Starting from Douluo

Chapter 411 absorbs! upgrade!

Here? Do you have a system residue?

I heard the three-sound-filled system prompt sound in my mind, Tang Ge is completely a horror.

For system residues, he is naturally known.

After all, the reason why coming to this world is because the system is because the system in order to get this so-called system residue.

And the system also released a system task for up to 30 years, and its purpose is to find system residues.

Tang Ge Bo thought that the system was given such a long time to task, and it will certainly be difficult to complete the task.

As a result, I didn't expect him that the first task just has to complete, the second mission goal is inexplicably ran to the eyes?

Do you think about it?

Is this task so easy?

I thought, Tang Song went back to God and immediately walked forward in front of the indication sign in front of him.

Soon he came to the second wooden frame on the right hand.

The direction indicating that the indicator indicator is step by the second row of the wooden frame.

In the square, it is really really a piece of disabled like a tinner, black.

However, when Tang Song reached out, the system's prompt audio proved that he did not have something wrong.

"Hey, find system disabilities, do you choose to absorb immediately?"

"Do not absorb!"

Tang Song immediately refused.


Here is Tianyinzong, if the system absorbs the moving and quiet, what should I do?

After all, it involves the secret of the system. It is nothing to do with high-profile points. This is absolutely unable to take a head.

And you can't go back to Hai Zong, you have to find a hidden place to absorb system disabilities.

Think so, Tang Song did not hesitate, immediately took the hand in his hand.

In the same time, the indication mark that originally emerged in his eyes disappeared.


Because of the fact that the system has been removed, Tang Song is not sure whether there is similar monitoring magic weapon in this pagoda.

In addition, the remaining magic weapon is that, it is impossible to compare with his chasing draft, heaven.

So he did not continue to stay here, directly activating the token disappeared in the original place.


In addition to the ten-story treasure tower, Xing Chang is close to the god.

Suddenly there is space fluctuation to wake her.

When I saw the Tang Song in front of my eyes, Xing Chang did not help but surprised.

"It's better so soon?"

"Choose a treasure, don't use how long it is."

Tang Ge launted.

Xing Changsheng listened, suddenly speechless.

The five layers of the pagoda can even be easy to enter, and there is a spiritual instrument.

If you change the other disciples of Zongmen, if you have the opportunity to go in, you still don't pick the picking and painting half an hour?

As a result, Tang Song fell, and there was no time to enter the half quarter.

However, I think about the flying sword of the best spirit in the hand, Xing Chang Lao is an envy.


This boy is already a person with the best spirit, and there is a Master of Robbery, and the mentality is naturally different.

As for the Tang Dynasty, Xing Chang did not see.

This is a personal secret, and the other party has the right to say.

However, the transfer of jade has set the permissions in advance, and the Tang Song of the fifth floor of the jade jade into the 5th floor of the Pagoda can only choose a treasure inside.

If the other party is selected, the jade will not transfer it.

So Xing Chang is not worried about the other party.

She just asked: "Tang Xiaoyou, where are you going next?"

"This time, I am asking for the maintenance, but the Master has already inform me to return to Zongmen a few days ago, so I am going to leave now.

I hope that Xing Chang will give me a thank you to Zong Wang! "

Tang Ge Road.

Xing Long nodded.

"Since you are calling you, you can't let your master have been waiting for a long time, I will send you out.

The main thing, I will say it. "

After that, she left this place with Tang Song and walked directly to Tianyuzong.

After the Tian Yinzong, Tang Song immediately controlled the flying sword, and turned into a light disappeared.

And Xing Changxiao turned to the temple of the Zongwen.


After leaving Tianzongzong, Tang Ge is in the east, straight to the sea.

But in the past, after a valley, he suddenly flew in the direction.

When I fell to the valley, Tang Song arranged a small five-way forward, and I used the monster that I have never reacted around.

Determine that he would not be born, he laughed and sat on the ground.

In the Tang Song taken the system residue in the space, he is full of ignition.

"I hope to give me a surprise."

Swirk, he will meditate "absorption" in his heart.


Turning time, the original dark-skinned system residue directly broke a thorny violet.

This purple light is not ordinary, so that Tang Song only glances, only the soul is like entering the spirit, comfortable.

At the same time, he has been unclear in the past this moment. This moment is instantly unspeakable. The power of chaotic in the body will grow up with a very fast speed.

In this influence, the hell furnace is also activated and condensed out a blast furnace.

Continuously there is a part of the Lingshi and the Best Lingshi to fall into it.

A horrible swallowing force is the center of Tang Song, which is beginning to continuously spread.

Gradually, with a large number of aura gathering, the entire valley became ready.

However, such a strong aura environment, several demon beasts that were separated from the diagnosis did not leave, but they were scared to escape.

They can feel clearly, if they are here, the beauty will not guarantee!

But good.

Because there is a five-way reverse isolated, the peculia released by the system residue did not spread outward.

When Tang Song couldn't help to close his eyes, he continued to refine its aura, and the system residue in his hand was also thoroughly rushed into his mind into his mind.

Rotating is the system prompt audio.

"Hey, congratulate the host, successfully collected a system residue, reward the host, a new feature of the system," "

"Hey, because the system is absorbing the wrap to start the upgrade, the upgrade time is undecided, the system space except system space is temporarily deactivated, and the shock value cannot be obtained, please understand."

It's just a pity, now Tang Song has fallen into a strange state because of the cause of purple light.

So he did not hear the system's prompt sound.

Otherwise, Tang Song will feel depressed.

After all, the first task of the system is to complete, and the result suddenly came to temporarily unable to get shock.

If you know this, he said what he has to slowly absorb system disabilities.

of course.

Although the Tang Song did not expect it, the emergence of violette made the chaotic power in his body gave a leaping growth.

I can't say this opportunity, Tang Song can break the baby, become the Yuan Ying period!

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