Starting from Douluo

Chapter 312 This ... this soul is shocked?

The branches of the martial arts trees have this ability?

When I saw the world of the mountain river society that was originally turned to collapse again, Tang Song was both surprised, and couldn't help but relieve a breath.

He is really afraid that he will become the first Soul, which is just the first place in the Douro's mainland.

But fortunate!

Everything is in the direction of your hopes.

So wait until the world that is already coming out of Wu Shu Shanhe Society, surrounding the original flowers and cliffs have also rendered it.

Tang Song did not pay attention to this, but directly summoned all the soul rings.


Along with space vibration, there was a slow ring next to his feet, and surrounded by his body slowly.

Five blacks!

This thorn black red ray is afraid of being pressed by Tang Song, and it is also a fast spread, and it is completely stained with the empty area under this cliff!

Not only that.

The momentum of the Tang Song is also far more than the soul realm.

I am afraid it is a title to fight Luo. When I see Tang Song's powerful soul ring, it is also scared to surrender.

Two 12,000-year-old soul ring, how can they bully people!

As for Tang Song at this moment, as a five-black two red soul rings, it is even more clear to feel the vast power of fullness.

He looked at the mountain wall that he had hit the hole in his body, there was a strong feeling, if you bounce it, you must definite this mountain!

Of course, Tang Song is just thinking, do not do this.

Anyway, this place is a place of his family, and it is also a commemoration; and it is also so close to the Holy Soul Village, and it will be possible to make a tourist attraction.

For example, after a certain year, the Tang Song Village will look at Tang Song miracles will be received here, and learn from the villagers of the Holy Village to understand Tang Song.

And if you are cultivating in the mountain wall, you can also have the opportunity to break through the bottleneck!

It was not allowed to go to a unknown Tang Song, and it was also possible to leverage billions of distances with the system of the system.

Think about how to feel the feelings!

For a time, Tang Song did not help himself in the mouth, and his face revealed a smile.

In his heart, in addition to the new Wushu is actually outside, another big soul technology brought by 100,000 years of soul ring is also in his mind.

Listening: 100,000 years of soul of the soul of the soul of the soul from the thousand miles, can greatly improve hearing and vision after activation, and have a chance to spall the essence of the world.

Improve vision and listening is not unfortunately, only can get Tang Song very interested in the essence of the world.

"I have to take this soul of the soul ring."

He muttered, he used to use the sky.


This moment, when a full of energy released from the seventh 100,000 years of the soul ring, Tang Song only felt suddenly unlimited.

He still standing in the same place, but consciousness seems to be separated from the body, just look at the direction of the Soul Village, the whole holy soul village is like being moved to the eyes, suddenly saw every place in the village.

Some villagers are working.

Some villagers are chatting.

There is also the children who are looking at the old people in the yard. Tibetan cats.

Even if it is in the room, the walls around the wall cannot cover the vision of Tang Song, clearly see a male and a woman in the room in Dahua.

At the same time, because of the same hearing, except for the continuous chat voice and laughter, a smile is also transmitted to his ear.

This makes Tang Songs not shaken, and suddenly feels bad.

But I have to say it.

Listen to this 100,000-year-old soul skill is really strong, you must know that the Holy Village is a distance from the cliff here.

And Tang Song stood under the cliff, but it has been a list of the entire sacred village.

Even he also found that if you increase the soul of the soul, you can still see farther and listen more.

Even if I look at the sky, I'm going to the ground, with the ability of these 100,000 soul skills, the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul is afraid that they are in front of Tang Song.

During this period, Tang Song also saw a familiar beauty figure in the village of the Holy Village.

It is thousands of snow.

However, the thousands of snow at this moment is very anxious. The brow is also frightened, and a pair of cockroaches will look forward to far.

Is it worried about me?

Tang Songs saw it, couldn't help but smile in your heart, just want to tease each other.

But when he was prepared to do so, his eyes did not speak on the sky, as if triggered the ability of "Spiritual World Essential" in the 100,000-year-old soul technology, it was originally blocked the intangible barrier of his vision.

At this moment, Tang Song actually found that his horizons rose quickly!

When he no longer changing in the last field of view, it is an actually a water blue planet like the past world.

Above the planet, the ocean occupies most.

In addition, it is a large continent, one of which is quiet, while another continent is slowly close to this mainland under the promotion of a force.

However, this approach is extremely slow, I am afraid it takes a long time to collide together.

Is this the stars of Douro?

When I saw the scene in front of the scene, I naturally emerged from the heart of Tang Song.

And he also found that there seems to have a layer of intangible media outside the stars in the Dulan mainland, which is this layer of media that makes people on the Douro continent can't free from the planet.

Not only that.

As the field of view occurs in outer space, Tang Song is separated from Douro Continental planet, and it is found that the feedback from the planet is still a layer of intangible media barrier.

But he felt the threat of invisible media!

Is it a more advanced plane?

Tang Song couldn't help but frown.

However, when he wanted to further observe, suddenly found that his body to the extreme soul is even in this short time, and the weak feelings came.

Therefore, if there is no soul support, "Listening" is forced to stop, Tang Song's consciousness is also pulled back from the outer space.

Finally, even the Wu Shu Shanhe Society and the seven soul rings were also returned to his body.

Consciousness just a return, with the strong sense of immersing, Tang Song has a few steps after the "squatting", and it almost fell to the ground.

He had to sit on the ground, feel the almost dry soul, and shake his head.

"This consumption is too horrible!"

I thought, Tang Song told the personal data panel and was ready to see what I was at the moment.

However, when his eyes swept through the most down-of-line shock value of the attribute panel, it seems to be thundered, and suddenly standing from the ground.

Tang Song is a face, it is incredible.

"This ... What is wrong with this? Is this Soul skills swallowed me shocked?"

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