Starting from Douluo

Chapter 418 changed me to protect you!

Calculate ...

Calculate ...

Is it?

When I heard Tang Song, don't say that the four peaks were stunned. When I was watching the Tang Song, I saw that I had a wrong person.

Tang Song has not been introduced.

Only two years.

However, in the past two years, take out what the Tang Song is doing it, which is not a variety of high-profile and all kinds of "" to play the face of the teacher's sisters.

After all, people who are not high-profile can promote peace before each breakthrough, and then in the face of everyone's face-to-earth breakthrough scene?

Therefore, in the eyes of the world, the eyes of the four peaks, Tang Song is the kind of talent, long and handsome, and love the disciple of the limelight.

Everything must be clear and shocked!

This nature cannot be said to be bad.

But it is definitely not good.

Just let people have a powerful teacher, even if they go out to provoke the magic repairs, they can help the Master help.

So what happened to the character?

No one dares!

This is the Tang Song that can't know the peace of mind and the four peaks.

But now, the one they know, and the Tang Song who loves the limelight is actually in their faces, saying that I want to respect the teacher's sister and low-key acting.

This is afraid that the brain is cramping, saying wrong?

Will he say this?

Therefore, after returning God, the Suman Peak Lord looked at Tang Ge, and the eyes were full of weird.

Life, I can't help but speak: "Uncle Xiao, I know your character, so you don't put it; we will not presented you, you will definitely stop you.

Of course, if you are worried about sharing your face in front of these disciples because of losing to Yucao, this is fully reliable.

Yu Daozi will not pay attention to the big situation, let him lose to you, he is in the mouthfuls.

In this case, you can also take the opportunity to show the powerful strength that you can defeat your own gods, thus shocking these disciples. "

In the face of the words of the day, Yu Daozi really wants to refute.

After all, where did he want to lift the oral to Tang Song?

It is clear that I want to take Tang Song.

But the words, Yu Dao can only say ambiguous expression, you are thinking like this is like calendar.

Unfortunately, it is really thinking about this time.

If the Tang Song really wants to show his strength before the system is not upgraded, get more shocks.

But now I can't get shocking, he also shows a fart!

Nothing to find yourself?

Therefore, for the words, Tang Song is very innocent: "Zone, I am a person who loves the limelight? Don't you want to say evidence!"

Life: "..."

Summer: "..."

If you want to talk about evidence, they can take a lot of evidence to drown the young teacher!

But all the words are here, and it is not good to continue to entangle.

He put his hand to let the hundred disciples here quietly, after the sound of calm down.

"It is not long to open the virtual situation. Today, the reason why you will convene, there is nothing else, just want you to see your uncle.

After all, he will lead you into the virtual situation, so you all need to listen to his arrangement, and you must not claim.

And I believe that your uncle ancestors will be introduced for so long, you also know his strength.

So this time, you can't gain something, can you safely return to Zongmen, everything looks at you with your small teacher. "

For this point of life, hundreds of disciples present have no objection.

in contrast!

With the calendar, there is a disciple of the disciples.

"The master is relieved, we will definitely listen to the arrangement of uncle's ancestors!"

"An uncle's ancestor, the mission of the master, the disciples must be completed!"


In the end, hundreds of disciples are all unknown.

And look at them, obviously did not doubt the strength of Tang Song, even fortunate.

After all, Tang Song was shocked by the throne of Jindan robbery, hundreds of disciples present were obvious to all.

They believe that the uncle of Tang Song is with the competitors from other Zongmen!

It's not worth mentioning!

As for the life of the Tianding and the four peaks, they saw that the disciples were so cooperated, and they were crying.

Originally, they still thought that they needed their own elites, and the results were completely unwind!

It seems that you don't need yourself.

Think of this, in the eyes of Tianting and Suman Peaks, the disciples are familiar with each other, they will leave their heads.

And their five people just went, and there were hundreds of disciples who were restrained and completely let go, and they have gathered to Tang Yang.

Even if it is a core disciple of the top ten Jin Dan to the peak, there is no longer proud.

In the face of the first two years, when the teacher of the uncle's ancestors, they really worked in the bottom.

This is said that it is full of humility and dramatic meaning.

After all, from the record of Zongmen, the email is full of opportunities, but it is also dangerous.

Almost ten people who can live after entering it.

Such a high mortality allows these disciples to firmly remember the content of the primary, must firmly hold the thighs of the uncle of Tang Dynasty.

I want to live! Xin Dynasty uncle!

Absolutely yes!

In this, there are two people who know Tang Song.

Zhu Xuetang and Yunhai.

Taking Tang Song now is a cultivation of Jin Danfeng, he will see the strength of these two brothers.

Still building the peak.

Obviously, the peak of the vast peak is also the attention of these two in the emotion.

Otherwise, in their talents, two years should be broken to Jin Dan.

In this way, Tang Ge suddenly crowded from the division of the brothers around, smiled and walked to the front of Yunhai and Zhu Xuetan.

"Yun Master, Zhu Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time!"


I haven't seen you for a long time, it's two years ...

Feeling the smile from Tang Ge's face, Yunhai and Zhu Xuetan are not full of complexity.

I want to come to the other part of the children in their eyes, and they are brought back from the world under their protection.

After two years, the other party is already a uncle's ancestor, and it is more reaching the golden Dan.

And you still stay in the root period.

Is this true genius?

On the occasion of the heart, Yunhai and Zhu Xuetan did not know how to open.

If it is not because of his father's harsh, Zhu Xuetang is even not going to go to email.

After all, this kind of drop, it is difficult to accept it.


Tang Song seems to be aware of the minds of the two brothers and sisters, and he suddenly took the two people in the front step.

When separated, the Tang Song is full of sincere smiles.

"Dish! Teacher! I was protected me to introduce me. I will change you this time!"

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