Starting from Douluo

Chapter 363 grabs the battle!

Haizong, a total of four five-day peaks, due to the different attributes of the inheritance, and is , , , Tianzhu Peak and AQING Feng.

Among them, the peak of the sea is the main pulse, and the main owner serves as the peak.

At this moment, with the tenth bell ramping from the main peak, the penetration of the penetration will be alarmed by the district disciples and the elders outside the closed customs.

They naturally understand the meaning of Ten Zhongming, and there is no shocked color on the face.

Do you have a newcomers with fairy?

Which peak is harvested?

One time.

After returning God, except that the main peak is from a long old, all other square peaks take all the peaks in the top of the high-spirited authentic biography and core disciples, immediately travel to the direction of the bell guidelines.

The reason why the strength to take strength, the core disciple, is because these peaks mainly show their strength and heritage of their peaks.

In case the newcomers who can pursue ten Zhong Ming have not joined the peak, isn't it just gave them a chance to recruit?

Also dispatched, there are law enforcement halls, and the elders of foreign affairs.

However, because of their elders, the deacons and even disciples are from all walks of life, so they are not for people, just want to take a new disciple that can drive ten bells.


, the peak of the clouds, an episode of a simple and breath, is sitting here.

If you carefully observe, you can find that the entire main hall is in addition to the main part, and other places are all built by Shangqua Lingshi.

Plus polyprotype assist.

The aura here is nearly liquefied, and there is a silky rash rain from the sky, so that the whole peak grows extremely precious fairy medicine.

More smarted cranes are flying around, and they will make a clear voice like a fairy.

However, these are all focused, the focus is the five big words containing strong roads on the Jade Gate of the Grand Hall.

Too big old house!

That's right, this is a place where the top of the Haizong top is gathered.

If the person who has returned the host or peak hosting and the strength to meet the meaning of the affection, if it does not go out, it will enter the Temple of the Temple and continue to practice.

However, the long-lasting hall is not only a good monk, and there is a higher level, but it is dulling in the main hall.

At this moment.

In the first floor of this hall, the main classmate of the Haihai Zongzong is uncle and the number of teachers who wake up with several self-cultivation.

As a result, the ten Bike sounded, and suddenly he stood directly from the chair.

"This is ... the sky is hi, is it true that I really have a fairy?" It is incredible and surprised by the life.

He immediately did not pay attention to the uncle of these teachers, and he hurriedd and left the Temple of the Temple.

Seeing this scene, the four or five of the four or five who have the same situation in the face of each other, one of them suddenly sighed.

"The sky is ten, that is, the disciple of Chengxian's capital appears in my Hai Zong. But only ten years away from the matter, I really don't know if it is a good thing to me."

"No matter what, it is also given us a chance of Haizong, hoping to come."

Another too long and old, shaking his head.

Other people have no opening, but a pair of loving eyes is full of worries.

It's hard to imagine what is going on, it will make them all the gentleness of the ceiling, and it will feel sad and urgent.


Zhong Ming 10 not only shocked the elders and peaks of the Zongmen, and even the inside and outside the interior of the three-way disciples just sent to the scenes in the field playing method were also shocked.

When they looked at Tang Song, I didn't know how to have a trace of hatred, but it was gradually replaced by the eyes.

This is a person who has a fairy capital that Lian Zongthentian, but it is actually able to become their brother, but also accept their meeting.

If the other party is really a fairy, then you can also say that the outside person can be said, even the fairy has a gift?

For a time, the inside and outside of the scene suddenly excited.

In this regard, Tang Song is also very surprised.

He really didn't expect that he was actually even the sky of Hai Zong's sky was alarmed.

It is said that the sky is to establish the treasure of the treasure from the three major Dai Xianmu, and accept the Monk Monk Fairy Wash, and the power of the half fairy.

Four big treasures connected to each other.

So when the exterior of the monument is changed, the sky will also make a reminder.

However, the fairy is unfair, and Tang Ge is completely unrestrained.

He is satisfied with that with Zhong Yumi, his shocking value has begun to rise.

At present, its number has broken through 100,000 markings, reaching more than 180,000.

There are even a few people who provide a few people directly a thousand points, even 10,000!

So Tang Song suddenly found that millions of shocking tasks seem to be not so difficult.

While thinking, he looked at the direction of Haizong Wufeng.

On the other side, with a powerful breath of a shares, there are dozens of shadows fly to this direction.

Other internal and external disciples on the active farm also noticed this situation.

Suddenly, a burst of excuse sounded again.

"This ... this is ... Is it even alarmed?"

"You can fly with people, you are at least old, saying that you can come from person to come."

"I dare to determine, it is the peak owner!"


In the excitement, accompanied by the wind whistling, when there is a black robes, the old cuffs have fly from the distance.

This is an old man.

And after him followed two core disciples that were the true pass disciple of Yuan Ying period and ten goldenans.

When people just arrived outside the playground, the old people wearing a black robes fell to Dengxian.

When he saw the changes above, he didn't help but loudly: "Who is Tang Song?"


At this point, two thousand disciples present did not move their attention to Tang Song.

The old people in the black robe is happy. It is not a long belt that is condensed by the manner, and the Tang Song will take it away.

But at this time, the three batches of people have rushed from the distance.

Moreover, these three batches of leaders wear is not only purple robes, but even the breath is also far from the old troops.

So I saw the behavior of the black songs in the black robe, and the three Purple roves rushed did not anger, and they were opened.

"Let's go! An elderly in the district also dare to grab people in front of me. Don't you put me the peak?"

"Mo Lian Mi, don't hurry to put down people, otherwise you are welcome to you!"

"This teenager, my red gold looks, you still give up early!"

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