Starting from Douluo

Chapter 409 Beauty, such as Yun Tiancong

Looking at the personal information panel in front of the eyes, Tang Song did not hesitate, and his eyes moved directly to the bottom shocking value.

9533 Thousands of shocks!

Millions of goals needed to be in the system task only less than 50,000!

Although there is already a short in my heart, you can see this line of values ​​at the moment, Tang Song is still excited.

After two years, he finally has to complete the first system task.

Although there is no reward in the system, it is just unsapting the strength of the seal, but Tang Song still trusts the generosity of the system.

Maybe waiting for the task to finish the completion of the task, he will not be able to gain an imagination.

But let Tang Song are a little unexpected.

Perhaps because the wind is the reason for your own master, it may be that it is a million residents in Linqing too ordinary.

He has received nearly 200,000 shocks, many of which are all the eight names of the flourish blue and Tianyinzong.

Millions of residents in Linqing City actually have a shocking value of less than zero point.

This makes the Tang Song of the system log are quite disappointed.

Sure enough, the system will not let him drill this so easy to discover the holes.

However, I thought that Tianyinzong, who was going to go, Tang Ge's eyes suddenly looked up.

"It seems that the remaining shock value is still to count on these sects.

What kind of rewards will be given to me after the task is expected. "

Switch, he puts up the personal data panel, returning to the bed, starting to recover the chaotic power before recovering.


Time is very fast, and the blink has arrived in the afternoon.

After the adjustment of this half day, Lin Qingcheng has returned to the lively in the past.

All the city, the street alley and the teahouse restaurants are all about the cactus in the morning.

This time is the nearest time of the immortal, and they first saw a fairy that came with Thunder.

So I am afraid that I have been a ten-day and a half months, this excitement will not submit it.

at the same time.

Outside the fishing lake town that is encountered by the impact period, there are ten body shadow static stations.

The nine people were the nine elders of Tianyinzong who were almost genous to be killed by the fit.

However, at this time, the Xing Changshang is still another eight elders, and it is a respectful look at the tenth.

The tenth is the old man who has a silver, it seems that it seems that the old arrogant is not moving.

But in fact, she is a genuine monk, but also reached the post-in-law.

This is a person who is Tianyinzong to support Xing Chang's nine people. The identity is too old.

It seems that because I have been waiting for a long time, Xing Chang is afraid that I am so angry, I can't help but low voice: "Migshi, the teenager named Tang Song may be because there is something to come late."

"Xiao Xing, this teenager not only destroyed the conspiracy of the blood, eliminating a difficult disaster, but also the indirect killing of the fit, saving you nine people.

Such a good child, I will wait for a day, he is worth waiting here! "

When I heard Xing Chang, I was called the old man who said that Murchen Uncle laughed and opened.

It's hard to imagine that if you don't know, you will see this old man, you will not use it as a horror force that is a fit.

Instead, it is a kind old grandmother!

In this regard, whether it is Xing Changu or other eight elders, it can't help but relieve a breath.

And after another, accompanied by breaking the sound, and a year is far from the distance and nearly fast.

When he fell in half of the sky and the flying sword, he glanced through Xing Chang's elderly, and his eyes directly fell to the silver hair.

"The predecessor, the late Tang Song has something to delay for a while, and hope to see the seniors!"

It is not someone else, it is Tang Song.

He smiled and went to the silver hair.

Originally because of the Tang Song, the blood demon is destroyed, and the Tiangong Zong disciple and the old, the silver and the old man have a good sense of Tang Song.

Now I have seen their live people, they are not old, but they are so polite, people are long and handsome, and they will satisfy the satisfaction of the silver hair.

So Tang Ge said just finished, she smiled and nodded.

"Not bad! Yes! You are Tang Song, how old is old, can you have marriage?"


Is it going to give me a wife?

When I heard the old man, Tang Song suddenly turned a blame.

But he still laughed and polite: "The younger generation is sixteen this year, not married."

"Not yet married! Such good children should have to find an excellent school.

In this case, wait until Tianyinzong, I am the master, the child will pick it up.

What is the good-looking disciple is picked, I will help you!

You must know that in this fairy ancient continent, his wife can say confidence, disciples the disciples, no other parade.

As long as your little guy is, you will pick up your eyes.

In addition, this is my heart, I have received it, I don't do it! "

After determining that Tang Song did not have a certain couple, the silver hair seems to be more happy.

She smiled while taking out a silver ring.

The silver rings came out, he was slightly trembled, and a powerful breath was released.

Tang Song saw the shape, his eyes were immediately lit.


Sure enough, in other elders, the silver boy smiled and introduced.

"This is a dry gaze. It is a Chinese-printed device. It can also kill the enemy; although it is not your own in your hands, it is also my heart, the little guy is not to disappear.

And wait until Tianyinzong, I want to give you a chance to enter the treasure of Zongmen Baolo. "


One of the Chinese companies, who will disappear?

So Tang Song did not hesitate to get the dry bracelet.

Silver hair is happy to see Tang Song, and the smile is also full.

However, in order not to let the Zongmen worry, she did not continue to stay here, after removing the road of the road, returned to Tianyinzong with everyone.


The Tianyin Zong, although it is only five, but in the top three eyes are also unique.

This is not only because Tianyin Zong is the only woman's only woman in Xian Ancient mainland.

Their rhymes can not only kill the enemy, but also become auxiliary to enhance the strength of teammates.

It can be said that in the imagustic continent, every monk wants to marry or as a teammate is the disciples of Tianyin.

Although Tang Song is not very understanding for these gossip messages because of long-lasting closing.

At the afternoon, I called the Yinxing Laozhen, and Xing Long, nine people arrived at Tianyinzong. He completely understood why Yinfa is saying "Don't let him pick the eye".

In Tang Song, Tian Yinzong has to add four words.

Beauty like a cloud!

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