Starting from Douluo

Chapter 388 Invitation


When Tang Song trials, the Fighting is back, it is originally prepared to return to the Hai Fengfeng to find yourself, and then ask a few powerful magic weapons.

As a result, he just arrived at the core area, and a figure will go, and open his mouth.

"Tang Dynasty, please stay!"

Soon this figure came to Tang Song.

Tang Ge looks at it, I'm happy.

The first time I was taunting him after being hit by him, and I took out a large amount of treasures apologize to the core disciple of Fu Hong Tibetan brothers!

To put it, you can easily avoid the attack of the sea shark king, or it is also a treasure sent by the other!

Thinking of this, Tang Song couldn't help but laughed: "Tibetan brothers, the flying sword you sent is very good, I am very satisfied!"

However, Yan Hong did not know what Tang Song thought, so he heard the other party, but also thought that the other party was ridicule him.

He suddenly became awkward, and it was very martial arts and shook his head.

"The brother is really aware of the mistake, so Tangshi will not joke and joke; you don't know, every time I think about the matter, my brother, I regret it!"

Tang Song is seen, very speechless.

I am thank you, you actually say that I am ridicule you, do I seem to be so small to the sausage?

He also lazy explained, asked: "I don't know why the brothers suddenly call me, what is the matter?"

"This ... this ..."

I heard Tang Song's inquiry, Yan Hong was already ready; but now I went to the bones, but suddenly I didn't know how to open it.

Tang Song turned over the eyes, and he went to the people.

This can be anxious here.

He can't think about what will be rejected, and hurriedly said: "In fact, the brother came to Tangshi, there is a thing that wants the teacher to help."

Immediately, Qi Hong said this in the case.

It turned out that it is a disciple of , as long as it is not a rare true transmission, you need to complete a certain number of parademics tasks every year.

This is also true.

Just before this, he looked at a task is about the investigation of a secular village suspected of being victims of the demon, and the task of being determined as the core disciples.

At the same time, the number of people receiving this task is up to two.

However, this matter is involved in the demon, many of the core disciples of Zongmen are reluctant to apply, and Yan Hong is not too big, so I have been dragging it now.

As for why he stared at this task, it was because he had to redeem a method of watching a long time.

If this task can be completed, the contribution of its rewards has just let Yan Hong redeemed the requirements of this law.

Finally, Yan Hong is full of looking at Tang Song.

"Tang Dynasty, although you entered the only two years, but if you need to be repaired, it is a core disciple.

It is just that the core disciples need to complete a parademption task a year. It is better to pick up this task as two people. "


Yan Hong didn't know, Tang Ge is not a core disciple, but the pro-disciple of Wantian Road, and the elevation of the generations of high generations have called a small teacher.

For anything to do, as long as no one takes the initiative, he does not need to consider it.

But I've been coming to this world for two years, Tang Song found that he had not been too much place.

Just repairing fails to rapidly in a short time, the system's first task is also close at hand.

So Tang Ge thought, go out to turn it down.

So he had to refuse, just went to his mouth, then swallowed back, and nodded.

"The brothers and sorrows of the brothers, in this case, the brother will accompany the teacher to go."

"That's great! Some brothers are accompanying, this task is absolutely easy to complete!"

Seeing Tang Song agreed, Joh flour tones, it is very excited.

After all, even a true disciple is not the opponent of the Tang Dynasty, and there is a paradise mission in the core area, and it is possible to stop the opponent.

In this way, the two will set off after three days.

Yan Hong is excited to run the task, and the materials needed to travel by the way.

Tang Song is a big array after returning to the Hall of the Hall of the Hori Feng.

Master is not there.

Tang Song's somewhere is sitting on the knee, and the personal data panel that has not been concerned will be told.

[Shocked System]

[Host: Tang Ge]

[Level: Jin Dan's late period, seventy-nine-level soul Shenghehai - the other side of the country, in the seal!

[Wu Sou: Double Soul Soul - Shanhe Society, Zhu Xian Fourth Sword, Seal!

[Soul ring: black, black, black, black, black, red, red, is affected by the mountain river field, can be combined into any color. Seal!

[Soul Technique: Shanhe field, unique, currently covered with a host-centric radius of 100 meters-wide spherical area. (Soul Trouble, Yin Yang Wings, Life and Dead, Temple, Gully Dead, Listening) Seal!

[Martial Arts: Chaotic hammer method, "line" letter secret, hell smelting, paradise god, the gods, the intervene "...]

[Talent Magong: Ziyi Shenlei]

[Physique: Chaos Holy Body (Chaos Open)]

[Shocked: 767850, in the seal!

Because the first task of the system has not been completed, most of this information panel is in the seal.

So many things don't change much.

Tang Song only swept it, and the attention was placed on the final shock value.

Near 77 million shocks!

There are only 230,000 shocks required for the millions of shocks required for the first system task.

This is because of the world's special reason.

If it is in the World of Douro, it can have such a variety of people like Yahai Zong.

Don't say it is two years.

A few months, Tang Song can easily accumulate millions of shocks!

But I think of this, Tang Song is still a depressed.

"It is clear to the task, and there will be no reward after it is completed; if you are not afraid to stay in this world, you really think that my rare is the strength!"

In fact.

In addition to Wu Sheng "Shanhe Society" and "Zhu Xian Fourth Sword", the soul skills brought about by his soul ring despite the power of power, the soul is much worse than the spiritual power of this world.

What's more, Tang Song cultivated or chaotic.

Even if he is now Jin Dan, its true war has also exceeded the title.

Therefore, Tang Song has planned to be good. After all the strength of our strength, try to integrate the cultural practice of the three worlds, becoming his own cultivation system.

In this way, even if you go to other worlds, you don't have to let the cultivation make a group.

I thought about it, suddenly there was a laughter to ring next to my ear.

"Little guy, what do you want? What do you want to enter?"

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