Starting from Douluo

Chapter 357, where is the most?

Although Tang Song has been determined from the previous two brothers and sisters and the History of the Mistan, the spectacular beauty seen in front of him is Yaoyong.

But he still looked at the foot of the peak.

No mountain gate.

It is a quiet monument standing quietly, and there is a word "" on the giant monument.

Just look at it, it seems to be in the face of the sea water, and a feeling of "Haina Baichuan has a big" artistic conception.

And this is also mixed with a stretch!

Fortunately, Tang Song itself has a strong rural ancient sacred body. The most is not afraid is the attack of this kind of artistic conception, otherwise this is that it is going to be embarrassed.

However, he finally determined the guess in his heart. It turned out that Haizong actually built it at sea.

One side.

When the door array is opened, Shi An has always paid attention to Tang Song.

When I saw the opposite side of the sea, I was an imaginary, I didn't even have something, and he suddenly marched.

It has been a good energy in the ancient period of the ancient times.

It seems that the future will not be limited!

"Hey, congratulate the host, shocked the history, gaining 3,000 shocks."


And was shocked by me?

I heard the sudden system prompt sound in my mind, although I have two thousand points earlier, I have not cared for Tang Ge, but a little strange.

What did he seem to have nothing to be shocked?

However, doubts are confused.

Considering that you are also a new newcomer in the first-day practice, Tang Song immediately issued a shocking voice immediately.

"Ah ... this ... this is the legendary cultivation of Xianxiang? There is still a crane, it is really amazing!"

"Hahahaha, you will be your home in the future, so I will adapt slowly."

Yunhai, you first arrange Xiaotang Ge in the outside area to help him register a new disciple.

After the old man, after the peak master, he arranged a spiritual root test. "

When I saw Tang Song's reaction, Shi'an is very satisfied with a smile.

However, in order to avoid Tang Song to be taken away by other peaks.

After explaining the Yunhai, he took Zhu Xuetun to enter the big array, directly in the peak of the Haizong flying.

Yunhai took Tang Song directly to the gate of Zongmen.

After confirming the identity, they walked to the hills along the mountain.

The whole of the whole Haizong has returned to the previous islands.


Three huge platforms were built on the hills and the main peaks.

The first platform is the area of ​​the gathering of the exterior disciples of Haoyong.

The purpose of Yunhai and Tang Song is here.

This is also the place where new entrance disciples stay before choosing the first stay.

However, because there is a non-special period, it is only a funeral disciple and the elders to fly.

Therefore, even if it is the cloud sea of ​​the interior disciple, you have to go to the mountain with Tang Song.

During this time, he could explain the basic components of Haizong to Tang Ge in advance.

The entire disciple is divided into exterior, interior, core and true disciples.

In the real disciple, there is also a sequence of ranking.

Real legend can be a sequence, but the sequence is not necessarily true disciples.

However, once it became a sequence, there is a qualification to compete for the qualifications of the Zhenhai Zongzong.

It's just too far to Yuhai and Tang Song, so Yunhai is just mentioned.

As for the right, it is divided into three deacons, the outer door is old, and the exterior disciples are responsible for various things.

In addition, there are functional facilities such as law enforcement halls, passions, foreign-in-dozen, etc.

The above is a position within each peak.

This information will be recorded in the jade jumble with the newcomers' disciples to learn from the disciples of the newcomers.

So the clouds are just a general story.

When he took Tang song to the place where the new discipline was registered, he was only casually mentioned the old man.

Responsible for a deacon of this place, I didn't dare to have any difficulties. I didn't help Tang Song registered the information, distributed exemption of external disciples, record Zongmen information and Zongmen entry-level leg cliffs.

He is also a five-piece spiritual stone and a bottle of gatherings in January and a bottle of Poly Spiritan to Tang Song.

have to say.

No matter which place, there is a background is good!

Therefore, after Thank this deacon, Yunhai has a smile with Tang Song.

Finally, Tang Song is arranged in an exclusive small courtyard in the outside area.

This makes the neighborhood disciples in the vicinity, and I'm envious of the new brother's identity.

It is necessary to know that the accommodation is still a good residence, there is no background, but it is not possible.

In this regard, and because there is something to leave, the Yunhai's brothers who left, Tang Song did not pay attention to these, and they directly closed the hospital door.

Because the yard itself will always protect the array, Tang Song is not worried that it will be disturbed.

He didn't even enter the room, and he sat directly on the stone bench in the yard, and started to see the newcomers received by this time.

First, a set of external disciples, white tedles, blue belts, preliminary dust, waterproof and fire prevention.

Secondly, the five items of Lingshi and a bottle of gatherings, and the gathering of the gathering is ten.

But this is exactly the garbage in the garbage for Tang Song already have Xianjing.

If you are not allowed, Tang Song wants to lose it directly!

The last thing is to record the jade emptivation of Zongmen information and entry.

If it is a newcomer that is not unfined, it is necessary to read the jade information in the way of dripping.

However, Tang Ge is not required.

With his super spiritual power, it is still very easy to open all two jade letters all, and read it.


I don't know how long it took, Tang Song's consciousness finally took out from the jade simple.

And regardless of the parade information that has been kept in mind.

Only to introduce this law, Tang Song actually discovered that it was too simple. It didn't have to wait for the Yunhai's brother to help him guide the practice.

He can complete the steps that perceive the spirit and introduce an innermost body.

And under the auxiliary of the wild ancient sacred body, the Tang Song feels that the cultivation will not be hindered.

But Tang Ge did not practice directly, but suddenly stands on the stone bench.

"Maybe this!"

It seems that there is a good idea, and his eyes are in an exciting light, and directly open the door out of the yard.

In addition, many foreign disciples have gathered here, and they are constantly discussing the identity of the new brother.

As a result, the original banned door suddenly opened, and suddenly scared them a big jump, and quickly closed his mouth.

Some are afraid to give yourself trouble, and you have to turn away.

However, the next disciple is unexpected.

In front of you, the new teachers who came out of the yard were not only angry, but they laughed with a very polite opening inquiry.

"Dear brothers, please ask us where is the most people?"

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