said, Tang Song immediately mobilized a silky life from the mountains and river, integrating into the body of the old Jack.

Under the action of this silk, the old Jack suddenly recovered by the extreme weakness of the body in a hurry.

His turbid eyes have also become a lot of clear.

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