Starting from Douluo

Chapter 364, I can receive this honor

Along with a burst of ruthlessness, three middle-aged men wearing golden robes instantly out of the team, appearing on the playing method.

And they have released the horror momentum of the body, and they directly enveloped the large net black robe old.

It is forced to have no choice but to give up Tang Song, and fully mobilize their own momentum to resist the impact of the waves.

But just like this, he and the disciples brought to him were all surrounded.

All kinds of momentum collided together, and the air waves formed by forming a stock began to spread outward.

This scared the nearby disciples quickly retreat, and if you are afraid, you will be implicated.

However, their heart is shocking.

The old man wearing a black robe is an old man on the peak of the peak.

Although it is impossible to compare with another three peaks that have been cultivated during his treatment, it also reached the peak of Yuan Ying.

At this moment, the long and peaks of the sectors and peaks in these weekdays have all gathered in the outside.

Even for a disciple who has just started, they seem to have a robbing battle.

This is really letting the inside and outside of the scene open your eyes, and you can't wait to have this treatment one day.

Even the core disciples who have been cultivated by Jin Dan began to envy Tang Song.

It is unfortunate that he is still in other disciples, and only people who have a fairy will be worthy of being able to grab people in person.

This is exactly the same.

In the half-air, the peaks of the three peaks were long, and the face was almost extruded into the water.

He didn't expect that he had nothing to do with the Lord of Lord, and he still did not take people away.

For a time, I can't help but angry: "If you follow the time, that is also the old man, this little guy has belong to me.

It's hard to be you are preparing to fight the identity of your own peak. "

"If you press you, there is a matter of this, let you come here to grab people here.

Now is the peak of our three peaks to the lead, it is enough to represent our three sincere, not like you. "

One of the peaks took the same sentence, immediately looked at Tang Song not far from below.

Turning his feelings be soft, soft and thin: "Little guy, don't be afraid, Laoffeng Herring, Red Gold Peak Lord.

Seeing that you should have just started, can you come to me Nikinfeng practice? "

"Hey! Ok, you are a husband, usually see you, this is, now I will say it, I will say it, so the little guy, don't believe any ghost of this old husband.

Fire Yunfeng is not good, spray the fire all day, maybe there is a closed door to wake up, and find that his cave is burned.

So still come to me, the scenery is pleasant, and there are many beautiful young teachers; if you come, they will definitely take care of you. "

In addition, the peak of Tianzhu Peak opened the red gold and fire cloud peak, and then took out the advantages of his peaks to temptation Tang Song.

After him, a few core disciples and several core disciples are a girl, a sweet and beautiful, and a plurality of figure.

With the main rule of Tianzhu Fengfeng, these beautiful disciples immediately showed the charm of Tang Ge and showed a sweet smile.

If you change to a generous boy, just this scared is to fall.

But Tang Song saw the habit of the beauty, nature is very calm.

Seeing that the Tianzhu Peak Lord is also incorporated into his own peak, so it is directly thrown away.

He said: "Little guy, as long as you can enter my day, I will immediately pass you, enjoy the true disciples!"

At this time, Mo Lian is always a glimpse, and then it is immediately broken.

"Ok, you are a jade, it is not a face, there is a matter of this battle, three hundred messages, see if you are eligible to grab people!"

"Tony said nonsense, I have seen this guy, I will get out of him again!"

"beat him!"


A group of disciples listened to the peak owner and the elders in the usual tall, and even rolled up the sleeve fight.

They look at it.

Good spicy!

But why is it good to feel?

Even Tang Song did not expect himself because of his own operation, the result caused such a stimulus, and suddenly, I want to see what these peaks fight.

It's just that he is interested, but it is always concerned about his clouds.

Because the Yunhai knows that Tang Song is brought by the history of the Hao Fighting, according to the reason, it is already a default joined his vast peak.

But the other party has a fairy-owned thing that is not expected.

Now I saw that as Tian Yu Fengfeng said, "pro-disciples", Tang Song's face is obviously exposed, and the clouds are suddenly sudden.

not good!

Don't Tang Tang Song he wants to go to Tianzhufeng?

Coupled with the fantastic people have not come yet, I am afraid that people have been pulled away from the Yunhai can't stand, I have to leave here back to the peak to call people.

As a result, he just moved, and suddenly there were four horrible momentum to cover the sky, and he climbed him directly on the ground.

At the same time, I came over.

"Hey, which little guy is going to go, it turns out is a peak. How? I want to take a few people don't pay attention, run back to inform you that the family is not?"

"Justice, Zhu Feng is not there, otherwise we have no chance to compete here."

"Optimized to him, who dares to let him go, the old man can't afford him!"


Listening to the four major peaks and the main words, they watched themselves from the sisters of the four five yuan and dozens of Jin Dan.

The cloud sea that is placed in the ground is completely angry.

In his district, one of the interior disciples of building the base period, He De can value the elders and peaks to him, even the brothers and sisters of the Jin Dan and Yuan Ying period do this?

Just because he is a vast disciple?



When can you pay attention to this disciple!

Finally, Yunhai can only look at the heads of a bitter, regardless of other people who have sympathy when they look at themselves, and look at Tang Song with the eyes of help.

Brother, I am like this, you are saying!

More than ten meters.

Tang Song naturally saw the cloud sea of ​​the butt on the ground, I couldn't help but laughed; but I didn't pay attention to the help of the other side, or I gave it.

In addition, he also found that the few big gaps in the sky were the mouth blame, the murderer, it is not hands.

Therefore, Tang Song finally didn't intend to continue to silence, and smiled and suddenly walked two steps.

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