Starting from Douluo

Chapter 313, first closing your eyes!

[Shocked System]

[Host: Tang Ge]

[Level: Seventy-sixth "Soul Shenghehai - Tiezhi]

[Wu Sou: Double Soul Soul - Shanhe Society, Zhu Xian Fourth Sword]

[Soul ring: black, black, black, black, black, red, red, is affected by the mountain river field, can be combined into any color.

[Soul Technique: Shanhe field, unique, currently covered with a host-centric radius of 100 meters-wide spherical area. (Soul Trouble, Yin Yang Wings, Life and Death Handprint, Tai Chi Sword, Gully Dead, Listening)]

[Martial Arts: Chaotic hammer method, "line" letter secret, hell smelting, paradise gods, gods, interfacial finger]

[Physique: Wasteer Holy Body - 32% awwing]

[Shocked: 7500]

Compared with the previous, Tang Song's realm in Douro's mainland is indeed raised from 77 to 77.

Although this did not reach the psychological expectation of his seventy-nine level, it was influenced by the mountains and rivers.

So Tang Song is not disappointing for this point.

Just let him force, he has only left to more than 75,000 shocks left.

Seven thousand five hundred points!

This is more than 300,000, and you can come all 30,000!

But now, the more than forty million shocks of Tang Shengxin hard, except for the previous ten, it is not there.

At this moment, his heart is in the blood, the thief is distressed!

But good, the system has a record of shocked value consumption.

So Tang Song quickly viewed the specific process.

As a result, he found that it was not "Listening" soul technology to "listened to the ground", but it has been rooted in the mountains and rivers.

As for the time of shocking, it is time to build wood god branches.

After seeing this, all the doubts in Tang Song suddenly declined.

Obviously, if there is a wooden god tree branch, plus more than 30 million shocking assistance, he is really likely to keep the world that has just formed.

Therefore, the Tang Song is depressed, and he has to admit it.

More than 30 million shocks are really consumed!

If he chooses himself, it is estimated to do this.

After all, the shocking value can also earn again, the mountains and rivers in the mountains and rivers collapse, if you want to condense, you can not know how to wait until what year.

It's just at this moment, I will look at the branches of the construction of the Mountain River Society, and Tang Song faintly found that this branch is not only green, and the head is longer than the beginning.

This is a good thing, but he suddenly has a lot of feelings.

"When it doesn't, when it doesn't time, I will steal my shocking value."

I murmured, Tang Song took a thousand pounds of the source of the mountains and rivers.

The soil of the mountain river is automatically running, and this thousand kg sources is flying into the most pure source.

The spirit of the whole mountain river world has improved a lot.

Even the branches of the wood god trees were cheerful, and began to keep taking the spirit of the air.

Tang Song met this scene, could not help with me.

If you don't picky food!

He immediately took a thousand pounds of the source, and mixed some of the best spiritual stone into the mountains and rivers.

Feel the more rich aura in the mountains and rivers, Tang Ge suddenly satisfied.

And his heart has been planning, wait back to move the ice and fire of the solo lonely in the mountains, and then catch some souls in the world.

I thought, Tang Song seems to be aware, suddenly looks up and looks over the cliff.

call out!


I flew down with a pleasant wind, and the blink of an eye fell in the distance from Tang Songs.

It is thousands of snow.

When she saw Tang Song, I have been put down when I have been put down, and the color of the surprise is revealed.

"How do you know that I am here?"

Tang Song is a little surprised opening.

Thousands of snow did not answer immediately, but walked to Tang Song and gently squatted his hand to Tang Song's body to check his body with soul, see if he was injured.

Tang Ge laughed and did not stop, applying the other party to check.

And thousands of snow is to determine that Tang Song is really nothing, this will only return the little hand.

She sat in the arms of Tang Song indise, stopped the neck of each other and gently opened.

"I am very worried after you leave, so I went to the village, I would like to wait for a while, I will go to the big forest to find you, after all, there is a powerful beast that is suitable for you.

But then I felt a powerful breath that appeared here, coupled with faint familiar but no hostile, I guess it is you, so I came. "

Speaking here, the thousands of snow suddenly stop, and then directly got the pretty face to the front of Tang Song.

Looking at the face in front of his mind, she couldn't help but rose, soft: "Can you tell me how many levels do you now?"

"Of course, no problem, I am now ..."

In the face of the fragrance of constant blowing from thousands of snow, Tang Ge seems to lose all resistance, and you must show your current realm.

However, the result did not wait for him to finish, a finger suddenly printed on his lips, blocked him next to say.

At the same time, there was also a sound of thousands of snow.

"Forget it, I don't want to know, anyway, I can play you again!"

If you want to say, it is retracted back, and Tang Song almost is qi.

He looked at this tricky model, it was just a crying.

Big sister!

I know that you can't play me, but I want to make some shocking, so I can let me complete the (forced) and stop me?

However, Tang Song didn't care about it. Instead, he felt that he was a warm and soft, soft and soft, while: "Next, I have to go to the north to handle some things, you have to accompany me ?"

Originally he thought of thousands of snow would agree.

But the result is just asked, the other party shook his head directly.

"No, in fact, I am mainly going to see your last side this time, then go back to the Wushu Temple to complete a inheritance.

This inheritor will last for a long time, I don't know if there is any chance to live again, so I don't want to stay in my heart.

Tang Song, if it is a day, I am not there, I hope you can always remember me. "

When I said, I looked at Tang Song with a pair of fiscal eyes.

Tang Ge's eyebrows first is a wrinkle, and it will be opened again and stretches.

He couldn't help but stroke each other's pretty face, laughed and used a firm tone: "Reassured, I am, what is inheriting you. You.

So I clostered first, I will give you something! "


Thousands of snow did not doubt, very obedient closed his eyes.

Then, I saw Tang Ge raised his hand to stand and finished her eyebrows, and the power of a soul flooded into the other's mind.

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