Starting from Douluo

Chapter 417, if the abacus falls

"Since the young teacher does not believe, let the young teacher people feel the power of this dead wood!"

During the biting teeth, I didn't know when I didn't know when I was in my hands.

It is the dead fabric in his mouth.

On the same time, in the weeks of the Qing Dynasty, the seven or eight pieces containing a pound of the papkin, which looked like an inner Dan.

What is this?

Tang Song is secretly surprised, but there is no interruption, just waiting quietly.

At this time, you have activated the dead wood.

When a glossy glaucoma, the dead wood in his hand became a cyan vortex, directly released powerful swallowing.

However, this swallowed power is in the middle of the square.

Therefore, when the swallowthrough is released, the first rush is surrounding the eight monsternes in the middle of the world, and a large number of vitality is constantly moving from the demon sources.

Soon, all the confessions were swallowed and turned into ashes.

The power of pounds that flourished from the demon Dan after the exchange of cyan vortices formed by the dry wood, and has begun to condense a unique figure in the vortex.

Several breathing.

The figure is realized by virtuality, suddenly squatting blue vortex, appearing in front of the calendar and Tang Song.

Dynasty, because the results have been known, so the emergence of this figure is not surprising.

Instead, when I saw a Tang Song, who had been stunned, his face suddenly revealed a smile.

"How? I will not feel that I am a broken character now?"

The yard.

Tang Song did not pay attention to the ridicule of the heavens, but to pay attention to the complete work of standing next day, and witnessed another "life" formed by a licking and eight demon.

This "Life" may not be goddess, shaped.

But if you close your eyes, you will judge from the breath, you can't see the difference between it and the true life.

of course.

In terms of strength, this fake life has not been able to reach the realm of Yuanying compared to true life.

But even so.

Tang Song also had to admit that the dead wood sent to him is indeed not broken. If you use it well, you can fully play the role of Jedi.

It seems that the Tang Song's mind is the same, the life in the half is once again smiled.

"The dead wood is not only this, but you don't think it's no soul, even if you really live again? Is this?"

Said, I saw a light bursting in the middle of the day, straight into the avatar.

Then, the original double-sighful incarnation "Life" has suddenly stepped into the front of Tang Song, and there is a smile on his face.

"Uncle Xiao, now I still feel that I am fake?"

"This ... is it ... Is it ... Different control means?"

Tang Song finally no longer hidden, some shocks.

It is very satisfied with the shock of Tang Song.

While he was brought to the end of the dead wood, he would have been sent to the Tang Song.

This time, Tang Song did not refuse, and all the characters in this hand were all received.

Talking about the moment.

"Come on, let's take a chat."


Tang Song will follow the sparks, only to control the next product, the flying sword and the calendar, and fly towards the Core of Zongmen.

During the period, it will also say the specific usage of the dead wood is also said to Tang Ge.

Die, the force of the vitality, the body of condensing compass.

In theory.

If the material that makes a dead wood is well enough, the more the power taken, the stronger the strength of the incarnation of the intensive.

The two dead wooded characters taken by the sky is the most powerful incarnation of the fodder.

at the same time.

People who control the character can also share a hint of hibiscoves, thus achieving the purpose of manipulating incarnation.

This does not help Tang Song think of a method of using the character, that is, after entering the empty space, his body directly finds a place to hide.

Then he directly activated the dead wood, and united the avatar to explore the gods.

Although the avatar has no addition to the chaotic holy body and the chaotic holy body, it is connected with the "Tiantang Shenquan".

Tang Song believes that no one is his opponent.

What's more!

The core of the avatar is still a dry, as long as the compass is not destroyed, incarcifies even damage, but still can swallow the life of the life!

Have to say, this situation doesn't even seem to have something difference and the magic means.

It is also because of this, after being developed by Tianzhu Peak, there is no promotion in the public, but is sealed as a top secret.

As for the reason why it is now telling Tang Song and handed over two Tang songs, it is to improve Tang Song's security in the next virtual.

And in the virtuality, no matter what, as long as it comes out, all living monks will lose memory in the virtual.

This is also the real reason that calenders is not worried about being leaked.

in this way.

I don't know.

The two flew all the way, and they have come to the core area.

When I saw a hundred shadows that had been gathered in the front of the play, I have stopped talking about things, and I fly down with Tang Song.

After they fell to the active farm, the hundred paradise disciples waiting for it did not have a spirituality.

"The disciples have seen the primary!"

"I have seen the uncle!"


In the same time, there were four figures came to the front of the world and Tang Song.

It is the Lord of the Summit of Haizong.

After all, this series of hundreds of disciples come from their four peaks, and I don't know if I have a bad line.

In the case, this four peaks will encourage it.

And in order to cooperate with the work of Tang Song Xiao Shi, they have to warn these disciples in their own peaks, must be old to listen to the arrangements of the Tang Song Xiao Shi.

So don't wait until you have opened the day, the Feng Yunfeng's peak owner looked at Tang Song and smiled and opened.

"Uncle Xiao, now with you to go to empty disciples, you are here, do you see if your strength is displayed in front of them?"

"Situ's proposal is good, the teacher's uncle will shock these hairs and children, and they are not looking for things!"

"Do you want me to shoot, with the young teacher,?"


As Funun Peak proposal, Red Golden Peak and Tianzhu Peaks have attached.

In particular, Tianzhu Fengfeng's main jade slogan, seeing his appearance of jumping, I really want to play with Tang Song.

In his opinion, this is so happy, the little teacher, in the face of hundreds of the best disciples, will never refuse him.

And he can also take this opportunity to establish a majesty in front of the disciples.

See it!

Although I called him a small teacher, he is still a peak of my peak in terms of strength.

But unexpected is.

In the face of the proposal of the three peaks, Tang Song is very modest to shake his head.

"These are my brothers and sisters, I should respect them, and should not show off their strength in front of them, so I still have to be."

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