Starting from Douluo

Chapter 389 Chasing Long Sword! Heaven!

The laughter is ringing next to the ear, and the Tang Ge, who is thinking, wakes up, and rushes up the personal information panel.

When he turned his head, he found that it was a cheap master of his ghost.

Looking at the smile of cheap masters, Tang Song jokes, and the opening of dissatisfaction.

"Of course, I have been thinking that I have been in the past two years. When is the teacher to give the disciples a few of the fairy play."

Also let me send you a few of the fairy play?

Your kid is really dare!

For Tang Song's answer, Wan Tianshi is temporarily twitching.

Where did he know, the other party is in the air of his magic weapon!

For a time, Wan Tuo can't help but sigh.

"It's so fast for two years, and I didn't expect your repair so fast.

Originally, the teacher also worried that the foreign object would affect you, so he did not want to send your magic.

Today, I understand that I understand!

You can improve the Jin Dan during the two years, and it can easily kill the Demon King of the Harars, which has been greatly unexpected.

Since you plan to come out, there is no one or two magic weapons of the body, it is indeed very suitable. "

Speaking of this, Wantian Road is turned right, two pieces of bails are suddenly in front of him.

A flying sword, the same dark blue light like sea water.

A golden bell, golden rays are heavy and simple vicissitudes.

Both items are magic weapons, and feel the emotions of passing or exciting above, but also achieve the quality of the spirit.

However, Tang Song did not put it on the two-piece spirit, but surprised to watch 10,000 days.

"Master, do you know what I kill the sea shark king?"

"Although the Master is impressed by many transactions, I ignore your disciples, but I will really don't worry about you. See you out, I will send you a brother to protect you.

Because I deliberately pay your brother, don't show it before you are not dangerous, so you will naturally don't know. "

Wan Tian Dao is revealed with a soft and kind smile, nodded, whispered.

As for the Tang Song, the Tang Song learned from the disciple, he doubted that the monopoli evolved in the chaotic opening.

But this is the secret of the other party, and there is no question.

He only needs to know that this is just that the little guys who have received their two-year time for the disciples have grown to do not need to worry, it is already enough!

And Tang Song heard the explanation of Wantian Road and finally realized.

It is no wonder that when he looks at the personal data panel, it will find that the system prompts that are blocked by themselves, in the period of killing the sea shark king, there is a three-way information that has been shocked.

And every at least 10,000 shock is started.

It turned out that there was another teacher to protect my brother who contributed to my brother!

As for another two suggestions, it also involves any human fish.

Tang Song suspected that he was killing the scene of the sea shark, and he was seen by the strong man of this person, so we also have woolen!

But no matter what!

This shows that the master is still very concerned about yourself!

When you think of this, Tang Song can't help but sincerity: "Master, you are so good, you are misunderstood you!"

"Knowing the master is good for you."

OK, you also stayed in Zongmen for two years, although because of the relationship between Master, you don't have to make amenteen mission.

But since someone invite you to do a task, you will follow it; always don't have a car here, see other monks, help your realm breakthrough.

However, these two magic weapons have been able to play a bit for you.

And there is also a mark of the teacher, if you can't solve the enemy, just inspire the imprint, for the teacher, come from all over time! "

Said, Wantian Road has once again stepped out, and the whole person instantly disappears in the array.

The one-piece magic treasure flying in front of him is flying to Tang Song.

Without Tang Song, the quality of these two magic treasures seems to be extremely high, and it is automatically divided into a strong integration of Tang Song, and it has turned into Tang Song's Guao.

At the same time, the information of these two magic treasures is also present in the mind of Tang Song.

Chasing the dragon sword: the best spirits, the spirit is a real dragon dragon soul, can be flying sword Yujian flight, can also sacrifice to the real dragon to attack the enemy!

Tiandao Zhong (Pseudo): The best spirit, the imitation of the door fairy Tiandao Zhongzhi, the equipment is the soul of the mystery, you can defense, can also be trapped!

Two magic weapons have reached the best spirits, even if they have not been contaminated, they are already the top of the magic weapon.

Tang Sum didn't expect that his teacher did not send it, and it was a two-piece best spirit. It was really surprised.

What's more.

The imprint left by the Master on the two poolism is the weight!

As long as the imprint is stimulated, you will come to the Master.

Even if it won't be true, even if it is just a franchise, it is also horrible!

Tang Song even thought about the picture that the enemy suddenly desperate when he was willing to defeat him.

It is completely bullying!

"but I like it!"

It is muttered, and the Tang Song has a splendid smile, directly can't help but began to play the power of the dragon sword and Tiandao Zhong in this array.

Not a moment.

In this area where the array is shrouded, the "Dangdang" shock sound, and the dragon screaming.



In addition to the array of laws, Wan Tao, who had disappeared, once again emerged.

As he appeared together, there was another old man, and the breath was even more unspeakable. Even the aura became well.

After the arrival of the two, he didn't talk, just quietly looked at the Tang Song that was experimenting with two magic weapons in the array.

The Big Array has not played any effect on them.

After a while, the mysterious old people in Wan Tiandou took a nodded.

"Wanshi, you are right, this child does let us see hope; but only the last ten years left, everything can only be handed over.

Remember, don't break through, how long can you drag for a long time. I hope that we can sacrifice this wave of people, you can fight for you more opportunities! "

"Teacher, I ..."

Wan Tian Dao is a dark, I want to say anything.

But the mysterious old man is stopped, and smiled and shakes: "Don't say more, live for thousands of years, many things have already seen, maybe this is our life.

As for this child, I will give you it, I hope I can't break again. "

After that, this mysterious old man turned around.

Until the other party completely disappeared after the long-lasting palace, Wan Tuo recovered his eyes.

He didn't look at Tang Song in the magic, but looked up at the blue sky of the head, and the eyes were full of dignity, muttering the opening.

"You can change it!"

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