Starting from Douluo

Chapter 307 I am the legend of this village!

When Tang Song and Lao Jack spoke, the villagers behind the back will finally return to God.

But once I came, I looked at the name that was helping to hold the old Jack. I didn't seem to have a teenager who had only a teenager. They have exposed the color of their faces.

This teenager is really a small Tang Song who left the village eight years ago?

What he has become so high now?

This ... Lao Jack, he won't be a missed person?

Some young people can't stand such a huge gap, and suddenly open with yin and yang strange tips.

"The old village is long, I see this boy is not like Tang Song at all, do you not be an old eye?"

"Just, I remember that Tang Song is still lame! Just because he awakened the soul of the martial art, but this only time, he can have a lot of interest, say it is still outside, it is still going to come back!"

"The old village is long, according to me, I have not allowed this teenager and Xiao Tang Song to know, but because of the accident of Xiao Tang Song, he is a small Tang Song to give you a loss.

Just see you pitiful, so deliberately let you regard him as a small Tang Song. Otherwise, do you know such a beautiful girl like Tang Song? "


In the face of some villagers, Old Jack also noticed that the snow not far from behind.

But immediately, his heart came out, and he couldn't help but pointed to the villagers whispered.

"You said that the old man in the old man in the next day, I will also have someone who is half-footed into the soil, I can't bear it with you.

But now, Tang Ge is coming back, you are still so malle to hurt him.

Can I say that these people still have to look? Is it a child who is not used to others than you?

If this is the case, you can't walk in the Holy Village for a lifetime, there is no future generation in the generation! "

It is because the Tang Song is coming back, and the old Jack is still no longer to bear, and the unfair opening is blaming.

For a time, the face of the villagers who were being reprunched became ugly.

Some splashlessness is even more clever, bite the teeth: "The old guy, you are looking for it!"

These people actually want to do it!

Tang Ge was just quietly listening to the anger of Grand Jack, seeing this scene, his eyes flashed in the eyes, and he wanted to work.

But there is also a person who is more early.


With a horrible momentum, I don't know when I am standing in a few meters away.

After the martial arts, she once again appeared six wings angels, and the golden rays shrouded so that she looked like a goddess.

However, there is no exception of the villagers in the field, and all the villagers present are all over the ground.

Their face finally exposed the frightened expression.

"Grandpa, is it to kill them?"

In the snowy eyes, these villagers who dare to bully grandfather are all damn!

But the old Jack heard the heartbeat.

Murryless girl!

For a time, he had a little worried about Tang Song.

"Little Tang Song, this is ..."

"Grandpa, you don't have to be afraid, this is my friend thousands of snow, you call her Xiaoxue."

Laughing and talking, Tang Song reached out and grabbed the little hand of the snow.

After coming over, I hurriedly converged the momentum of my body. At the same time, I was pretty red, and I shouted for old Jack.

"Grandpa is good, my name is thousands of snow, Tang Song's friends."

Tang Song's friend?

In the face of this sudden Tang Song in front of him, the old Jack couldn't help but sweep the hands of two people.

Then he suddenly realized that the original angry mood suddenly turned to be sunny, couldn't help but laugh.

"Good! Friends are good! Little Tang Song, can you bully people? Don't you know? Otherwise, I am not hitting your ass!"


After listening to the old Jack, I couldn't help but laugh.

And Tang Song is a helplessness.

However, it is re-transferred to his attention to the villagers who climbed on the ground in front of them, and they learned from one of them.

When I learned that I left, my grandfather was wronged.

Even if Tang Ge is usually checkered, it is good, and the heart is not born in this heart.

He really wants to kill these villagers, but also take care of the feelings of grandfather of old Jack.

Therefore, Tang Song directly proposes: "Grandpa, don't leave the Holy Village, so you don't have to face these ignorant people!"

And according to your strength, I don't say that it is a long position in the district, even if the city owner of Notting City, I can let my grandfather you are! "

This is not he bragging, but he does have this ability.

What's more, but still standing a small master from the top of the mainland.

In this regard, Old Jack naturally understood the heart of Tang Song.

While he was gratified, he smiled and shook his head.

"If you leave, after all, I have lived in a lot of life here. I still have to be a wood here!

And after they see your strength, they will leave you in the future, and they still dare to make a broken language! "

Is this?

In the face of the decision of the old Jack, Tang Song silent suddenly looked at the villagers who were still surrounded around the ground.

His voice is cold: "Give you a quarter of the time, the people in the village will be summoned to the large square of the village center.

If there is a person in more than one person, I will kill you all, don't think about it!

Snow, let them leave. "


Thousands of snow nodded, and suddenly retransmit the martial arts.

With the obedience to the horror of the body disappeared, the villagers present were all over the pale all over the scene.

"Grandpa, let's go to the square first."

Tang Song did not care about these villagers will not be listened to, after receiving their eyes, smiling, grandparents.

Old Jack nodded directly, and did not ask.

I immediately walked down in Tang Song and Qianxue, and they walked together towards the Grand Square of the Holy Village.

Soon, the time of a quarter is over.

Because of the previous thousands of snow showed a strong martial art, the one of the villagers did not dare to escape.

And according to the requirements of Tang Song, they shouted nearly more than 500 people in the entire village, and they shouted to the Soul Village Square.

Tang Song, thousands of snow and old Jack three people standing below the tall giant monet.

This damask can be seen in the trace of handprints, it is said to be left from the soul of the village.

The Soul Village is also named.

but now.

Looking at the gathering around all is a face, I am afraid, there is a curious nearly five hundred villagers, Tang Song took a deep breath, suddenly opened.

"The handprint on this stone monument represents the legend of my soul village has the soul of Sheng, and does not say that it is trusted.

And now I will call you all this, I want to tell you.

from now on!

I am the legend of this village! "

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