Starting from Douluo

Chapter 308 I ... I am young?

"From now, I am the legend of this village!"

During the shocking and frightening of all villagers, Tang Song suddenly called to shoot in front of the giant monument.

Along with the soul of the soul, and under his deliberate control, he only listened to the "bang", and the original faintly visible hand-printed place on the stone monument, a deeper handset showed.

The debris is flying, the ground is slightly shaken.

Not only that, this palm is even more intention of Tang Song's yin and yang.

When the villagers in the shocked villagers, there was a kind of horror that had to fall into the abyss, and the whole head began to dizziness.

Some people weak people can't help but bend and directly vomit.

For a time, other villagers have been scared to quickly collect their eyes, and they don't dare to see the handprints on the stone monument.

Not only the villagers, even the thousands of snow, who is a syntarry, feel the oppression of a soul level.

Her eyes did not help but moved to the man who had already occupied his own body, and his eyes were connected.

"Is it the legend of this village?"

Thousands of snow muttered.

"My name is thousands of snow, with the Wushu Temple Pope, the martial arts of the martial arts, the Mission, etc., to respect the grandfather like Dear Wushu.

If you dare to violate, the whole! "


This fairy is actually a daughter of the Pope of the Wushu Temple?

When I learned that the true identity of Qian Snow was, the villagers who were scared by Tang Song were like a bones, and the time was a "plot" "plop". Ground.

Although most people have not left the village in their lives, they are very familiar with the Wushu Temple.

After all, every year, there will be the soul of the Wushu Temple to come to the village for the six-year-old child.

So don't say that it is a daughter of the Pope of the Samou Temple. Even if you have to wake up the martial arts of the martial arts, these ordinary villagers are not affordable.

For a while, the villagers on the ground did not look for mercy, and to ensure that the old Jack village head as their ancestors.

As a result, the Tang Song is satisfied with some depressed.

It's awesome like this!

But good, his purpose has been reached, and he will not be in the village, and no one dares to have any unrestricted behavior of Jack.

As for the shock value of zero zero, it is completely not seen in the eyes.

Therefore, Tang Ge will also wake up with the old Jack that is still in the snow, open the mouth: "Grandpa, let's go home."

"Oh ... go home, this will go home."

Old Jack is still a bit of a sudden return, then he is so embarrassing him to go forward.

Thousands of snow, just follow it, play with a fascinating smile.


After returning to your home, because the sky is getting late.

Old Jack is very good, and you have to kit a hearty dinner, but stopped by Tang Song.


Have him present, how can you let Grandpa have worked hard to work hard, and you must have yourself to make a good thing for my grandfather.

Not only Tang Song heaten the girl, he also pulled thousands of snow to the kitchen.

This is that people who let the Wushu Temple see their young owners actually start their own cooking, I am afraid it will be shocked directly.

However, as the thousands of snow in the Millennium Temple, there is no hate, but it is eager to try.

As for it, it is not possible to do it, then she doesn't have a little relationship.

Even so, Lao Jack saw this scene, and the old face is also satisfied with satisfaction and gratifying.

Because after the beginning of my identity, he still had a lot of concerns, I don't understand how the other party will look at my own small Tang Song.

But now, old Jack is completely collapsed.

It is definitely because his family's small Tang Song is too good.

So waiting for eating, when I learned that the age of the snow is ten years older than Tang Ge, Lao Jack is completely not in the heart.

Even in order not to let thousands of snow, he still laughed and said that when you can come with Xiao Tang Song, you will come with him to accompany him.

For a time, Qian Xue is full of red and shy whole eating, it is almost low.

Waiting until I finally have dinner, Tang Song and Qianxue have been with the old Jack to sit in the yard for a long time.

During this time, basically Tang Song and thousands of snow said, old Jack listened to the smile.

I don't know, he has already lying on the chair and sent a slight sleep, and the smile on the face has never retired.

Seeing this scene, Tang Song couldn't help but decide. If there is an opportunity, it will bring Rong Rong and Zhu Ziqing to let Grandpa, and you will be more happy.

However, this idea does not dare to let Qianyu Xue, after sending grandfather to the room to rest, and then returned to Grandpa specially arranged for them.

In the door, Tang Song directly took the thousands of snow to the bed.

He smiled and rushed.

"Snow, let us have a pile of baby together!"

"Wait! I want to know what you have in the grandfather when you eat."

The thousands of snow lying on the bed hide the Tang Song's tiger, a pair of clouded beauty reveals curious and asked.

Because when she dinner, I felt that there was a strange force in her body, although there was not much improvement to her soul, but she had improved her body.

Tang Song heard, can't help but praise: "Of course it is a good thing, but now you can't tell you, you will know after tomorrow."

When he finished him, he pressed directly on the snow.

This time, thousands of snow did not dodge, let the other party tossed on himself.

But after a while, there was a burst of "" in the quiet night, "said the sound of the bed vibrates from the room.


The next day, in the morning.

When the people of the Soul Village began to get busy early, the old Jack family, who has been quiet, suddenly broke the quiet.

"Little Tang Song! Little Tang Song! Let's take a look, my old man has happened, how did I become young?"

I heard this anxious shout, the next room just stopped tossed Tang songs and thousands of snow that had to go to the new clothes, and hurried down the bed.

As for the fragmentats that scattered a different place, I also received all the Tang Song in the white eyes of the snow.

It is the meaning of Grandpa, and I don't worry about Tang Ge, who knows the situation.

After all, this is what he did.

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