Starting from Douluo

Chapter 359 of the arrogant newcomer!


He said that he has to build a foundation day and break the record on Dengxian monument?

Tang Song's voice is not big, but the person present is not a monk, and immediately listened to the ear.

For a time, the audience was stunned.

All people have an incredible color.

Just after I went back to God, I don't know who said, "This is a newly introduced disciple", a burst of smiling time broke out.

"Hahaha! It's really ridiculous. I started for more than 20 years. This is the first time I saw this situation. Is I still not awake?"

"Newcomer! This is definitely a newcomer!

Because I have experienced a rigorous monk, a cruelty of the cruelty, it will not say this unclear.

I still want to build a foundation one day ...

If he can build a foundation a year, I will kneel down and call him Dad! "

"You still count, if this teacher is really a year, I called his father, how can I get you?"

"Xiaochie, you just didn't start, just stop here, you have done it in the day. Where come, hurry to go."

"Let's go, it's really lost. If you let the brothers or division of the brothers you enter, you don't know if you will regret it back!"

"Hey ... I have something happening, it turned out to have a new person who came to a brain. I know this, it is better to continue cultivation!"

"It's spread, stay here is also a waste time!"


With a laughter, nearly a thousand outdoor disciples gathered here, no one thinks that Tang Song can build a day, all are hot.

If everyone is a disciple of Haoyang, they don't even want to have a problem with this brain.

Because it is really too low their IQ!

Just along with the Wei Xing stood around Tang Song and Tang Song, because of the implicated, it began to be rhythmically paid by some people, and said that it was unknown idiots.

This is not light from Wei Xing.

But when I saw such a multi-speech attack, I always spared a lot of Tang Song, his inner anger did not know how, suddenly all sailed.

He has a feeling, and the other person has just been able to do it!

This allows Wei Xing's own heart full of incredible.

How can he have such a ridiculous thought?

Just thinking, the ear of the ear came again: "This brother, can you ask you to help the brother? It is still too little."

Talking is Tang Song.

Xu is because there is no result, at this time, the nearly three disciples who have gathered in the active farm have just begun to have a surprised expression, but even a little shock value is not available.

This makes him very depressed.

But fortunately, watching so many cultivated people are here, Tang Li suddenly determines that their plan is absolutely implemented.

And he also has absolute grasp to do the rhetoric that he just released.

But Wei Xing did not know.

Although he just gave birth to the ridiculous thought, he heard the request of Tang Song at the moment, or was scared to have a blurting.

"Is it also called?"

But just said, Wei Xing felt that this is wrong and quickly opened.

"Teacher's boss misunderstood, I don't do anything else, just want the brother to think about it, really determine whether it is also called someone? Do you want it?"

Speaking of the end, his tone was mixed with a piece of pleading.

But Tang Song is smiling and shaking his head.

"My heart has decisive, the brother doesn't have to persuade; if you can, hope that the brother can help me continue to call people, the more better."

"This ... Since you have decided, the brother is no longer persuaded. And, it is afraid that people are afraid of me."

Looking at the newcomer, the new teacher is so stubborn, Wei Xing can only shake his head helpless.

And as he said, when Tang Sheng put forward the request to continue to call people, some people have been actively promoted.

After all, this happiness is really worth sharing.

Tang Songs saw it, nature, no longer say, close your eyes, silently waiting.


Good things don't go out, bad things thousands of miles.

A newcomers who haven't stepped into the door have dare to build a foundation in one day.

This is even more funny on the external disciple on the active farm, and there is a feeling of being humiliated.

After all, even the old people did not dare to say this, a newcomer said such a word.

This is the face of red fruit!

So didn't have a long time, about the newcomer wants to build a foundation, if you insert your wings, it is coming throughout the entire zone.

In addition to the disciples of the closed customs, regardless of the disciples of the outside, as long as it is nothing, it will come to the outside work.

Soon, the entire outer workplace will directly increase from the original nearly three people to more than one thousand people.

Almost occupied Half Haizong's existing disciples more!

Such a wonders, even some of the acts of deacons and the elders are alarmed.

But after I know that this is just a newcomer who has just started, I just snorted "boring" and no longer continued to pay attention.

The law enforcement tutor who was mixed into them was prepared to disperse all the inside and outside of these puzzles.

But the result didn't expect.

Things have developed to the end, even a core disciple was alarmed.

It is mainly because of the first-door region of Wantian's predecessors in the first-door region, the core disciple has always wanted to catch up, and it is extremely respectful.

So when he heard that there is a newcomer who is not long, he is going to speak in the day of the week, and suddenly anger!

If you change it to other cores or true disciples say, this core disciple still doesn't think there is anything.

But the bias is said from a newly entitled disciple.

It is completely the disrespectful of the elder!

A arrogant newcomer!

Under the anger, where the core disciple can be quietly cultivated, directly left the Dongfu to the outside area.

Finally, as he appeared on the field playing method, a Jin Dan's momentum was released.

The overwhelming prevention is shrouded throughout the active farm, and the original discussion will be discounted.

All the disciples in the field are all in the cold, and the face is panicked.

This brother from the core area shouldn't you have to do it here?

When they thought, wearing a dark blue dress. The cuffs of the cuffs have the cold eyes swept around, and finally, they stayed in the Tangge who did not wear amenite under Dengxian.

"It is what you said to build a foundation, ready to challenge my Senior Senior maintained a long history of millennium?"

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