Starting from Douluo

Chapter 410 into the treasurer! System residue!

Unlike the Haizong, Tianyinzong is located in the valley surrounded by a mountainous mountain.

From the high-altitude, the architectural pattern of the entire Tianyinzong looks like a "well" glyph layout.

The pavilion chart, the scalp ratio, the horizontal and vertical crosshair is distinct.

There is a ten-story treasure towers in the middle of the valley. It is a treasure house, a collection, and treasure.

However, this is not a place to attract Tang Song.

When he fleshy with the silver hair and Xing Long's nine people flew down from the spiritual boat, they were attracted by the beauty of the eyes.

Looking at it, Tianyin Zong did not see a man, all of which were a female monk wearing a Zongmen costume.

And perhaps because of cultivation of immortals, add the requirements of Tianyinzong to choose the disciple, don't say that it is ugly, even the long-term phase is very found.

It is a big beauty that is full of Tang Ge's eyelids.

If you come together to constantly echoing the piano flute, this place is really a man's paradise!

For a time, Tang Song couldn't help but emotion.

Next to you, I saw Tang Song's look, and the silver hair was laughed.

"How? Can you see it?"

"Seniors, if it is not a disciple of Tianyinzong, I will definitely join Tianyinzong."

Tang Ge Road.

As soon as I heard this, I am very happy, but I am sighed.

"Unfortunately, if you have a wife, I have already seen your child, and you will definitely bring you to Tianyinzong.

Now, even if you give the old woman ten courage, I don't dare to grab people from the hands of the people! "

Because of the way, this silver hair has known the other person's teacher from Tang Ge.

For a scorpion that has reached the peak peak, it has once again appreciated Tang Song, and he did not dare to grab people from the hands of robbery.

However, it is precisely because of this, it is just proved that Tang Song enchanting talent.

I have to say that Haizong is really lucky, but I can receive such an excellent disciple.

what a shame!

Don't say that it is a silver-fashioned old, and even Xing Long's old nine people look at Tang Song with complex eyes.

Can be collected by a strong person who bursts, this is what they are all enviable as the elders.

However, it is more and more disciples who have gathered around, and Xing Changli suddenly reminded.

"Uncle M M Shi, still go to see the association first."

"You see that this person is old, and it has been poor, it is to see the main owner earlier, and let go of the Qingcheng's things and the master."

I heard Xing Chang Lao's reminder, I couldn't help but take a shot after I went back to God.



Time is very fast, blinking is two days later.

In these two days, Tang Song came to Tianyongzong's Tang Song, because of the destruction of the devil's conspiracy, he received the enthusiasm of Tianyinzong.

On the evening, Tianyin Zongzong, who is deliberate to Tang Song, prepared a rich banquet for Tang Song.

Plus Tang Song's special identity and handsome appearance, the disciple of being called to dance the piano is more showing.

Obviously, they have a heart!

Just unfortunately, Tang Song did not move for these beautiful sisters.

And in addition to remembering the things of the treasure house, he wants to find a chance to put more than 40,000 shocks required by the system mission.

Ni Tian Xianzong Zong Lord is too big, and then with Xing Long's elderly.

Even if Tang Song is promised to enter Zongmen Baolku to choose treasure, there is no sect of the disciples.

This makes Tang Song disappointment.

Why are you so reasonable?

Isn't it not because I have a big reason?

Think in the heart, Tang Song couldn't help but have an early way to return to Haizong.

After all, the teachers and sisters of the brothers of Haoyong have blood, dare to stand up and question him.

And that was saved by Li Xiaoyu, he didn't see the top surface with Tang Song because it was closable.

So, wait until the third day.

At the person of Xing Changao, Tang Ge, who is going to be impatient, is finally coming to the Ten Yinzong Ten Floor Tower.

In the face of this Pagoda full of panoramic, Tang Song couldn't help but ask: "Which layer I want?"

Xing Changxiao said: "This pagoda is divided into ten floors. The top five layers is the law of Tian Xianzong. The top five layers are placed in the treasure collected.

And your little friend, you have to go is the fifth floor, but it is a magic weapon with a spiritualizer level. Even if I just go in. "

When it comes, she suddenly feels.

After all, the fifth floor of the Baota is already the core treasure house of Zongmen. Any treasure inside is a large number of cardiologies.

Don't say that it is an outsiders, even if the people of the Zongmen want to go in and is extremely difficult.

Of course, Tang Song can go in, it is the result of the appropriate.

Although Xing Chang is emotional, it is not awkward.

So she took out a jade simple, handed it to Tang Song.

"This jade book you hold, enter the spiritual force, activate it, you can transfer you to the fifth floor. If you choose it, you will activate it.

Go in, I am waiting for you here. "

When I heard Xing Chang, Tang Ge was nodded.

Sure enough, when he activated the jade silk with the chaos, he suddenly felt a sustained force, and then the whole person disappeared in the same place.

Xing Chang is old, it is not surprising, and the closed retreat is waiting quietly.


The five floors of the pagoda, which is because he has not been in the end.

The pearl is shine, and the dust visible in the air.

Especially at this moment, a shadow appeared, and a gust was set off, the dust suddenly turned around when it was dull.

However, despite dust flipping, a piece of treasure placed on a wooden frame in a linear frame is still dusty.

at this time.

Under the light irradiation, it also reveals the appearance of people.

It is Tang Song.

I can't prevent it, I was got a bit, he couldn't help but coughed a few times.

"Cough and cough ... What to break, it is so dirty!"

Tang Song complained, while starting to observe the fifth layer.

There are only two wooden frames, and there is twelve lattice in parallel.

Every plaid is put in treasures, there is a magic weapon, and there are other treasures that can't be seen.

But these treasures look very common because of the long-lasting, it looks very common.

Tang Song couldn't help but frown.

"It doesn't look like a spiritualizer!"

As a result, his voice just fell, and the system prompts that had not appeared for a long time suddenly sounded at this moment.

And sharp harsh, unusual sound.

"Hey, detect the system residue, please collect the host as soon as possible!"

"Hey, detect the system residue, please collect the host as soon as possible!"

"Hey, detect the system residue, please collect the host as soon as possible!"

The system prompts that the sound foot is three times, and it has also formed an indication arrow in front of Tang Song.

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