Starting from Douluo

Chapter 358 I have to build a foundation day!

After coming from the yard, Tang Ge didn't expect that there will be so many people.

However, in combination with the discussions I have just heard, he suddenly understood what happened.

In this regard, Tang Song is not only angry, but there are so many people who are happy, save him to find someone else.

So as everyone is quiet, Tang Song asked with a smile: "Dangdan sister, where are you, where is our Zongmen?"

Where is the most?

I heard this asking, everyone is a face.

But after the god came, one of the young men who were suspected in this group of outsiders had a bit slightly slightly hello.

"This brother should know that our Yahai Zong since Jianzong has been a thousand years old; even in most disciples have been left, all disciples who stay in Zongmen are also more than 3,000 people.

These three thousand disciples focus on outside the outside area, plus Deng fairy on the field playing method.

Therefore, if you want to go to the most concentrated place, you only have your requirements for your premium. "

Other disciples are also nodded and expressed their agreement.

The outer door play is the first platform built on the mountain pass.

Here is an external area.

Tang Song has seen this place because he has seen the detailed layout.

But the specific needs you need to go to see if it can determine if it meets your next plan.

So he walked directly to the active scene of the outside area.

People just left, and there were still dozens of foreign disciples who have gathered to the young man who was confused by Tang Song.

"Wei Shishi, what do you mean by the newly entitled brother, how do you have to find people most?"

"Yeah, yeah! This new brother is too quirky, other newcomers are thinking about holding time to do well. He fell, where is it, where is it?"

"It's hard to come into this new teacher, I saw the house empty, I wanted to pull a teacher with my sister and couldn't hurt?"


Tens of foreign disciples, you have a mess, there is no one, there will be a variety of wonderful answers.

The monument called Wei Shi brother is called Wei Xing, and there is a refining eight-layer repair.

Although his strength cannot be compared to those refining nine floors, ten-story brothers, but in the outside area is also ranking forward.

Listening to the various speculations of these teachers and sisters, Wei Xing suddenly found.

Just when the new entry of the unshailed brothers and sisters were in the face of their brothers and sisters, they were not only half a little, but they were not humble from beginning to end, revealing a full temperament.

This is not an ordinary person who has not yet stepped into practice.

What's more, the other party is still a young boy.

For a time, Wei Xing actually couldn't help but gave birth to an impulse to look at it.

I thought about it, he went to remind: "Okay, everyone has been entitled to constantly, don't reach the newly introduced brother."

And I am able to feel that this new brother goes to the external active farm.

If you want to know the answer, you will know what you know. "

After that, Wei Xing left here and walked toward the acting farm in the outside area.

Also stayed here, dozens of foreign disciples heard the Wei Shishi reminded, plus the good treatment of the newcomer's brother Get started.

Is it true that there is something wrong?

So they also chased it; during the other road disciples saw this, I thought what happened, and added to it.

that's it.

Unconsciously, most of the external disciples who have not been closed, all have been taken, and they have went to the field of foreign area.

Waiting until the last time, I asked each other, and everyone found that the sisters of the brothers and sisters around the surroundings were all asked.

In addition to the dozens of people at the beginning, others don't know what they are here.

Anyway, everyone is coming, I will come over.

But didn't wait for these people asking.

They saw that the edge of the active law was standing on the Dengxian monument, and a teenager who did not wear a foreign disciple's clothing did not know when I came below.

And this boy is still an ordinary person who has not even refining.

what happened?

How can there be an ordinary person who has not been practiced to come here, is it the new entry of the brother?

Positive values ​​These are a young man walking next to the teenager because of the puzzling of the foreign disciples in the active farm.

The young man is Wei Xing, and the teenager is Tang Song.

Looking up while using envious and worshiping, watching the tennisted names from the top of Dengxin, the opening of Wei Xing.

"We have three demon monuments, which stand in the outside, internal door and core area, which recorded the fastest speed to break through the foundation period, Jin Dan period and Yuan Ying period since the establishment of Zongmen.

And these disciples that can be on the list, there is no exception to achieve extraordinary, some of which have even already listed!

What can I want to talk about the list?

Even the current sense of the strongest genius in Zongmen can't be named in these three lists, let alone is our ordinary disciples. "

When it comes to this, Wei Xing is envious, and his face is a bitterness.

Obviously he thought of self-cultivation until 30 is now nearly 30, can be repaired in the refining period, don't say it is a dream of Jin Dan.

Even if you step into the roofing period, it has become a domestic amenities.

On the other side, listening to the story of Wei Xing, Tang Song's eyes are stayed in the first golden light of the last golden light in front of him.

10,000 Ten days!

From the introduction of gas into the monk, the monk of the refining gas is then until the refining is ten layers to start casting the Sky into a monk.

But most of the monks are probably being trapped by this refining, and it is difficult to break through the root period.

It takes more than ten decades of time to build a base period.

In front of him, this is the first to be the first to Haizong on the outside area, but it is only to build a foundation in ten days.

Even if the Tang Song will not help amazed.

Just, he is not only for the power of the predecessors, but in order to complete a plan in his heart.

Therefore, when the eyes swept around, I found that I didn't know that there were nearly a thousand external disciples.

Tang Song suddenly smiled and faintly.

"The district is only 10 days. Since I have been here, I have to build a foundation one day, breaking this record of the millennium!"

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