Starting from Douluo

Chapter 314 Biography! Give Dan! Caure the intestine!

As early as the world, Tang Song's soul was washed by the Wenyin, which has become powerful.

After the death of the soul of the Dark Devils, he was more condensed with his own soul.

What's more, there are two additional 100,000-year-old soul ring.

Therefore, Tang Ge is now fully able to transfer the means of the soul and exercises to the outsiders.

He is now the ability to show thousands of snow.

Because when he heard the other party to return to the Wushu Temple, Tang Song guess this inheritance is definitely a thousand angel nine tests.

If you can complete the angel nine test, the other party will directly change the body to become a god.

But since it is the inheritance of God, it will naturally be less simple.

Even if you have thousands of snow that have the martial arts six-winged angel, even if the attributes are the most accomplishful, they don't dare to speak 100%.

So the thousands of snow will just say that.

If you put it before, Tang Ge naturally doesn't work.

But now, Qianxue has given him the body and heart. How can he tolerate the other party in the inheritance?

Therefore, taking into account the fitness of attributes, Tang Ge did not have any hesitated decision to pass the gods of the people you have mastered to thousands of snow.

After the eyes closed his eyes, he pointed to the opponent's eyebrow, and contained a soul of the gods' skills and poured into the other's mind.

The sudden soul is scared that thousands of snow is trembled, and it is not self-protection behavior.

But followed by Tang Song's voice next to her ear.

"Don't resist it, let go of your mind and concentrate on absorbing this magic I pass it."

I heard this familiar voice, and Qian Xue suddenly relaxed.

Then according to Tang Song's reminder, she consciously sinks into the mind, and starts focusing on the information contained in the soul of their minds on the soul of their minds.

And the outside world.

After seeing the entry state that thousands of snow, Tang Song is also a breather.

He knows that the other person is a thousand people, and the body has begun to fusion the angel gods that have been inherited by the family.

This six soul bones are God's soul bones, and the annual limit is in nine99999.

Even if it is still in a state of being sealed, if you have to resist the heart, Tang Song is really not necessarily to invade the soul in my mind.

Of course, because it is because there is a goddess soul, you can withstand the spirit of the soul of Tang Song.

As for Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Lin Yueqian three women, I am afraid that I have not enjoyed such a short time.

In this way, I will take a while to see the Snow, I need to completely integrate the skills of "the gods", Tang Song holds the opponent to put it on the side of the ground.

And he taking this opportunity to start the soul of exhaustion before restoring.


When I was gradually returned, I only felt that I did a dream before, I didn't expect to have such a strange soul skill.

Do not!

Shouldn't go with soul skills to describe it, but God!

Because this power is only necessary to have soul, the driver can do not need the soul ring at all, it is existence in independent!

For a time, thousands of snow couldn't help but make this kind of goddene who just mastered.


With space tremble, under the rich sacred breath, this moment is sitting on the ground, and the snow is in a luxurious golden shirt.

The golden robes will be covered with the temperament, and even the cold expression seems to be a layer of veil and become blurred.

The surrounding faintly sounded the sound of the soul sulty, and all the dark pieces became incompetent!

Tang Ge, who is recovering, suddenly, suddenly being alarmed, open his eyes.

When he saw this moment, when he saw the thousands of snow, a pair of eyes suddenly looked up, couldn't help but praise it.

Don't say it.

This gods are really different from person.

If the temperament of Tang Song shows that the temperament is domineering, then it is a cold and noble.

If she can cooperate with the Wuhun six-win angel, she completely stimulates the sacredness attributes, and there is a feeling of being in the world.

When you think of this, Tang Song smiled softly, and it was a hundred yin and yang flying swords to condense in the air.

He also opened.

"Snow, watch the sword!"

In the middle of this, more than 100 yin and yang flying swords whispering into a yin and yang, instantly pushing from the sky, stabbing the thousands of snow that were covered by the gods.

Thousands of snow is still sitting on the ground, never dodge.

When this more than 100 yin and yang flying swords, the moment of the gods suddenly broke out of the gods.

With the sound of the gods sing, it seems that there is an invisible force to cover thousands of snow.

Under the attack of these more than 10 yin and yang flying swords, she not only did not suffer any injury, but also looked at Tang Ge showed a bright smile.

After a while, all the yin and yang flying swords lost their soul support, and suddenly dissipated.

Thousands of snow also scattered the gods of the body, and got up and came to Tang Song, sitting again to the other party.

Feel a thousand silent sippless, Tang Song can't help but smile look at each other.

"This is also useful?"

"I can feel it is extremely attached to my martial arts attribute. If there is a help, I will be able to successfully get inheritance this time."

Thousands of snow nodded.

And she didn't ask this magic from where to come, why there will be this means of inheritance; because she knows that if the other party tells her, he will tell her.

So this is also a point in Tang Song likes the snow.

Immediately, he took a small porcelain bottle from the system space, and he handed it to the other party.

You remember to take them in front of the inheritance, perhaps in addition to improving your mental strength, you can also make your martial arts quality improve! "

The martial arts is a transformation from illusory to real, approaching spiritual power.

So it is also useful to use it to enhance the spiritual Big Dan naturally.

And Tang Song is now in the spirit, this is the magic of Da Dan, but the same is not good to help him like the nine rigor of Jincan.

If you take it on the snow, you can get more improved!

In this regard, the thousands of snow did not refuse, and the porcelain bottles of the two Big Dan will be collected.

Then she fell on the body of Tang Song again, and like the opponent's deep binding in my mind, I can reflect the shadow of the other party.


I won't wait Tang Song, accompanied by "stab" clothing, the sound of broken, and there is more unobstructed body in his arms.

At the same time, Tang Song's ear has also passed soft sounds.

"The sky is covered, the bed is the bed, and the intestine of the monarch ..."

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